
Friday, February 01, 2019

A Frosty Walk

It has been cold here this week with flurries of snow, some of it settling but not as much as we thought there might be.  We managed a couple of short walks during the week both around the local lakes. 

Above and below a few scenes from yesterday's cold and frosty walk around the lake at Trentham Gardens.

Brrr....... we have an early appointment this morning and various things to do so I'm up and about before we have to dash out of the house, thank goodness no more snow fell over night.  Tea and toast for breakfast, cat fed and watered, lit tray changed, bird feeders topped up and bird bath de-iced, recycling bins emptied, breakfast pots washed, dried and put away.  Time to go!

Whatever the weather wherever you are, stay safe and warm, or stay cool if hot weather is affecting you at the moment, either way have a good weekend.


  1. Beautiful photos of the frosty weather :) No snow here this week but there was a heavy frost yesterday and it was very cold! Stay safe and warm and have a good weekend Rosie.

    1. Thank you RR, I think the snow fell further south than expected over last night. t has been very cold here today. Have a lovely weekend:)

  2. Lovely photos, I particularly like the frosted vegetation pictures. It was rather grand down here yesterday (photos coming soon) but today, when snow was forecast, it's turned out to be grey and slushy everywhere.

    1. The frosted seed and flower heads caught my eye especially around the frozen lake. Your wintry photos are wonderful, I've just popped over to take a peek:)

  3. Such beautiful photos Rosie of a cold and frosty morning. Thankfully the snow didn't last long here either. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, the snow seems to have drifted further south but the frost and cold stayed behind. Hope you too have a lovely weekend:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sorry - I'll start again. The photos of the frost on the leaves and seed head are particularly lovely. The bird in the last photo is beautiful and the feathers look very clean and white. I hope you both have a relaxing weekend after the early start today.

    1. Thank you Linda, the goose in the last photo was very clean and tidy, the swans nearby all had dirty heads as if they had been digging in muddy water:)

  6. Lovely photos Rosie & so different to what we are experiencing at the moment. Have a great weekend, stay warm & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan, I hope it is a little cooler where you are:)

  7. Wonderful takes, that last shot especially.

  8. Beautiful photos Rosie, it looks really cold up there. I hope you managed to get to your appointment safely. We set of at 6 am in pristine snow in the dark but it was all slushy when we got back. It's snowing again now though . . .

    1. Thank you, yes we did get to our appointments. It hadn't snowed here overnight and hasn't today either so everything is still as it was. It is always a worry if you have to go out in snow and ice:)

  9. You really captured the wintry scene whilst on your walk.

    1. Thank you Julie it was extremely cold but wonderful too:)

  10. It’s always odd to see birds standing on ice. Or slithering more like!

    1. Sone of the swans were breaking the ice with their beaks so they could keep moving though it. I watched a coot swim, jump up on the ice and run like the wind and then flop back in the water again as if it couldn't quite believe it had made it:)

  11. Frost, makes lovely photos!!!!!

    With our weather, no walk is possible. Well, not for us, that is. Next door, the men continue to build the house, weather or not! Eeeeek!!!

    Be safe...


    1. Thank you WoW, best to stay in in and keep safe from falls when the weather is very bad, those builders are very brave and hardy working in such bad weather perhaps they have to complete by a certain date or have penalties on payments? Stay warm:)

  12. I love the frosty photos, we didn't really get any snow but certainly got freezing temperatures of course!

    1. Thank you Pam. The snow has completely disappeared today and the sun is out at the moment:)

  13. Gorgeous photos, Rosie. Are they grebes? I've never seen so many together. I hope you had a good weekend. x

    1. Thank you Mts T. Yes they are Great Crested Grebes and there were loads of them, I've never seen so many together either, there must have been a dozen at least:)

  14. beautiful series of photos. love them
    have a great day

    1. Thank you glad you enjoyed them, hope you have a good day too:)

  15. I saw your blog on A Rich Tapestry and came over for a visit. I love your pictures – they are excellent and really convey the cold and frost. You must live in a lovely area.

    1. Hello, thank you for visiting. Glad you enjoyed the photos, we live close to many lovely places:)

  16. Lovely collection of photos. I've been enjoying the wintry weather :)

    1. Thank you Louise, I'd much rather have the bright but cold and frosty weather than the wet and windy weather we have today:)

  17. تغليف الأثاث بجدة و ان كان بعض الزبائن لا يفضلون هذه الخدمة فنحن ننصح بقوة بها لأنها تشكل عامل إضافي للحفاظ على الأثاث حيث تم وضع الاغراض القابلة للكسر داخل صناديق تحشى بمادة الفل لضمان تثبيتها داخل الوعاء الموضوعة به كما انها تغطى بأكياس الفقاعات لامتصاص أي صدمة محتملة
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    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى ابها
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى الدمام
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى جده
    شركه نقل عفش من الرياض الى الخبر
