
Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday Miscellany

Time for another Monday Miscellany.
Just a few simple things that have made me smile over the last few days.

Seeing the place I used to work when we paid a visit to Spalding in Lincolnshire last week.  The museum now closes on Mondays and Tuesdays so I couldn't go in.  I had a peep through one of the windows and could see some of the displays had changed since my last visit about five years ago.  When I worked there we were open every day but we did house the Tourist Information office as well and we did have a lot of visitors especially in Spring for the Flower Parade and Flower Festivals during what used to be called 'Tulip Time.'

I was intrigued by this old chair that had been used as a planter for Spring flowers.  It looks as if sphagnum moss has been placed where the seat would have been and that it has been planted much like a hanging basket.  Great idea and good recycling of an old chair.

Tea and Ginger cake at the Emma Bridgewater factory shop cafe. No reason to visit, we didn't buy anything, we just like it there as it is bright, warm and welcoming.

Max our very elderly cat has taken his first steps outside now that the weather is warmer.  He hasn't been out since Autumn last year as his health hasn't been good,in fact, I hadn't expected him to see Spring but there he is doing a tour of his garden before heading back inside again.  He will be 22 years old in April.

 Tomato, courgette and bean seedlings are sprouting in their trays in the conservatory.  It will be a while yet before they go out into the greenhouse, especially as cold weather has been predicted to return in the middle of next week.

 I've just finished reading a book by an author I hadn't come across before, set in modern day Amsterdam.  It took a little while to warm to the main characters but in the end I couldn't put it down.

Have any small seemingly inconsequential things made you smile recently?

I'll be back later this week for March's Scavenger Photo Hunt.


  1. How lovely that Max is out and about. 22 years old nearly is amazing. That book looks intriguing especially after my amsterdspam visit. What a clever idea for the chair. I’m smiling after having had a lovely sunny Sunday. It doesn’t take much to keep me happy. Have a good week. B x

    1. Thank you, you too. The book features bicycle rides along the canals and over the bridges also descriptions of the different types of houses and appartments people live in:)

  2. Good to see Max was able to take a tour of the garden - he has reached a super age. The planter is such an original idea - never seen anything like that before. The cake looks delicious by the way :) I will check out the book as I always enjoy books I have seen on your blog.

    A lovely sunny day and my first butterfly of the year have made me happy today!:)

    1. Glad you saw your first butterfly, it seems to have gone colder again now. I think this book is the second in the series, I must try and find the first one:)

  3. Ohhhhh our Dear old cat!!! How precious. So glad he got to enjoy the spring outdoors for a bit. Before resting again. Please give him a gentle pet, from me. :-)

    Lovely to visit where you used to work. Looks like a lovely place, to work.

    The re-purposed chair, such a cute idea.

    Again, my best to Max. And gentle hugs to him, also....

    1. The hall dates from c1430s and was a wonderful place to work with just a small but happy team. I tickled Max under the chin for you:)

  4. That is an amazing age for a cat!

    1. It is, he keeps going on, for two years now we've thought he wouldn't last much longer:)

  5. Enjoyed your post,, can't believe your cat is going to be 22.

    1. Thank you Janet, 22 is a big age - he was bon April 1996:)

  6. The chair looks as if it's being reclaimed by the plants, such a good idea. The cake looks delicious! I hope you have a great week. ☺

    1. Thanks, you too. The chair is great isn't it and the cake was tasty:)

  7. Good to know that if my upholstery experiments don’t work out I can still find a use for my old chairs!

    1. Ha Ha, yes, you could find another use for your chairs in that way, I saw somewhere someone growing clematis over an old garden seat too, it was lovely:)

  8. Such a good idea for the chair! Your cat is gorgeous and wow 22 is quite an age!

    1. Thank you Pam, his back legs aren't very stable and he yowls a lot like all senior cats, probably because he is deaf:)

  9. Like everyone I do like how they have used the old chair for flowers.
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks Amanda. It is a super idea to re use the chair isn't it?:)

  10. It was lovely meandering about with you and meeting your precious old cat Max..22 years old ( WOW) Isn’t it exciting to see the plants sprouting ..We still have snow so are eagerly awaiting Springtime... I like the garden chair idea too... Thanks for sharing your day ... Have a HAPPY EASTER !!!..Hugs

    1. Hello and welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed the post, Spring is tardy this year, best wishes to you for Easter and I hope Spring comes your way soon:)

  11. Thank you so much, for your Happy Birthday wishes to me....

    1. You are welcome hope you had a super day:)

  12. What a wonderful age for your cat Max! Thanks for sharing your day out & I'm hoping to make a ginger cake today. See you Friday for the "Hunt". Take care.

    1. I hope you enjoy your ginger cake making and eating. Will visit you on Friday, thanks for visiting:)

  13. This is a lovely collection of miscellany. Lovely to see Max getting out doors again at such a grand old age!

    1. Thanks, Louise, I didn't think I'd see Max in the garden again:)

  14. Lovely Max. He's a fine old age. x

    1. Thank you Simone, he's got through to April his birthday month although he doesn't seem very well today like us all he has the occasional 'off' day:)

  15. Your seedlings are coming along nicely - they are a bit bigger than mine, but I don’t have an ideal place for them. It will be a couple of months before I can consider putting anything outside, as we don’t have a greenhouse. Max seems to be enjoying his walk in the garden. Marie x

  16. I forgot to add that the sound of Canada geese returning from their winter migration made me smile. I heard them honking as they approached and looked out of the window to see them flying in three formations. I’m hoping that this is a sign of spring’s imminent arrival. Marie x
