
Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday Miscellany

Just a short post as I haven't written a 'Monday miscellany' one so far this year.

We had such grey and damp weather over the weekend. Friday night's snowfall seemed like just a dream.

 When we called at the supermarket on Friday morning I bought a couple of bunches of daffodils to bring some colour into the house.

The daffodil bulbs we planted in the Autumn are doing well in the garden.  Usually when we plant bulbs the squirrels dig them up, they seem to be partial to crocus and dwarf iris but they aren't interested in daffodil bulbs.

Perhaps they are as poisonous to them as they are to us.

The bulbs in the little planters we received as a Christmas gift have started to grow.  Narcissi to the left muscari to the right.
I took the first photo on Sunday morning and the one above this morning - the muscari have advanced in size over night.

Today is less grey and damp, there has even been a little sunshine.  It was too grey and overcast to see the beautiful moon early this morning so the daffodils will have to compensate with their vibrant colour.

I'll hopefully be back later this week with my photos for the Scavenger Photo Hunt - I still have some to find - and also our results for the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch.


  1. It is great to see a bit of colour in these grey days!

    1. Thank you, yes we need those vibrant colours during these grey days:)

  2. Ooh it looks a bit bleak but at least the daffodils bring some sunshine. 😊

    1. Thank you. It has been bleak at times but yes, the daffodils are very cheering:)

  3. I am loving the daffodils!!! I miss flowers so very much in these winter months in PA!! I am off to the store to get some cut flowers to brighten my condo!! Thanks for the inspiration! Annster's Domain

    1. Thank you Ann, it's a good idea to have colourful flowers or plants around the house whilst the weather is so dreary:)

  4. Your world was grey. Ours is all white! ,-)

    Oh I have wanted to get some bulbs for indoors and have not. -sigh-

    My husband gave up planting tulips because the "critters" just ate them. :-)

    You bit of snow picture, is lovely though....


    1. Thank you, I wish the snow had lasted a little longer we are back to damp and grey again now:)

  5. Isn’t it great to get that first bunch of daffodils.I bought two bunches on Saturday and then last night we had friends round and they brought daffodils and tulips so flowers everywhere.Brillant.I think we have snow forecast for tomorrow and also later in the week.

    1. Ooo - it sounds as if your house is full of lovely flowers and lots of colour. Just sprinkles of snow in rain at the moment here but they sky looks heavy so there may be more snow to come:)

  6. It seems that everyone has been suffering under weather conditions.. We’re just digging ourselves out of a huge snow storm... It's white and pretty, but oh so cold... Br-r-r-r....How lovely to see the bulbs popping up indoors...It does signal the ‘ Hope” of Spring, even if it is two months or so away (ha ha)...It’s best to be positive and ENJOY alittle indoor gardening like you ...Thanks for sharing your lovely picture...They brightened my day !!!! Hugs

    1. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment here. Your snow storm does sound cold, it is good to have plants and flowers indoors during the winter weather:)

  7. To see the street cloaked in snow was a delight, such a pretty photograph. We are grey and miserable here too so no chance of seeing the beautiful moon. What a joy to see little signs of Spring starting to emerge.

    1. Thank you, it takes snow to make our street look pretty as everything looks wonderful under snow. Shame about missing the blood moon but the signs of Spring compensate for it:)

  8. Very grey here again today. I have some daffs growing in tubs but they still have a long way go.

    1. Snowy here today - the skies look full and pending. The daffs seem eager to grow and flower this year:)

  9. Very grey here this morning, but as it supposed to reach the "very" high 30s today, I don't expect it will last long, though we desperately need rain. Love the cheery daffodils & look forward to seeing the pots in flower. Because of the cloud cover over the last few nights we missed the strange moon. I did see it a few nights ago, but just it's ordinary full self. Take care & see you Friday.

