
Friday, May 24, 2019

A Yellow Five for Friday

As it is Friday again - they come around so quickly - I've found five yellow things from in and around the garden.

 1.  Buttercups spread across the lawn. They sparkled in the early morning sunshine.

2.  Courgette flower in the green house.  Courgettes and tomatoes always seem to do so well in there.

3.  Dragonfly on a wild garlic leaf.  Chaser or darter? Male or female? I've no idea but it was a beautiful creature.

4.  Flag Iris in the pond, with alchemilla mollis or lady's mantle around the edge of the pond.  The pond was so low after the last few dry days that we had to top it a little.

5. The yellow rose bush is always the first to flower.  It was in the garden when we moved here.  It used to be very close to the back gate but had to be moved because I kept catching clothing on it - especially soft summer skirts - as I went through.  It has been at the top of the garden for over ten years now and appears to be just as happy there.


  1. I think that may be a chaser, we used to get them around the pond at our allotment.

    1. Thank you Briony, I think you are right:)

  2. Your yellow rose looks beautiful, we have a similar one that smells gorgoues called Arthur Bell.

    1. Thank you Julie, I wish our yellow rose was scented like yours, I love the scent of roses:)

  3. So many yellow plants shining like the sun! Haven't we had a brilliant week, let's hope the good weather lasts a bit longer. Have a good weekend. 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, we have had a lovely week - raining here today but the garden needs it more than we do. Hope you too have a lovely weekend:)

  4. I've been taking a turn around our garden to see what new flowers are in bud. It's good to get up early when the sun is shining. It's still cool and the air is fresh. Your yellow flowers look pretty. It's good to have a small pond where you can grow water plants such as the flag iris. Lovely shot of the dragonfly.

    1. Thank you Linda. It's that time of year when something new is flowering every day and plants - and unfortunately weeds - spring up so quickly. I love early mornings in the garden. We keep thining down the flag iris as there is too much for our small pond but it keeps coming back:)

  5. Lovely to see the buttercups in the lawn and the flowers on the courgettes - we are growing some this year :) Your yellow iris is away ahead of mine! I love the dragonfly photo - I saw my first damselflies of the year last week. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you RR, it has been lovely to have the buttercups but they will have to be mown soon, we've tried to leave them as long as possible. It seems to have been a good year for them. When Paul cleaned the pond earlier this year he found several dragon fly nymphs so I expect the drgon fly is one of them. Hope you too have a good weekend:)

  6. Beautiful yellows!!!

    Yellow was my favorite color, when I was little. :-)

    Guess all shades of pink, rose, wine, cranberry, are now.

    1. Thank you WoW, I think red was my favourite colour as a child, now like you I go for paler colours like bright and pale blues, lavenders, purples and pinks:)

  7. Such a beautiful post Rosie, the yellow pops of colour making for some amazing photos.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the post and the colour - it's raining here today so looking back at the sunny garden earlier this week is cheering:)

  8. Hello thank you for visiting and following - glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  9. Lovely photos. I think your dragonfly is a broad bodied chaser - either female or a juvenile male.

    1. Thank you Louise, we had some nymphs in the pond so I guess it is a newly emerged dragonfly. It stayed ages resting on the leaf:)
