
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Scavenger Photo Hunt - June

We've been away for a few days so I'm a bit late joining in with this month's Scavenger Photo Hunt organised by Kate at 'I Live, I Love, I Craft, I am Me' blog.

Words for June are:-
Notice, Spotted, starts with a K, Cobweb, Step, My Own Choice

Notice - I didn't notice that a bee had landed on the flower as I took this photo at Trentham Gardens, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.

Spotted - 'Have you spotted anything yet, Mildred?
'Just lots of strange creatures pointing things at us, Maurice'
Photo taken at Peak Wildlife Park near Leek, Staffordshire on Sunday 16th June.

Starts with a K - Kingfishers.  Garden decorations for sale at The Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Headquarters, at Wolesley Bridge, near Rugeley in Staffordshire.

Cobweb- Spider and web sculpture at The Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve, Wolesley.

Step- if you step off the step your foot lands in the rill of water running underneath.

 My own choice - Black Ruffled Lemur discovers camera bag or perhaps it wants to share the umbrella.  Another photo taken at Peak Wildlife Park.

Click on the link below to find other bloggers taking part in this month's photo hunt.

I'll catch up with all your Scavenger Hunt posts over the next few days.


  1. Great photos & glad you joined in. The Meerkats are so cute & those kingfishers are beautifully coloured. Fancy being up that close to a Lemur. Take care.

    1. Thank you Susan. I love the meercats, such characters. You can walk in with the Lemurs at the Peak Park, the ringtailed ones are such fun, the others a little shy but this one overcame her shyness:)

  2. Great photos.Can anyone join in?

    1. Thank you Barbara, yes anyone can join in follow the link to Kate's blog, not sure when the link for this month closes but there will be new word prompts for July in a few days:)

  3. Great photos, I love the meerkats and the lemur. I've been up close and personal with both while on holiday in Norfolk, feeding the meerkats was a great experience and the lemurs were delightful :)

    1. Thank you, its great to have lemurs running around although some of them didn't like the rain. How wonderful to feed the meercats, they are such characters:)

  4. Great photos - I love the meerkats and the cobweb and spider sculpture. Some lovely ideas for the words :)

  5. Smashing photos, as always really inventive! 😊

  6. I do like your interpretation of this month's words. Lucky you being able to take so many photos as the park. I have that yellow scabious flower in my garden and the bees love it. For me your cobweb photo is number 1. Next month's words will soon be here!

    1. Thank you, yes July has come around so quickly and we will soon have some new words to think about. I was wondering what the flower was and thinking I recognised it so thankyou for identifying it for me:)

  7. Love all you pictures especially the meerkats. We lived for over 50 years in Central and South Africa but never in the areas where you could see them. The cobweb sculpture is fantastic.

    1. Thank you, yes the meerkats were such characters and so cute too especially the little ones:)

  8. Beautiful photos, the cobweb sculpture is amazing.

    1. Thank you, yes the sculpture is super isn't it?:)

  9. Thank you John, yes the Scabious is a lovely colour:)

  10. Your photos for the challenge are great! They're all interesting and inventive. A good choice for the letter K! Garden ornaments can be colourful and charming.

    1. Thank you Linda, I love those Kingfisher garden ornaments every time I see them I'm tempted to get one for near the pondas proceeds from the sale goes to the Wildlife Trust:)

  11. Interesting choices, Rosie. I think my favourite is the cobweb, it looks fab. x

    1. Thank you Mrs, T. The cobweb is a new addition at Wolesley, there was another cobweb in the same place but it was black metal, I think this paler one is nicer:)

  12. Such lovely pictures you've chosen this month Rosie. The kingfishers are splendid and so pretty. The cobweb is stunning.

    1. Thank you Julie, I like the kingfishers too, I'd like one in my garden:)

  13. Lemurs and meerkats, what a combination!

  14. Fantastic photos! I love the bee in the flower and those meerkats are adorable!

    1. Thank you Astrid, the meercats are always such fun to see:)

  15. A great collection of photos to go with the words!
