
Saturday, November 03, 2018

The Joy of Windfall Apples

When we visited our friends in Beeston recently we came home with the gift of a box of windfall apples from trees in their garden.  They were a mixture of  Bramley cooking apples and an unknown desert apple variety.

When we got them home they were sorted into those that needed dealing with at once and those that could wait a day or two.  The first batch were peeled, chopped, bagged and frozen.

The next day we found some 'wonky' plums in a nearby supermarket.  They didn't look in the least 'wonky' to me but luckily they had also been reduced in price.   They were chopped and quartered and the rest of the apples prepared for making jam.

Today the last few apples have been chopped and cooked and made into a crumble.

Some of the frozen apple pieces may sometime in the future be turned into chutney or perhaps more crumbles.  

Two pots of jam will be taken back to Beeston as a thank you. Sharing - just one of the joys of windfall apples. 


  1. I'm lucky in that I live in an area that used to be full of apple orchards. Even now there are trees growing wild in the hedgerows and I can usually find enough apples for my needs. Pick a few blackberries too for a nice crumble!

    1. How lucky you are to live near orchards. It seems to have been a good year for most fruits including apples and blackberries:)

  2. That crumble looks delicious.We try and keep off desserts but my mouth is watering!

    1. We mostly just have a yoghurt after our evening meal but occasionally we have a fruit crumble - usually at the weekend:)

  3. What a delightful post!!!!!!!

    Yummmmm, to everything!!!! :-)

  4. The jam looks super and I could just eat a dish of your apple crumble it looks so delicious. Have a lovely weekend :)

    1. We had the crumble with bramley apple and cinnamon yoghurt on top, it was delicious:)

  5. Lovely to see your new post Rosie! The crumble looks delicious as does the apple and plum jam. I am sure your friends will love the gift when you return to see them. x

    1. Thank you Simone. They are already looking forward to the jam. The crumble was delicious half yesterday and half today:)

  6. Delicious it is one of the things I miss about living on this little Island, There are so few trees, consequently no windfalls.

    1. Knowing how you fill your cupboard with lovely things I know you would miss having fruit to preserve or make jam with:)

  7. Now that all does look lovely, lots to keep you going over the winter months.

    1. Thank you Julie, it will be nice to have a taste of Summer in Winter:)

  8. Apples and Autumn just go so well together :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, they do go well together:)

  9. I love windfalls - for me, they're quintessential autumn. Your jam and crumble look delicious and making good use of things from the land is so wholesome and satisfying, I think. I wish I was as domestically organised as you are! I have good intentions, but I'm not quite there yet. Thank you for giving me some inspiration! ps: I did make stewed apple last week. :)

    1. Thank you Jacqui, I love stewed apple with yohurt or in porridge. The box of apples galvanised us into activity to preserve them as several were bruised:)

  10. Lovely to hear about what you made with the apples and plums. It's so good to be able to freeze things these days, then using them when needed, something I do with my blueberries. Take care.

    1. Thank you Susan, yes it is great to be able to freeze things until you have time to deal with them, it saves a lot of waste. How lovey to have blueberries. We have one plant and have taken cuttings to see if we can grow more, I love them:)

  11. It all looks so delicious, Rosie. How lovely to enjoy the harvest and to be able to share the bounty. Marie x

    1. Thank you Marie, yes it is nice to be able to take back some of the apples as jam to say thank you:)

  12. Apple crumble is one of my favourite desserts, we used to have it so often as kids!

    1. Thank you Pam, I remember my Mum making apple crumble and also Eve's pudding when I was growing up, always wonderful with a jug of custard on the table to pour on it:)

  13. I love free apples. I’ve done well this year. We often find baskets left outside houses for you to help yourself. I try and remember to have a bag in my pocket when walking for just such occasions. B x

    1. Thank you Barbara. It's a good idea to carry a bag in your pocket and also a lovely way for people to give apples or other produce away and not waste them. Also honesty boxes at people's gates such a good idea, you don't see that so much now, when we lived in Lincolnshire they were all over the place:)

  14. you put me to shame, most of our plums and apples ended up on the compost heap! well done for being so productive! xxx

    1. Thanks Lyn. Sometimes the windfalls get slug ridden or very bruised and it's good that yours ended up in the compast which can later be used to encourage growth in your garden. A good life cycle:)

  15. Just realised I have not had apple crumble with custard in ages... I need some apples NOW ! it all looks so lovely.

    1. Thank you Amanda, I hope if you make a crumble you enjoy it- with custard is best:)

  16. That looks so yummy. I have never canned anything other than pickles. Love apple jam. Found you from Corners of My Mind blog.

  17. Oops....this is Corners of my Mind...sorry.
