
Friday, May 25, 2018

Scavenger Photo Hunt - May

Joining in once again with the Scavenger Photo Hunt organised by
by Kate at 'I live, I love, I craft, I am me' blog. The word prompts for May are

Cool, Disaster, Movement, Fence/Fencing, Spiky/Prickly, My Own Choice

Cool - Cooling strawberries and ice cream in the garden on Royal Wedding weekend.

Disaster - in the nearby World of Wedgwood Museum are lots of the pottery designs of ceramic designer, painter, book illustrator and wood engraver Eric Ravilious (1903 -42) who was a designer for Wedgwood from 1936 until 1940.  At the outbreak of war he was made an official war artist but in 1942 disaster struck when he was lost during an air-sea rescue over Iceland.  You have to wonder what further work we would have seen from him had he not perished that day.

Movement - we were lucky to spot this carriage and horses as it passed by the church in the village of Breadsall in Derbyshire.  They were making their way quite briskly down the village street.

Fence/Fencing - not one but two sets of wire fencing guard the herd of deer behind them.

Spiky/Prickly -  cat claws!  Not our cat but one from across the road who decided he was going to sit on my lap in the garden, drool all over me and then knead with those spiky claws!  I took the photo with the camera under my chin pointing downwards.

Your own choice - on a recent visit to Trentham Gardens I was taken with the plants above and wondered what they were.  A couple of weeks ago we watched 'Gardener's World' and Monty Don had them in his garden.   I hoped he would mention them and eventually he did and so I found out that they were called Cammassia.  I'm going to look out for bulbs to plant later this year so I can have some of these lovely blue/mauve flowers in my garden too.

Follow the link below to find other bloggers taking part this month.


  1. Well done to you with the photos. Having had two cats for many years, I know all about the kneading & drooling habits when they are completely content. I love the camassias & often wonder if we can grow them over here in Oz. The strawberries & ice cream do look yummy, but as I'm lactose intolerant, I'd probably opt for just the fruit, though I can eat Greek yoghurt. Have a great weekend & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan. We love Greek Yoghurt too and most times have strawberry yoghurt on strawberries. We also often have an ice cream called Swedish Glace which is non dairy. Hope you have a lovely weekend:)

  2. I love love LOVE the cat paw! Brilliantly captured :D
    Thank you for joining in (fellow Monty Don watcher xx)

    1. Thank you, I was lucky that my camera was handy as I'd been taking photos in the garden just before I sat down and the cat appeared. I like Monty as he is so calm and easy to listen to:)

  3. I too grow camassias and my only 'complaint' about them is that the flowers do not last long but they are wonderful to see. I also have a white one. My favourite photo is the cat's paw! What you had to endure to get that photo - well done you.

    1. Thank you, often I find that flowers that I love don't last long, like lilac at this time of year. I'm glad to know that the camassias grow well in your garden hope they do in ours as we have heavy clay:)

  4. A super collection of images Rosie - the one with the cat's claw is very clever :) The camassias look beautiful and well worth growing :)

    I love the paintings by Eric Ravilious but must admit I hadn't seen his pottery designs before so thanks so much for sharing.

    The strawberries look delicious! I was watching competitors on the latest Mary Berry programme making Strawberry Meringue Roulades the other week. Have searched out the recipe because it looks delicious and might try one this year.

    1. Thank you RR. I love spiky,pointy garden flowers especially in blues and lilacs but things like lupins and delphiniums don't like our soil here,I'm hoping camassias will grow. I love Ravilious's paintings and his ceramic designs too. I haven't watch the Marry Berry programme but the roulade sounds delicious:)

  5. What a great choice of photos Rosie, the cats claw is great and I love the pottery and story behind it.Thanks for sharing. yummy straw berries and it was such a lovely day to enjoy them.

    1. Thank you Barb, such a sad story about Eric Ravilious. The berries were lovely it won't be long before we can pick our own from the garden:)

  6. Great choice of photos. My cat's claws grow like crazy, we're, meaning Mac, always having to clip them. Don't those strawberries look delicious.

    1. Thanks, Janet. We have to clip our 22 year old cat Max's claws as he doesn't go out now so doesn't wear them down:)

  7. I like the pottery and the cat's paw is a brilliant shot but my favourite just has to be the strawberries and ice cream, it looks divine :)

    1. Thank you, Tigermouse! The strawberries every tasty!:)

  8. I like the carriage, and those are some impressive kitty claws!

    1. Thank you William, it was great to see the carriage:)

  9. Strawberries and ice cream would be my choice as well :-) Perfect for royal weddings, Wimbledon, and ordinary days.

    1. Thank you Amalia, strawberries make special occassions extra special don't they?:)

  10. What a brilliant shot of your cat's claws, very clever and the strawberries and ice cream look absolutely scrumptious....did you save me any?

    1. Thank you Fiona, all strawberries eaten I'm afraid:)

  11. Wow that cats claw looks super prickly and quite scary. Well done you on that picture. :)
    Strawberries and Ice cream. Yummy and very cooling. X

    1. Thanks, Shazza - good job I'd eaten the strawberries before the cat came visiting:)

  12. Delightful photos all...

    Yummm to the first one...

    Love the carriage and horses...

    And the cat's claws. Do hope you had something substantial on, beneath them. Or moved the paw. ,-) They mean well... Kneading and purring, showing they are happy. But... Ouch!

    1. Thank you, it was super to see the horses and carriage. Although the cat's claws look sharpe it was a very gentle knead - thank goodness!:)

  13. Lovely photos. Good to see the Ravilious designs at Wedgwood, such a shame he was lost so soon. Monty has just mentioned camassias on the Chelsea programme! 😊

    1. Good old Monty! Haven't seen much of Chelsea this year, must catch up at some point. So sad Eric Ravilious was lost so young:)

  14. Super dupes, Rosie. Your Spiky/Prickly photo immediately reminded me of Scarface Claw who terrorised Hairy Maclary and his friends in the books by Lynley Dodd and so made me smile. x

    1. Oh, my goodness - Scarface Claw sounds terrifying! Must look him up. Now I have heard somewhere in the back of my mind of Hairy Maclary. Thanks Mrs T:)

  15. Great photo for disaster. I like cool too!

  16. Love your photos.

    Julie xxxxxx

  17. Those pottery designs are gorgeous! I would love to own some of that china! The fact that the designer is deceased make the work that much more valued. The spiky/prickly photo is a triumph! You had a very creative way of getting the shot! Have a lovely weekend Rosie. x

    1. I'm so lucky to be able to just walk into both the Wedgwood Museum and the Potteries Museum to see Ravilious's work and also some other wonderful pottery and china too. Hope you too have a lovely weekend Simone:)

  18. Very nice interpretation of the words, especially the Strawberries and cream!

    1. Thank you, Pam - you can't beat strawberries and ice cream when it's warm and sunny:)

  19. Very clever interpretation with such great photos, thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  20. Lovely choice of pictures, especially the china and the cats claws. So appropriate for prickly. ..brings back memories of our beloved Jak and his kneeding whilst sitting on my lap.

  21. What lovely pictures; Cammassia is a big favourite of mine, sadly they've gone over very quickly this year, probably because it has been so warm. They are easy to grow, I got my first packet from Wilko a few years ago although they did not have any more last autumn.

  22. Oh I do love those blue flowers - thanks for the info on them. And that cat's claws need watching out for - a great interpretation of spiky. So sad about the Wedgewood designer - it would have been nice to see where his work developed. The pieces you've shown are beautiful.
