
Monday, July 15, 2019

Summer Flowers

It's been a strange weekend.  For two or three days I've felt  'under the weather' as mum and dad used to say.  My eyes are blurry and I'm struggling to read for any length of time, I can now only read larger print in books, on my kindle and on blogs.  My tinnitus seems much louder than normal and I'm sensitive both to light and to loud noises which make me jump and feel anxious - usually those at a certain pitch.  The worst things are those large trolleys of goods to be shelved rattling through the aisles in supermarkets, the scraping of chairs on non-carpeted floors, the screams of toddlers in their pushchairs and people shouting loudly.  I don't usually even mention these things and try to just get on with life but this weekend it has been troublesome.

Apart from that I'm okay and things could be much worse. After a restful weekend I was able to get out and about for a walk this morning.

No more words I'm just going to overload you with photos of the flowers around the lake and in the gardens at Trentham taken around 9.30a.m. this morning.

I still have several posts to complete from our recent time away, specifically about the Trincomalee in Hartlepool and also Durham Cathedral and Beamish Museum. I've also some lovely photos from a recent visit to Lyme Park in Cheshire.  I will catch up I hope over the next few weeks but I'm finding that at the moment I need to spend less time looking at screens so please forgive me if I don't comment on your blogs as often as I usually do.


  1. Glad you’re feeling a little better, hearing problems can be so stressful. Trentham gardens look stunning. I saw them featured on the last Gardeners World about wild flowers. Looks like a glorious place to walk. Hope you have an easier week. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara,yes it was lovely to see Trentham on Gardener's World, their wild flowers are always stunning:)

  2. Gorgeous flower photos....

    Guess the ringing ear thing, can't be helped. I had that years ago, but it seems to have subsided.

    But the eye issues.... Have you had your eyes checked? When something comes on rather suddenly, it is a good idea, to have it checked. Please do.

    Meantime, just do what feels good to/for you. Absolutely!!!!!

    Gentle hugs...

    1. Thank you WoW, hearing aids don't help with the tinnitus make it wose infact, yes I do have yearly eye checks after I had laser treatment on one eye ages ago, I have the start of cateracts in both eyes but not bad enough yet to be reffered for treatment:)

  3. Sorry to read you have been under the weather, hope your are back to normal soon. The picture over load was a delight, I really enjoyed the wonderful array of beautiful flowers and their colours. Looking forward to reading your posts on Hartlepool and Beamish as I am going down to visit my daughter Aug and will be visiting.

    1. Thank you mm, glad you enjoyed the photos. I have a post on the naval museum half done and hope to use all I took a Beamish for the Scavenger Photo Hunt. We hadn't been to Beamish for ages and there was lots more to see, we used the bus/tram to visit some areas and walked to to others, I lovedthemain street, pit village and 18th century farm and village, there was also the early steam railway and home farm -set in 1940 with lots of land girls. All very interesting:)

  4. Hope you're soon "on the mend", "perking up" and "on the road to recovery". You can overload us with photos beautiful like that as often as you like.

    1. Ha,ha - yes all is 'tickety boo' glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  5. So sorry to hear your not feeling the best. It's nice that an early morning walk perked you up. Those flowers are gorgeous. My faves have to be the wild looking ones with the bright blue cornflowers peeping out. Might be because today I found a solitary cornflower all on its own. Never actually seen a wild one before, so a lovely surprise. X

    1. Thank you Shazza, I love cornflowers and we have one in our garden which seems to have survived from a wildflower mix last year. They are pretty and such a vibrant blue:)

  6. I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well and I do hope you feel a lot better soon. Just try and take it easy for a while.

    The photos are all so beautiful I especially love the cornflowers and scabious although of course the roses are so lovely.

    Take care Rosie and I really hope you feel 100 per cent very soon.

