
Friday, June 29, 2018

Scavenger Photo Hunt - June

Joining in once again with the Scavenger Photo Hunt organised by

The word prompts for June  are - yellow, starts with a 't',  lilac starts with a 'g', silver, own choice.

 Yellow - Yellow Loosestrife by the lake at Trentham Gardens in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire

Starts with a 't' - a tunnel next to the Knot Garden created by climbing plants and shrubs at Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire.

Lilac - Lilacs in May but not in June but I think I can spot a few wildflowers in the photo above that have a lilac hue. 

Starts with a 'g' - Greater Butterfly Orchid in the meadow at RSPB Coombes Valley

Silver - a new fairy at Trentham Gardens this one is called Dancing with Dandelions and she rotates in the breeze.

Own choice - Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire where we attended Piva's midsummer concert of Tudor Music.  We sat outside in the courtyard as the sun set and martins and swallows swooped and dived overhead.  It was quite magical.

 Follow the link below to find other bloggers taking part this month.


  1. Love the statute in Trentham Gardens I will have to make the effort to visit them.

    1. Thank you. There are quite a few of the fairy statues dotted around the garden, bronze bird and animal ones too at the moment:)

  2. I have ALWAYS wanted to see dancing with dandelions by robin wight - lovely, you lucky thing! The Greater Butterfly orchid looks so intricate! thank you for joining in x

    1. Thank you. We didn't know the Dancing with Dandelions was there we just happened to spot it. It seems it is just there for a short while. I think most of the fairies in the grounds are by Robin Wright but there are some dandelions near the lake by his daughter. They are enchanting aren't they?:)

  3. Love your photos; the orchid was a good find. We have lots of common orchids in our fields which is good but nothing exotic like yours. I think I want that Dancing with Dandelions installation....

    1. Thank you, the meadow was full of orchids. The fairy is lovely isn't it? I loved the way it twisted and turned in the breeze:)

  4. Hi Rosie, Oh such lovely gardens on a summers day .The favourite has to be the wildlower meadow just so pretty.However I like the others love the Dancing with Dandelions too. xx

    1. Thank you Barb, it all seems to be about gardens and meadows this summer everything is so lovely at the moment isn't it?:)

  5. I've just looked at a video of Dancing with Dandelions. It is beautiful, so delicate. I think it is my favourite though the wild flower meadow was gorgeous too.

    1. Glad you found the link - yes it is lovely isn't it?:)

  6. I really love the wild flower meadow, the colours are gorgeous :)

    1. The colours are wonderful aren't they?:)

  7. Great photos. Love the dancing with dandelions

    Julie xxxxxx

  8. I think I would love the sculptures at Trentham Gardens.

    1. Thank you Aril, the sculptures are wonderful both fairies and animals but I think the rotating fatry is only on loan for a short time:)

  9. Love your wildflowers pic and Dancing with Dandelions is beautiful. :)
    Always wondered what those yellow flowers were really called. I thought they were called Cornflake flowers when I was a child.x

    1. Thanks shazza. How lovely - cornflake flowers, the name suits them:)

  10. Oh how beautiful... All your photos are.

    Especially love the Fantasy Wire Sculpture... :-)))) I believe I have seen these before. Magic!!!!

    And the outside concert sounds as if it was very magical, also.

    Your comment on my blog post... So sorry to hear that the heat is having such a hard effect over there. Leaves falling... Sigh...

    1. Thank you. We were sitting under the tulip tree the only shade in the garden and the leaves are curling, drying and falling off in places such a shame. The midsummer concert was magical:)

  11. A lovely selection of snaps you have shared. I'm really enjoying my first scavenger hunt this month.
    The silver one is fabulous, might have to go to Trentham Gardens to see it myself.

    1. Glad you have enjoyed joining in Julie, hope you can get to see the fairies at Trentham some are permanent but this rotating one is just there for a short while I think:)

  12. Hi Rosie, all the pictures are beautiful, but I would like to see the fairy dancing with the dandelions !

    Cheers, Sandra

    1. Thank you Sandra, glad you enjoyed all the photos. The fairy is lovely but will be quite still I think in this dry, breezeless heat:)

  13. Hello Rosie, what a wonderful garden to visit, must have been a beautiful day!
    Wishing you a lovely day,

    Best regards,

    1. Hello Ida, thank you for visiting, we had a lovely time at the concert and around the garden:)

  14. Great set of photos - I love the fairy -she is so elegant... and the wild orchid, gorgeous. They're all so atmospheric. It's very special to go to a classical outdoors isn't it, and Little Moreton Hall looks the perfect setting.

    1. The wild orchids were wonderful in the meadow. The concert was wonderful such a lovely setting for the Tudor age music:)

  15. A lovely set of photos. Would so love to go to Moreton Hall - it is on my list of places to visit! Thanks so much for naming the Yellow Loosestrife = we have that in the garden and I have not previously been able to put a name to it!

    The wildflowers are so very colourful and I love the "Dancing with Dandelion" sculpture - it is so very magical :)

    1. Thank you RR, Little Moreton is magical in all seasons but that evening was lovely, Tudor music in a Tudor setting, it was a treat for Paul's birthday:)

  16. Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous photos, my favourite has to be the fairy at Trentham Garden especially as part of my family came to New Zealand from Stoke on Trent five generations ago.

    1. Thank you, I wonder if your family worked in the pottery industry? The fairy is wonderful isn't it?:)

    2. Yes, they were potters and continued in that line as brick makers in NZ but only the first generation.

    3. It's great to know what your ancestors did and where they came from. I'm not local to Stoke on Trent but am fascinated by its history. My ancestors were mostly Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire miners with the occasional saddle maker, tailor, butter and cheese maker and brass founder thrown in to the mix:)

  17. Your flower photos are lovely, but what really captured my imagination was the silver fairy with dandelion seedhead. It's amazing! Thanks for sharing & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan, everyone seems to like the fairy, it is lovely isn't it?:)

  18. A lovely collection! I like the wildflowers best I think! I never even though of the orchids beginning with G!

    1. Thanks Louise. The wildflowers are lovely at the moment:)
