
Friday, March 13, 2020

On Friday

A week of staying local, staying around home, only venturing out to the local shop when needed for fresh goods like milk, yoghurts, fruit and vegetables.  Also to the library to collect books, an appointment at the optician and a couple of walks in quiet places. 

 Friday has come around so quickly again so below are five things from this week.

1.  The first rhubarb from the garden turned into a crumble and served with our favoruite rhubarb yoghurt. 

2.  Also in the garden the first signs of Lungwort, Wild Garlic, Bluebells and White Windflower.

3.  Iris and crocus at Trentham, we went early one morning to walk around the lake whilst it was quiet and ventured up into the gardens to look at the spring flowers.

4.  Library Books.  One read - the latest Louise Penny, one being read - the latest Kate Ellis Wesley Peterson novel.  The other two to be read.  I've been reading books on Kindle so it's good to get back to real books although I did struggle a bit with the print size of the Louise Penny novel.

5.  A few treats, a Sunday breakfast of orange juice, croissants and coffee.  A bowl of crisp, sweet red apples and a homemade cottage loaf made to an old recipe for Paul's bread website.  He makes all our bread but we do occasionally buy wraps, bagels and croissants from the supermarket.

Tomorrow will be an anniversary for this blog as I will have been blogging for fifteen years.  My first post was written on Monday 14th March 2005.  Where has all that time gone?  Those early posts have no photos with them as we didn't have a digital camera then.  Now I feel the posts are more photos than text.  I find I can't write long passages of text now because of how being on the laptop for any length of time affects my eyes, but I hope to carry on for a while longer if possible.


  1. Happy blog anniversary and do hope you can carry on - your wonderful blog would be sorely missed.

    A lovely set of images - it is so lovely to see flowers appearing in the garden.The crumble and bread look delicious and thanks for the link to the bread website which I will check out as OH often makes bread :)

    The reading looks promising! :) Enjoy and take care.

    1. Thank you RR. I still enjoy blogging so will keep going when things get better perhaps. Have been in the garden this morning tidying up, sweeping leaves etc. Hope you enjoy the bread website. Take care:)

  2. Beautiful photos, as usual.

    Being "older," we are advised to not leave house. I have chosen to not get library books.

    Luckily, we have our Dear Daughter in Law next door... To pick up needed meds, for us. And extra non-perishable food, if needed.

    Just about every gathering, is cancelled. Our college "grands" have only on line teaching for rest of year. Etc.

    This is totally new. So, we can only do what is humanly possible.

    Stay safe!
    🍃 🌱 🌷 🌱 🍃

    1. Thank you WoW, you are very wise to stay put and are lucky to have someone close by to help. As they are saying here and there 'keep calm and wash your hands' - take care and be safe:)

  3. I've only recently discovered your blog. I enjoy your writing and your photographs so I hope that you will continue posting for a long time to come. I know many bloggers have moved to Twitter or Instagram but I find them somewhat unsubstantial.

    1. Thank you Anne, I'm glad you have found my blog and thank you for visiting. I will carry on when I can probably less often at the moment. I'm not on Twitter or Insragram and prefer blogging to anything else:)

  4. Congratulations! Fifteen years that's amazing, ten years more than me, and still as entertaining as when you started, probably more so with all the great photos. Five more to add to the list with your delicious rhubarb and breakfast, colourful flowers, the year is zooming by and a great stack of entertaining books. Enjoy your weekend Rosie 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, this year seems to be romping on even though we are doing fewer things with our days whilst we stay local, hopefully as the weather dries and warms we'll be able to spend more time in the garden. Have a lovely weekend:)

  5. Beautiful photos. It is exciting to see the first flowers appearing. Congratulations on blogging for so long.

    1. Thank you Jean, yes it is lovely to see all the colourful Spring flowers after such a grey, wet Winter:)

  6. I am a new reader of your blog and I'm really enjoying it. I hope you keep posting.

    1. Thank you Hannah Jane I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog and thank you for leaving a comment. I will keep posting for a while - I usually write about places we have visited and etc and not much of that is happening at the moment:)

  7. Congratulations, that is quite an achievement. The spring flowers are a joy, much needed this Spring! As to your library books - I would be very happy to read all of those and I wouldn't mind a slice of that bread, either.