    1. Thank you RR. Feel a bit better now but not sleeping well because of ears. The blue flowers are special aren't they? So lovely amongst all the other colours:)

  7. I,too,cannot stand loud noise anymore.Increasingly I seem to be in situations where I cannot hear what people next to me are saying because of background noise.Most embarrassing.I do sympathise with you.

    1. Thank you Barbara, it isn't good in such a noisy world is it? Banging on a coffee machine set my ears off this norning when we went out for coffee. A friend and I both agree that cafes and restaurants are the worst as it is so difficult to hear the people on your own table speaking but if we wear our hearing aids we can hear conversations a couple of tables away and still not the ones on our own table, they have music on too loud too sometimes:)

  8. Please Rosie, make sure you see your Doctor about the problems you are experiencing at the moment. Better to be safe than sorry. Ah....... those pics are gorgeous & a sight for my eyes with our grey, gloomy weather. Thanks for sharing, take care & huggles.

    1. Thank you Susan, if things don't improve I will visit the surgery, I think I'm due for BP and blood checks next month anyway. Glad you enjoyed the photos and that they brightened a grey day:)

  9. Beautiful photos. Feel better.

    1. Thank you and thank you for visiting, glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  10. Hope you are feeling a little better, beautiful photos of the flowers, spending some time reading through your resent trip looks like you had a great time.

    1. Thank you Amanda, the flowers are lovely aren't they. We had a lovely few days away and the weather got dryer and warmer as we went through the week:)

  11. I'm sorry that the tinnitus and blurry-eye problems have been troubling you. The walk by the lake in Trentham Gardens looking at the mass of flowers must have been soothing. Thank you for sharing their beauty. I hope you have a restful week.

    1. Thank you Linda, don't know why both eyes and ears should be troublesome at the same time, may be the heat? The flowers are lovely aren't they and we were early in the morning to catch them at the best. Hope you too have a restful week:)

  12. So sorry to hear you've had all these problems, it must be so irritating and difficult to deal with. What fabulous photos of a beautiful place, difficult to get it all in the photo too I'm sure. Take care and have a good rest. 😊

    1. Thank you, Karen. I've had the er problem for four years now but it seems to be worse at the moment. I love toget out early when it is quiet and take photos, especially of such lovely flowers:)

  13. Sending good wishes to you Rosie. I bet your walk was lovely and peaceful and quiet.
    There is so much noise everywhere these days, I find I prefer peace and quiet as I get older, noise makes me cranky!
    Take care x

    1. Thank you Julie, my mind wants to go to all these places and to see new things but when I get there I get overwhelmed by the noise and the feeling of being in other, louder people's way. As you say it's much nicer to stay in the peace and quiet:)

  14. I hope you're feeling a little better now? A walk around those beautiful gardens makes for a good pick me up :)

    1. Thank you Pam, yes the gardens were a real tonic and lifted the spirits:)

  15. A beautiful mix of flowers.

    Hopefully you're feeling better. I once had a bout of vertigo, and had hearing tests run as part of that- and that's how I found out my hearing is unusual, picking up sounds both below and above the normal range of human hearing.

    1. Thank you William, yes, feeling a bit better now. Hearing is such a strange thing and we do take it for granted, I don't suppose you ever get used to how hearing works and what one person can hear another can't and vice versa, even with slight hearing loss I can pick up noises that my husband can't yet he can also hear a pin drop too:)

  16. I do hope you're feeling well again soon. A lovely collection of photos here.

    1. Thank you Louise, still not 100% but getting there:)

  17. I am sorry to hear you have been under the weather Rosie. The flowers are stunning in the photos. It inspires me to fill my own garden up with such a mix of colour. Take care and I hope that your eyes and ears feel better soon! x

    1. Thank you Simone. I'd love to throw down seed all over the garden to see what happens, it would be so much more easy to maintain and the wildlife would love it:)

  18. Hi Rosie! I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. The flowers are so beautiful! I hope you are better. Cheers, xXx

    1. Thank you Sandra, I'm feeling much better thankyou:)
