
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

In the Garden

In the garden Spring is beginning to make an appearance.  

Old leaves, stems and twigs have been cleared from on and around the plants.  Lawns have been trimmed and green leaves are beginning to return on trees and bushes.

There is blossom on both plum trees

The Camassias we started off in the green house were planted outside.

The next day the flowers were starting to open

Red Sorrell


Blueberry in the pot and Goosberries in the bed.



Spirea - Bridal Wreath


I love the garden at this time of year.


  1. You must have a beautiful garden Rosie with all those gorgeous shrubs. I've a peony that never flowers, rhubarb which is nowhere near as good as I've had in other gardens, but..... 2 of the most amazing blueberries (planted by the 1st owners around 2003), which gave me another 15kg this season. I've never had them before & luckily I adore blueberries. We've had some much needed rain after many months of drought & even our grass (not lawn)is greening up before it slows down for winter(giggle). Take care.

    1. Hi Susan, peonies will not flower if they are planted too deep, or if the rhizome has been buried over the years by mulch. Like iris, the plant needs sun on those growing points to make new flower buds.

    2. Thank you Susan, I have a peony in a pot which has never flowered it's supposed to be a pink one with copper coloured leaves. I may try planting it in the ground taking Jayne's advice as the peonies we have both front and back show their roots above ground. Your blueberry bushes sound wonderful, I love them especially with strawberries and raspberries:)

    3. Thank you Jayne - I'm going to take the peony I've mentioned in my reply to Susan (above) and put it in the garden to see what happens:)

  2. It's great isn't it, all those signs of spring :)

    1. Thank you Pam, It's lovely although a colder few days has been forecast this coming weekend so I hope the plants we moved will be okay:)

  3. It's looking good Rosie. Not having much luck with my peony. I think I may have planted it too deep. This time of year is wonderful isn't it ! B x

    1. Thank you Barbara, yes I think your peony will be too deep, I've just read Jayne's reply (above) to Susan and it seems the plants like to be closer to the surface. It is a lovely time of year:)

  4. Lots of lovely blooms in your garden Rosie.
    My bergenia has no flowers this year - no idea why.

    1. Thank you Julie, I wonder what the problem is with your Bergenia as I've seen planty in flower on my travels. Perhaps it will bounce back next year?:)

  5. Ohhhhhh how lovely!!!!! -happppy sigh- What a lovely garden you have!!!!

    Nothing like this, here. Although the snow is gone! :-)

    But spring is in the air and things will be 'popping' soon now.

    Gentle hugs,


    1. Thank you WoW, I'm glad your snow has gone. Spring is on the way:)

  6. Beautiful growth!

    We still have snow on the ground after yet another snowfall yesterday.

    1. Thank you William, snow seems to linger longer in your part of the world:)

  7. Soooo beautiful! Spring has sprung!!!! There is nothing more beautiful than nature waking up! Annster's Domain

    1. Thank you - yes Spring I hope is finally here:)

  8. Ah, your garden is beautiful!! It's already looking wonderful. I was looking at Sorrell today in the garden centre. Wish I had bought a plant!

    1. Thank you Kezzie, we bought the Sorrel at a plant fair a couple of years ago in a tiny pot and it has grown a little more each year:)

  9. Looks stunning. :)
    Lots to see new every day. X

    1. Thank you Shazza, things change so quickly in the garden at this time of year:)

  10. So pretty. Everything is catching me on the hop this year, coming out earlier than expected like your peony. It's quite cold down here. 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, the peony does seem early this year, must have been that warm spell earlier in the year that moved everything on. I hope the colder weather expected this weekend doesn't affect the flower opening up:)

  11. Your garden seems much, much further on than up here. The camassia's are beautiful, I am looking forward tyo mine this year.

    I am behind on blog reading. So very sorry to learn about Max. I don't think there is a pain like it. Having recently been through this myself you have my deepest sympathies. Take care of yourself. xx

    1. Thank you Jayne, we probably should have waited a while before putting the plants from the greenhouse outside but we needed the room for the tomatoes. Thank you for your kind words about Max although he was 22 and it had been expected it still hurts and leaves an empty place in the house. It is hard to lose a much loved member of the family, you take care too:)

  12. Lovely photos Rosie and your garden looks so beautiful. I love this time of year in the garden something new in flower or leaf every time you go out there :) The little spot with the table and chairs looks ideal for relaxing with a cup of tea and a book.

    1. Thank you RR, we used to have an old seat where the table and chairs are. At the moment visiting cats lie on the table and squirrels and robins perch on the back of the chairs. The robins are nesting just behind in the holly hedge so we won't sit up there for a while so we don't disturb them:)

  13. Your garden is looking lovely Rosie. There is so much to look forward to seeing isn't there? Thank you for my Easter bunny Easter card. It has pride of place on the mantelpiece. Have a lovely weekend. x

    1. Thank you Simone, I'm glad you like the Easter bunny. Have a lovely weekend:)