    1. Thank you Elaine, the bread was delicious especially toasted for some reason. As there is just the two of us it was divided into three sections and two parts frozen:)

  8. Your breakfast looks delicious.
    I think we are all staying home and keeping busy reading and crafting and just taking things one day at a time. I'm a homebody and can always find things to keep me busy.

    1. Thank you Julie, it seems sensible to stay close to home at the moment even though there are places we need to go and people we would like to see. The breakfast was a lovely treat and reminded me of being in France. Stay safe:)

  9. Lovely post Rosie & looks like Spring is so near with all those flower photos. Well, 15 years! Congratulations & I'm glad I found your blog to read. Have you an email attached?
    Take care & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan, thank you, yes the flowers were lovely and colourful. Don't know where fifteen years have gone but I've really enjoyed blogging so will keep on for a while. There is an e-mail somewhere in the system as I sometimes receive replies to comments from other bloggers that way. I'll put it below for you in case you can't find it:)


  10. Congratulations on the milestone!

  11. Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Your blog and blog friendship has been much appreciate over the years. I hope you continue when you can and I hope the optician's appointment was of benefit. Lovely five here. Wind flowers are so delicate and pretty. Glad to see your wild garlic plants doing well and nothing better than rhubarb especially with yoghurt. Enjoy your reading.

    1. Thank you Linda for your kind words and continued blogging friendship. Nothing seriously wrong with the eye. I had thought it may be another tear in the back of the eye, I had one over ten years ago and it was treated with a laser. It's been passed to the docor's surgery now but I doubt I will do anything about it at the moment as there are too many other serious things for them to worry about. The wind flowers are very pretty and open as the sun comes out. Take care:)

  12. The rhubarb looks yummy, i'm the only one in my house who likes it so I rarely have it. That's quite an anniversary! :)

    1. Thanks Pam, those years have gone by so quickly. I love rhubarb and gooseberries too of the early fruits. Plums are also a favourite:)

  13. Happy blog anniversary Rosie! I do hope that you continue to blog even if it is more photos than words. Your photos are lovely and I especially like the look of Paul's cottage loaf! Take care of yourself. I think blogging is even more important in these troubling times. x

    1. Thank you Simone, I'll keep going whilst I can. The loaf was delicious, especially toasted for breakfast. Difficult times ahead I expect, stay safe and well:)

  14. YOU and your posts are wonderful. We so hope and trust you can keep sharing. however you do so.. photos tell a thousand words. Take care XX

  15. I hope you do keep it going, Rosie, I love visiting. And I love all of you your five things, so normal in these crazy times. I've also given up on proper books, once your eyes get used to kindle, there is no going back.

    1. Thank you Amalia, I'm glad you enjoy your visits here as I enjoy my visits to you. Crazy times indeed, stay safe:)

  16. My latest post....

    Gentle hugs,
    Stay safe,
    🌱 🌷 🌱

    1. Oh dear WoW, I have left a comment on your latest post, take things easy and stay safe:)

  17. This is such a heart-warming post in these troubled times. Our library and all other non-essential services have closed indefinitely, so we’ll be digging through our bookshelves at home for the time being. Be safe and well. Hugs, Marie x

    1. Hello Marie, everything is closed here too now. I have returned two of the books the other two can be put into a returns box outside the library, I can bottow e-books and also get books on kindle. Hope you stay safe and well too:)

  18. Happy Anniversary on your blog, I do hope you'll be able to carry on a while longer. This looks like a lovely way to enjoy extra time at home and staying local.

    1. Thank you Louise, blogging is so much a part of my lofe now it would be hard to give up completely:)
