
Friday, September 28, 2018

Scavenger Photo Hunt - September

The days are rushing by so quickly and just as I was getting used to leaving August and Summer behind and facing up to September it is suddenly nearly October.
The words for this month's Scavenger Photo Hunt which is organised by Kate at 'I Live I Love I Craft' blog are as follows

Brightly Coloured, Upside Down, Ink, Bag, Pattern,
My Own Choice

Brightly Coloured - bright pink Cosmos flowers.

Upside down -  grey squirrels in the garden hang upside down to take sunflower hearts or nibble at the fat balls in the bird feeders.

Ink - I imagine that the original of this poster which I spotted in the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester would have been printed on ink coated letters on an old printing press.

Bag - just the right size to hold flasks of coffee and goodies to nibble on a day out.  

Pattern - photo taken in the factory shop at Middleport Pottery.  At present they are celebrating fifty years of the Burleigh calico ware patterns.

My own choice - a young Heron at the side of the lake at Trentham Gardens.

Click on the link below to find other bloggers who are joining in this month.


  1. I really love all yours and can't seem to pick a favourite, what with flowers, animals, patchwork type bag & the heron. I've just told M about the heron we had at our pond a few days ago, which flew off before I could take a photo. Thanks for sharing & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan, glad you enjoyed the photos. The heron didn't seem to be bothered by people watching it or by the fisherman sitting not too far away. Have a great weekend:)

  2. A really lovely selection. We didn't grow any Cosmos this year which I have really missed so it is good to see your photo.

    The grey squirrel picture is beautiful and interesting to see the old poster. By coincidence yesterday we were discussing here the difference in the way newspapers are published compared to say 20/30 years ago.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you RR, the Cosmos I took a photo of were at Trentham Gardens as ours didn't flower this year. We still buy a newspaper the 'i' (we like to do the crossword) but I have friends who subscribe to their chosen newspapers on line and that seems to be the way things are going. I follow our local paper online so don't buy it anymore:)

  3. Wonderful selection of photos, love the squirrel hanging upside down.
    Amanda xx

    1. Thank you Amanda, I'm sure the squirrels eat more bird fod than the birds do:)

  4. That's one purrfect bag. 😁
    Herons are beautiful aren't they. So graceful until you see them in flight. X

    1. Thank you Shazza, herons are quite prehistoric looking and can seem quite sinister at times although not as spooky as pelicans. I'm fond of the bag:)

  5. I agree with Susan's comment but I can select a favourite, the squirrel closely followed by the heron.

    1. Thank you, I took the squirrel photo through the conservatory window, the heron didn't seem bothered by people walking by:)

  6. I love the cat bag! Great close up of the heron. Have a nice weekend Rosie. x

    1. Thank you, Simone. Hope you have a nice weekend too:)

  7. Great selection of photographs. Our squirrels also hang upside down but I've never managed such a good photographs. Well done. Love the cosmos too. Gorgeous colour.

    1. Thank you Jak, the squirrels cause much amusement with their antics. I snapped that one through the conservatory window:)

  8. Especially love the calico patterns. :-)


  9. A lovely selection - the Burleigh mug poster is beautiful - the colours and prints really caught my eye and the zzzzz cat on the bag = just purrrfect >^.^<!

    1. Thank you - I love the bag and the Burleigh pottery in the shop is very pretty. Thank you for this month's words:)

  10. An interesting set of photos as always. Great captures of the heron and the squirrel. I went to Squirrel Corner which is a wild area in a local park and was surprised when the squirrels came right up to me. In the past they've always scampered away.

    1. Thank you Linda. One of local parks is noted for its squirrels, they are used to people taking monkey nots into the park and they come right up and take them out of your hands:)

  11. Great photos, the squirrel really made me smile.

    1. Thank you, the squirrels are always amusing with their antics:)

  12. The acrobatic squirrel is such a delight!

    1. It is isn't it? Glad you liked the photo:)

  13. Lovely photo of the heron. I like your upside down squirrel too. It's hard to believe it's almost October already!

    1. Thank Louise, I seem to have lost the last couple of months somewhere:)

  14. Great photos Love the squirrel and the cocmos

    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Thank you, the cosmos were so bright and pretty)

  15. Cosmos last for ages and come in such great colours. Lovely photos Rosie, we'll be needing those flasks and a scarf before we know it! 😊

    1. Thanks, I must make a note to seek out scarves and gloves and have them ready. I'm not a hat person unless it is extremely cold:)

  16. Lovely photos, especially that action shot of the squirrel. I love cosmos, but sadly, mine went in too late from seed and are still in bud. The days are shorter now and they aren’t getting much sun, so I may not get very many flowers. Oh well, I can always try again next year. Marie x

    1. Thanks Marie, our cosmos didn't do well either I took these photos at a local garden. I hope you see a few flowers before it gets too cold:)

  17. Great selection for this month. Your nibbles look nice to accompany the flask on the day out - i'll have to look out for those
    I enjoyed seeing the pottery at Middleport, so many patterns, I forgot that was one of the words when I was there otherwise we might have had the same picture.

    1. Thank you Julie. I usually buy the Bonne Maman Madeleines but the little lemon tartlets were on offer for £1 so they went in the trolly. The pottery is very pretty isn't it? Quite expensive though too:)

  18. Lovely photos, and how very decent of that squirrel to hang there and pose for you! He's a smasher. x

    1. Thank you Mrs T. I took the photo through a window, I don't think he knew I was there:)

  19. Thank you John, it has been a good year for cosmos except in our garden as the seeds we set didn't grow, I've had to be content finding them elsewhere:)
