
Sunday, March 24, 2019

A visit to Congleton

I think this post is a 'Friday Five' meets 'Miscellany Monday' as I didn't get my act together to produce it on time for Friday and it's nearly Monday.  I've been feeling a little low with worries about the aged cat and having a crown fitted on one of my teeth the first procedure of which last Wednesday I found quite traumatic for some reason.  I had one fitted last year and that didn't bother me much at all.

On Thursday the sun was shining and we decided to visit the little town of Congleton just over the county border in Cheshire and about half an hour away from home. We had been before, quite a while ago but usually we only get as far as Little Moreton Hall and never drive the few extra miles to the town.  It's also a place we bypass on the way to Quarry Bank Mill at Styal near Wilmslow or Alderley Edge.

Below are five of the delights we found in the town. 

The Town Hall

Quite a spectacular building.  We popped into the Tourist Information Centre to collect a map and find out how far it was to walk from the centre to the canal as there was something special we wanted to see.  After a coffee in the town we set out to visit....

The Museum

Congleton  Museum can be found behind the Town Hall.  It is quite a small building with and entrance hall shop, one room of Museum displays and a temporary exhibition and education room upstairs.

Jiggy Bear in the entrance to the Museum reflects the towns heritage of bear baiting and cock fighting many centuries ago during the town Wakes. 

Exhibitions in the small museum take us through the town's history using four main eras.  Pre-History,  the 17th Century and  Civil War period,  the 19th century and Industrial Revolution and the Second World War.
Established methods of display and information are coupled with new information technology including a wonderful display from the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

Plus further information than can be found in the displays on interactive computers especially with reference to the hoards found relating to the unsettled times of the Civil war and the effect it had on the town and its people.  John Bradshaw who lived in Congleton was Attorney General for Cheshire and Flintshire was a supporter of Parliament during the wars and was the first to sign the death warrant of King Charles 1st.

The displays for the 19th century include recordings about life in the mills by both owners and workers.  The main industries in Congleton being ribbon weaving, cotton spinning, fustian and velvet cutting and also cigar making.

During the Second World War Congleton was one of the bases of the Royal Dutch or Princess Irene Brigade and a safe haven for many evacuees.

The Bridge

We walked from the town centre up to High town where we were able to join and walk along the towpath to find bridge No 76 The Morris Bridge on the Macclesfield Canal.

Also known as roving or snake bridges they were built so that a horse could cross from one towpath to  the other side without having to be unhitched from the narrow boat it was pulling.

There are two of these bridges still remaining along this part of the canal. I bet these paths are very slippy in wet or icy weather.

The Church
When you glance up Chapel Street towards St Peter's Church you would be forgiven for thinking that there was an earlier church  hidden behind the houses but you'd be wrong.
It is actually a Grade 1 listed Georgian Church.  The earlier church on this site was a wooden structure covered in wattle and daub. During the 15th century a stone tower and chancel were added to this chapel. In the early 18th century galleries were added but the building was still too small to cope with the influx of people created by the growth of industry in the town.
In 1740 permission was gained to demolish the timber framed chapel and build a new church on the site.  Apart from the medieval tower there is little left of the earlier church.  Renovations did take place in the 20th century but most of what is left is of the Georgian era.  The church was closed when we visited but apparently it opens on a Tuesday and Saturday so we may go back one day to look inside.  It does look rather spectacular - church website
Victoria Mill

The building which dates from c1859 is a former ribbon factory which later also made bias binding and woven garment labels amongst other things.

It now houses four floors of antiques and crafts.
After all the walking my feet were jumping and I needed to sit down.

Time for lunch - well a coffee and a cheese scone in the little cafe on the top floor.  The soups and cakes also looked delicious.

Below a collage of other interesting features spotted on our visit.


  1. Well fancy that! I quite thought the church was behind the other building! What a surprise! The bridge was great to see too, you can just imagine the horse's crossing over and it must have saved a lot of time rather than all that unhitching. To top it all you followed all those interesting things with a cheese scone, that's my kind of day out! Hope your tooth holds up, these things take a while to settle down. 😊

    1. Thank you Karen, yes the church was a surprise after seeing the tower in the distance. It's always nice to have a cheese scone for lunch whilst out and about:)

  2. A lovely post Rosie & so informative. As I have a fascination with canals, I loved seeing the bridge & hearing about what they were for. The museum sounds interesting too. Thanks for sharing your day out, have a good week & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan, I was glad to have seen the bridge as there aren't many left now:)

  3. Replies
    1. It is an interesting place and probably overlooked too:)

  4. Congleton looks like an interesting place with some unusual features. Glad you got there. I hope that you have a good week.

  5. You took us on a wonderful tour, such a lot to see and do.

    1. We were quite weary after packing all that in but it was worth it:)

  6. I've read about those canal bridges but don't remember having seen one. The church looks interesting too and well worth a return visit on a day when it's open. Our country is so full of wonderful things that rarely get a mention, so thanks for these.

    1. True, so many interesting and quirky buildings, places and customs. I woud like to get back to see inside the church:)

  7. It looks lovely and has so much history to explore (though i'm possibly not so keen on the bear baiting and cock fighting!!). The church with the original tower is quite unusual!

    1. Thanks, Pam - I'm not keen on the bear baiting and cock fighting either but it's part of our history I suppose. It is an unusual church:)

  8. A great post filled with lots of information to entice others to visit. The bridge is really nice.

    1. Thank you Julie, I think the bridge is rather beautiful and useful too:)

  9. I am so sorry to hear you have been a little down worrying about your cat and having the crown treatment. The older I get the more nervous I seem to get over things like dentist appointments.

    So interesting to read of your lovely day out. The museum is fascinating so thanks so much for the information and photos. It looks a great town to walk around too especially with the canal and that wonderful snake bridge :)

    Do hope your next dental appointment isn't too bad.

    1. Thank you RR. I never used to be bothered by the dentist perhaps I'm a bit 'run down' as my mother used to say after the winter. Cat collapsed twice last night when his back legs wouldn't work but he seems fine again this morning. I'd love to do a longer walk along the Maccelsfield canal towpath one day:)

  10. Well that looks like a good day out - I am fascinated by that snake bridge, I've never come across that before, and there seems to be a lot to see in the town. I'm sorry you've been feeling low and hope you feel better soon. x

    1. Thank you Mrs T, yes the bridge is very interesting and quite beautiful too and Congleton is an interesting little town:)

  11. The snake bridges look fascinating Rosie! I have never seen them before. I hope you are feeling a bit better. Worrying about Max has probably made you feel more sensitive than usual. x

    1. The bridge was fascinating, Simone and I was pleased to see and photograph it. I don't think Max has much longer it will be sad to see him go, many things have made me feel over sensitive this week. Have a lovely weekend:)
