
Friday, November 22, 2019

Five from the last few days

The last week seems to have gone by so quickly. The weather has been damp and gloomy for the most part with the odd sun graced morning or late afternoon.  In the garden leaves have been gathered up and small areas of the grass cut, other parts are too wet. It's 'stir-up' Sunday this weekend and ingredients have been bought for making a Christmas pudding. 

Whilst out and about we've seen many signs of the coming festive season so I've included some here.

Monday - a lovely walk around Biddulph Grange Gardens where it was still showing stunning Autumnal colour.
Tuesday - a trip to the nearest Waitrose which had lovely decorations hanging in the cafe where we were offered free cup cakes with our coffee.  We didn't actually eat them but brought them home as a treat for our housebound neighbours.  The bakery department kindly gave us a box to transport them in.

Wednesday - a short visit to World of Wedgwood where all was looking very festive.

Last weekend a walk at RSPB Consall Woods.  The edges of the towpaths along the Caldon Canal had been damaged in places by the heavy rains of last week.

Finally a bit of silliness at the local garden centre - singing reindeer.


  1. What a lovely thought to take the cup cakes to your neighbour. We too have identical singing reindeer at our garden centre. They made me laugh when I saw them. Have a good weekend. B x

    1. The reindeer are quite funny aren't they? One of the neighbours has to eat as much as she can to build strength to cope with the MND. Have a good week:)

  2. We had those cup cakes when we went for coffee the other day at our favourite cafe in Waitrose, great to have a freebie. lol

    1. It was lovely to be given the cup cakes but it was after we'd ordered a danish pastry to share so we couldn't eat them at the time hence bringing them home to give away. Love Waitrose always friendly and clean:)

  3. Singing reindeer...LOL. Those cupcakes look awesome. So many nice pictures of the seasons. It's been pretty gray and gloomy here, but the sun is actually out today. I'm almost afraid to say it outloud, shhhhh, it might go hide again, lol.
    Sandy's Space

    1. They were funny but irritating too in a way. Autumn has been lovely here in between all the grey and damp, heavy rain here again today:)

  4. I can imagine the smiles when shoppers saw the singing reindeer - reminders of the Be Happy singing fish they used to sell years ago.
    Hope the stirrers wishes come true!

    1. Ha Ha, yes I remember those singing fish, people were very amused by the reindeer but I bet the staff will be sick of them pretty quickly:)

  5. How sweet of you, to bring the cupcakes, to your house-bound neighbors. -smile-

    Makes us grateful, to be going around, as we can. You, much younger than we are. But still...

    Damp here also. Which is the worst kind of cold. -sigh-

    Lovely places to see! Singing reindeer hu? -giggles-


    1. Damp and wet but warmer here. Not so young - heading next year for the three score years and ten, it makes you stop and think doesn't it?:)

  6. It sounds as if you had a good weekend and week with some enjoyable times at different places. Everywhere is looking festive. The reindeer models are fun :)

    1. The walk at Biddulph Grange was lovely and quite quiet at this time of year and stil so much colour to see. Festive decorations are certainly to the fore now:)

  7. Lovely seasonal photos Rosie! I bet your neighbours were happy with their reindeer cupcakes. It is the little thoughtful things that make a person's day isn't it? The walk at the woods is something I would find really enjoyable. Have a lovely weekend. :)

    1. Both parties were happy to receive the cup cakes. We don't seem to walk as much as we used to so getting out and about in better weather was good. Have a super week:)

  8. Super seasonal photos Rosie and what a kind gesture to take the cute cup cakes to your neighbours. It looks as though you have had a good week despite the damp and gloomy weather. Biddulph Grange gardens look very colourful and I love the singing reindeer. I'm making my Christmas Pudding here too this weekend - just about to check Mary Berry's recipe to see if I need to soak fruit overnight! The cake will have to wait until next weekend or next week! Have a super weekend.

    1. Christmas pudding is made I may do the cake this coming weekend. Biddulph was lovely, very colourful but slightly misty too, Consall is now run by the RSPB there are a few changes but not many so far. The reindeer were quite cute and funny, they usually have real reindeer there too in December:)

  9. I'm sure that was a lovely treat for your housebound neighbours! Lovely photos from Biddulph Grange - I haven't been there for a long time!

    1. Biddulph was looking wonderful at the turn of the seasons, misty yet still lots of colour. Cup cakes were enjoyed:)

  10. I estimate it would take 0.000008 seconds for me to find the singing reindeer irritating. :)

    1. Ha Ha, cute at first, it was the song they were singing too that would irritate:)

  11. What an excellent week! Good old Waitrose, how nice to be offered the free cakes too. 😊

    1. It was a surprise and as we had already ordered a danish pastry we couldn't eat them. The bakery department gave us a box to put them in so we could get them home without damaging them:)

  12. A lovely cheery post for a Monday morning, I have to say I love the reindeer!!

    1. We certainly need something cheery at the moment. The reindeer are funny although you need to hear them to get the full effect:)

  13. Lovely seasonal photos, Rosie. I’m just wondering what the reindeer was singing? Could it have been, Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer...? Marie x

    1. I think the reindeer were singing a comic 1930s type song but I can't remember now. Not Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer anyway:)
