
Friday, June 14, 2019

Simple Joys

Five simple things that have made me smile in a week of rain, more rain and yes, even more rain. It's hard not to feel slightly fretfull and depressed about the ways of the world in such dire weather, hence the need of simple pleasures to smile about.

 Strawberries from the garden.  In spite of the rain the strawberries have been ripening.  As soon as they show any signs of red we bring them in, before the slugs get to them and ripen them in the kitchen window.

A bunch of Sweet Williams from the supermarket.  I couldn't resist them as they were such a reasonable price and our plants in the garden are nowhere near as big as yet.

Both male and female bullfinch visit the feeders in the garden.  We see two pairs who visit the garden feeders several times a day. One pair always together sometimes accompanied by another female and then another male will visit at odd times. 

A lovely red poppy.  We have loads of self seeded poppies in the garden this year, I've never seen so many.  Some are pink and purple but others are this dark red.

I spotted these creatures dotted around and about in the flower beds at Trentham Gardens when we walked there late last week.  They made me smile.


  1. It's so nice to see the Bullfinches in your garden, certainly something to make you smile in this weather!!

    1. Thank you Pam, they have visited every day this week and feed alongside the goldfinches:)

  2. Rainy and cool here. But we have had some sun, now and then. It really helps. Too much wet and cloudy weather, can get depressing.

    Oh how lucky,to have poppies self seed!!! Of course, perhaps ours are trying to, but being chocked out, by Queen Anne's Lace and weeds. My husband just doesn't have the stamina, to keep up with the front garden, any more. But we love the 3, which bloomed, this year! :-)

    Oh and those garden metal dragonflies are precious!!!

    ✨ 💛 ✨

    1. Thank you WoW, yes the dragonflies are wonderful. I counted fifty self seeded poppies, they seem to have taken over one side of the garden to the detriment of other plants someof them will have to come out once they have flowered. I'm trying not to be affected by the weather but it is a losing battle:)

  3. It is properly miserable here although at this very moment, there is a brief relief from the cold and rain and the sun is peeking out from behind the fast moving clouds. I would love to eat those strawberries, they looks very tasty. Ours are not even close to ready. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you Christina, we had a little bit of sun here later yesterday afternoon when we were able to get out into the garden for a short while. There are loads of strawberries waiting to ripen as soon as the sun comes back. Hope you too have a lovely weekend:)

  4. It's good to dwell on simple pleasures and your photo examples make me smile too. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you Linda, simple pleasures are boosting my spirits during these uncertain times:)

  5. I think this has been the most dismal June week on record! It has just stopped raining after a week and the sun has popped out for a brief look! Your poppy looks gorgeous - I must go and see if any of mine have come up this year if I dare to venture outside. I only had a few strawberries this year and I have left the slugs and snails to feast on them. I bought some tasty ones from the shop. Have a lovely weekend Rosie. x

    1. Thank you Simone, Ican't believe how many poppies have appeared in the garden this year, we usualy have a few self seeders. It has been truly miserable here over the last week or so, I just wish the sun would pop our occasionally. We usually don't win the slug challenge and there are plenty about this year. Have a lovely weekend:)

  6. The poppy is a beauty.

    It's late in the month or into July before we see strawberries locally.

    1. Thank you William, most of the strawberries are still green but plenty more to come when the sun finally appears:)

  7. I've got a very dark purple self seeded poppy, no idea where it's come from.
    Amazing to see the bullfinches on your feeders - has never happened here

    1. Thank you Sue, it's wonderful having the bullfinches visit, they have been on the feeders about three times so far today and that is just when I've been looking. We have loads of poppies this year, no idea where they came from, especially the reds:)

  8. Such lovely things to take away the dreariness of the weather. Strawberries look so tasty and I treated myself recently to some Sweet Williams from Sainsbury's. It is wonderful to see the Bullfinches on your feeders - I have only ever seen one feeding on just one occasion here although I do see them in the garden several times a year. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you RR. It seems that Sweet Williams and Stocks have taken the place of Tulips at the supermarkets. We have a few Sweet Williams in the garden but they are quite small as yet, pinks are growing too. I like to bring those inside. I'm pleased that the bullfinches are using our feeders, we only usually see them when it is very cold in the winter. Have a super weekend:)

  9. The strawberries look so yummy & the Sweet William must smell heavenly. Cold, wet & miserable here too, though it is winter in Oz. We are still in drought in places & the farmers are doing it tough. I love seeing what birds come to your garden & I've never seen bullfinches, so thank you. Have a great weekend & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan, extremes of weather do cause upset with farming, gardens and wildife don't they? It's a joy to have the bullfinches visit at this time of year. Hope you too have a lovely weekend:)

  10. A lovely cheerful five Rosie. Lovely to have the bullfinches in the garden. Have a good weekend. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara, the bullfinches are becoming regular visitors at the moment also goldfinches, great tits, starlings and sparrows, also our little robin. Have a lovely weekend:)

  11. Yoir strawberries look delightful, nothing better than the taste of homegrown. I too have some sweet Williams in the house this week.

    1. Thank you Julie, the strawberries are lovely and quite tasty. There do seem to be lots of Sweet William bunches around in the shops at the moment, I love their colours:)

  12. A lovely five despite the rain. It's so cold today at home although I've just had a couple of days away where I've caught the sun, it must have been the driest place in the country.

    1. Thank you Karen, I've brought out a cardigan and socks again. Glad that your break took you to a dry place with some sunshine:)

  13. I like the sculpture in the last photo. It's always lovely to have bullfinches visiting and the strawberries look good!

    1. The bullfinches ae still visitng twice a day but the strawberries are all over now, hust a few left for the birds and foxes:)
