
Friday, April 27, 2018

Scavenger Photo Hunt - April

Joining in once again with the Scavenger Photo Hunt organised by
by Kate at 'I live, I love, I craft, I am me' blog. The word prompts for April are
Swirl, Rock, Wood, Letter, Balance, My Own Choice

Swirl - I love they way Ammonites swirl and whirl and we've had this one for quite a few years now.  It lives on the window sill in the living room. It's about 7 inches across at its widest point.  Not huge but not small either.

Rock - I could just imagine gently rocking in this chair by a fire with soft and sweet music playing in the background whilst getting lost in the pages a good book. 

Wood - In our nearest local wood the bluebells are coming into flower.  Soon there will be a carpet of blue under the trees.

Letter - R for Rosie on my keyring which is sitting on a letter that I received recently from a cousin.  I love having a hand written letter drop through the letter box. It makes my day.

Balance - when I was a child, when it was too wet to play outside or even to visit friends or have them visit me, I would fill the table with little houses made from playing cards. I'd create little villages, or they were in my imagination.  It was all a balancing act which I hadn't tried for years.  I managed two levels on this one but my fingers are not as nimble as they were and it soon collapsed on me.

My Own Choice - at the entrance to our local bluebell wood we saw our first Orange Tip butterfly of the season.  Apparently it is one of the true signs of Spring.  Let's hope so!

To find other bloggers joining in this month click on the link below.


  1. Those are the most pretty playing cards I have ever seen. That butterfly is a stunner too :) thank you for joining in x

    1. Thank you, the playing cards are new to me, they are very pretty. I was thrilled to see the orange tip:)

  2. Love swirl! Thanks for reminding me about balancing cards! Not tried this for at least 55 years.... I too saw an Orange Tip butterfly the other day but I did not know is was a sign of Spring. Not seen it since....

    1. Thank you. I was checking that it really was an orange tip when I read the bit about Spring:)

  3. We had a lovely spring day yesterday - bluebells, orange tips. But today is rather a day for the rocking chair, if I had one. A letter would help, but whatever happens please save me from trying to balance playing cards!

    1. Thank John, I'll try:)I don't think I will be making anymore card houses in the near future:)

  4. Oh I love the butterfly. I only saw my first of the season last weekend and it was a tortoishell. A great idea for rock and its lovely to see the bluebells making an appearance in the woods.

    1. Thanks, we must go back to the wood next week to see if the bluebells are properly out, we always seem to visit a week or two too early:)

  5. I love the ammonite :) and I would so like a rocking chair - the one in your photo looks perfect :)

    It is lovely to see the photo of the Orange Tip - I have been hoping to see one but despite looking I haven't found one yet.

    Have a good weekend.

    1. Thank you. I didn't expect to see the Orange Tip let alone get a photo of it. Paul saw it fly in front of us and we followed it gently until it settled with its wings closed - it was worth waiting for it to open them. Hope you see one soon:)

  6. Delightful photos!

    Gorgeous Ammonite fossil... Did you find that in your Magic Woods? :-)

    Btw, I love, love, love your reply to my post, about faeries and magic! Of course you have a Magical Forest, to wander in. So much more delightful, to view it, this way.

    I look forward to your photos of your Bluebell Wood, in bloom!

    Oh yes, the written word. It is fast dying out. I wonder, do they even teach children to write cursive anymore? I never see any, by my 'grands.' How totally sad. :-(

    Houses of cards! I never did that as a child. Perhaps we didn't have any playing cards about, as I don't remember anyone playing cards.... A so much better manner of play, than all the techy things, today's children are doing all the time.

    I used to love to color. Had some beautiful coloring books, which were too special to color in. I'd trace the drawings, and color those. So I did have quiet things to do, "back at the beginning of time." :-))))

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments. I hope the blubell woods are more 'blue' when we visit again next week. I'm afraid typing and then computer key boards spoilt my handwriting, also taking study notes when I did Open University. As a child I used to read a lot too especially on rainy days. The ammonite came from a quarry east of the country near a city called Peterborough:)

  7. I love the swirl of the ammonite, and the butterfly is a gorgeous colour :)

    1. Thank you, I love ammonites, yes the butterfly is lovely:)

  8. It's a long time since I have commented, but I appreciate your posts and seeing a bit of what you have been seeing, Rosie. Thanks for posting! xx

    1. Thank you for visiting and commenting, Gracie it is lovely to see you here;)

  9. That rocking chair suits me, but I'm fond of rocking chairs!

    1. Thank you William, we saw a lovely antique rocking chair today, a french one painted a lovely faded blue:)

  10. Your ammonite is beautiful it must look stunning on your windowsill. Lovely orange tips. I’ve never been lucky to see one in Jersey, maybe this year. Sounds like a rocking chair would be perfect for you. Have a lovely weekend. B x

    1. We've had the ammonite a number of years now and it does get moved to different places now and again but it does look good on the windowsill:)

  11. Lovely pictures. What gorgeous playing cards. I too loved building a house of cards but long gone are the days of building card houses on the carpet. My ancient knees would object.

    1. Thank you. I remember I used to build the card houses on the dining table so always had to take them down when Mum wanted to set the table for tea. The playing cards are very pretty arent't they?:)

  12. I very much enjoyed your post Rosie, it's just full of pretty things. 😊

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a lovley weekend:)

  13. Lovely post, bringing back memories of building houses and towers with playing cards.

    1. We always had cards in the house as we played card games with an elderly aunt who came to tea on Sundays:)

  14. Yes I have to agree a lovely post, I think the letter is my favourite , I loved writing letters but my arthritic hands complain now. My hubby and I lived 300 miles away back in the early 60s and we wrote each other everyday. No phones or cars for us then. Such a different way of life. Thanks for the reminder. The rocking chair. hmm I am sure we have 2 in a loft somewhere , they were dark wood but I love your white one ,shall have to go searching ,thanks for the reminders of times gone by.

    1. Thank you, Barb. How lovely to have letters from way back, such lovely memories. The chair isn't mine I saw it in a shop but I woud like it perhaps in a pale wood. You could always paint your old ones in a new colour:)

  15. LOve your swirl and the interpretation of rock is clever.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  16. Love the photos, especially balance and the ammonite swirl

    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Thank you, pleased that enjoyed the photos:)

  17. Great interpretations...especially Rock and Balance. What a lovely ammonite, I'd love one but boy they are pricey.

    1. Thank you, Fiona. The ammonite was found in a quarry many years ago and was passed on to us by a kind person who didn't want it anymore and knew we had a fossil collection. We couldn't afford to buy one, even the small ones are pricey in some places:)

  18. A lovely interpretation of rock.

  19. All of your photos are so unique, I really appreciate your take on Rock, very relaxing.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  20. Sorry I'm late Rosie, but now I remember I was half way through reading yours, when I had an urgent phone call & never got back to it. Love the ammonite & the playing cards. Never seen anything like them before. Take care.

    1. Thank you Susan, the cards are based on designs for Wedgwood Pottery:)

  21. Gosh, thank you for bringing back lovely memories Rosie with the playing cards. My mother loved cards and there was always a pack on the table - making houses was definitely part of winter days. Mind you ours were not anywhere as near as pretty as those you've shown. Your interpretation of rock is delightful too and isn't it always a joy when the bluebells appear?

    1. Thank you, Fil. We;ve just got back home after another walk in the bluebell woods - so beautiful:)

  22. This is a great collection! I love the ammonite for swirl and you thought of a good one for rock. I also like your photo for balance.

    1. Thanks, Louise, I wasn't sure what to use for balance:)