    1. Thank you Susan, your weather sounds very hot and dry, I hope you get some relief with rain soon. I think more of us missed the moon than saw it. I'm struggling with the first word promt for Friday but hope to be there:)

  10. We have had a lot of grey days! I enjoyed the snow this weekend, it's nice to have a bit of wintry weather :) It seems rather early to see daffodils coming up!

    1. The daffodilsdo seem early don't they? The bulbs were planted late October. I loved your snowy photos in your latest post:)

  11. The snow didn't reach us although we have had so many dull and gloomy days :( The daffodils look lovely - I bought a couple of bunches last week too :) The bulbs in planters will look pretty when they flower.
    I actually managed to find some snowdrops in flower in a churchyard today - mine in the garden are just showing leaves so far!
    By the way keep a look out for Waxwings on berry trees there seem to be a lot about this year. I haven't seen any reports yet of any in Warwickshire although I have been looking out for them. I have seen reports Staffordshire and from memory Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.

    1. Thankyou, RR. My cousin gave us some snowdrop plants but they don't seem to be doing anything at the moment- they don't seem to like the soil in our garden. I've seen some at Trentham along the river side recently. I'd seen on the Staffordshire Bird Blog that Waxwings had been seen at Hednesford which I think is Cannock way and a spotting of one or two near Cheddleton which isn't far away. I'd love to see them again:)

  12. Hi Rosie, I love the pictures very much. The daffodils are wonderful! The bulbs are so gorgeous in the white planters. The yellow colour brings happiness!

    Cheers, Sandra

    1. Thankyou Sandra, glad you enjoyed the daffodils - such a cheery colour:)

  13. Thank goodness for daffodils! We got very excited here on Friday evening when the snow fell but it didn't lie for long. x

    1. Lovely to see you here Mrs T - yes the snow did bring back that excited feeling you get when that first fall of snow drifts down and covers everything - by morning it had completely gone. I love the daffodils and tulips you can get at this time of year:)

  14. Just 45 miles east of you and near the top of hill like you but no snow! You caught it just as I like it, well a foot higher. Us inside, all snug and warm. The car tracks looking like tramlines. I’m sure in our case it is the Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station which stops snow reaching us. The 4 cooling towers purpling warm air in the atmosphere. It never feels damp or cold when there is snow on the ground, more crisp and dry. Glad the pressie is turning out okay. See you soon I’m sure. The car needs a run!

    1. Hello Robert, yes being inside all snug and warm and no reason to go out is wonderful when the first snows are on the ground. I love the way snow makes everything look different and exciting. I'm sure you are rignt about the cooling towers holding back weather - ours usually comes down the Cheshire Gap. The bulbs are really coming on well and can go outside into the garden for next year. Our car was serviced on Monday - all well:)

  15. Nice photo of the snow, we've barely had any so far, I don't know if that's a good thing or not!

    1. Thanks, Pam. I suppose it is good not to have snow if you have to get out and about to work everyday, I expect we will get more over the whole country before Spring is finally here:)

  16. I have a bunch of daffodils too, they certainly add a touch of spring sparkle to the dull recent days.

    1. Thank you Julie, the daffodils are cheering aren't they?:)

  17. Daffodils are such a cheering sight in these cold, dark days of winter. Your garden bulbs are coming along and look set to flower early - my mum told me that hers are already in bud. Hope that winter isn't being too cold and snowy for you this year. Marie x

    1. Thank you Marie, it seems that daffodils are anxious to bud and flower this year. I have your book on kindle and will start to read it when I've read the library books I have out at the moment as they are due back soon. Hope winter isn't too harsh for you in your part of the world:)

  18. The floral colours are a cheerful sight.

    1. They certainly brighten up the day don't they?:)

  19. I love your first photo, the way the snow is illuminated under the streetlight is magical. Nothing on the ground here, and I'm not sorry for that :-)

    This winter has felt long and grey and leaden, and I shall not be sorry to see the back of it.

    1. Thank you Jayne, snow always looks wonderful when it first falls and if you don't have to go out and about in it. I don't like it when it goes hard and icy and lingers around for days:)
