
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Photo Scavenger Hunt - November

It's the end of November so I'm joining in with Hawthorn at I live, I love, I craft, I am me blog for this month's Photo Scavenger Hunt.

November's Word prompts are
Blue, Me, Starts with a 'W', Rainbow, Arch, Toy, Swirl, Brush, Nail, My own Choice

Blue - the blue bridge at Shugborough Hall and Estate, Milton, Stafford which takes you over the river onto the woodland area known as the island Arboretum.

Me - from about one to four years old.  I had great fun getting out the box of old family photos and searching through them.  Top left I look as if I'm wearing gloves too large for my hands and top right I have wrinkly 'Nora Batty' socks and what look like very heavy winter shoes with a summer dress. I vaguely remember having that photo taken in one of the parks in London.  Hence perhaps the walking shoes?  We had gone to visit my Mum's best friend, whom I knew as Auntie Dot, and her family in Edgware and I also remember catching the train into the centre of London and being taken to see a stature of Peter Pan.  I still have the teddy bear I'm holding bottom right.

Starts with a 'W'.  I love this weather vane at Shugborough Hall, Staffordshire.  We visited recently and walked from the car park through the grounds and over the the island arboretum.  I spotted the weather vane on the way back.

Rainbow - having twice missed the chance to photograph a Rainbow bus in Kimberley, near Eastwood in Nottingham when we were visiting the well known Swedish store there a couple of weeks ago my mind drifted to the writer D H Lawrence as he was born in Eastwood.  I knew he'd written a book called The Rainbow.  Did I have it on the book shelves at home?  No we had Women in Love the book which followed The Rainbow and also Sons and Lovers so a trip to the library was in order to find a copy.

Arch - the arches in the roof of the Winter Gardens, Sheffield.  We visited the city to see the Raviious & Co: A Pattern of Friendship exhibition at the Millennium Gallery.

 Toy - A soft toy white tiger in the well known Swedish Store.  He was sitting on top of a large Christmas bag.  It brought back memories of when I was a child and presents were placed in a pillow case at the bottom of the bed and one year there was a blue and white panda at the top of the bag, I still have the panda although he's grey and grey now. 

Swirl - swirls of chocolate on top of a brownie at the Emma Bridgewater cafe at the factory and factory shop which isn't very far from where we live.  We can walk there in 40 minutes but more often we drive as the walk takes us down the very busy and noisy main road which leads to the city centre.

Brush - I suddenly thought of 'Basil Brush' and remembered the photos I had taken of the fox family in the garden during the summer.  This is one of the cubs, they still visit the garden but we rarely see them now the dark evenings are here.

Nail - I asked my husband if we had any nails.  He said yes, there is a bag of nails in the shed with enough nails in it to spell out the word nail.  So that is what I did.

My Own Choice - I realised that I had mentioned in two places that I still had both my teddy bear and panda so I thought I'd better prove it by showing you a photos of both very threadbare creatures each one well over sixty years old now.

Click on the link below to find other bloggers who are joining in this month.


  1. Love those photos. Lovely fox. I love photo-graphing weather-vanes, and last year did a blog post about them

    Julie xxxx

    1. Thanks, Julie - I will look for your post on weather vanes as I find them fascinating:)

  2. Lovely photos - impressed at your dedication to go and find 'Rainbow'! Your toys are precious so glad you shared them with us :) Thank you for joining in, we'll have a break for the rest of the year and kick off again in January 2018!

    1. Thank you, I've enjoyed joining in and look forward to starting again in the New Year:)

  3. I love your fox for brush. Must be wonderful being a home for a fox family. Love your Me pictures and the swirls on the brownie. X

    1. The brownie was gorgeous and we were very good and shared just one! It is lovely to have the foxes although at this time of year we rarely see them - just hear them:)

  4. Great photos & the bridge & arches are both so beautifully different. I really can relate to your childhood photos & teddies. My bear looked like those, but he's gone now & I also think my doll maybe like the one in lower photo. Judy (my profile photo) who is a Pedigree doll will be 61 this Xmas. Thanks for sharing & take care.

    1. Thank you Susan. I always loved my teddies more than my dolls and used to wheel a bigger teddy which I still have around in a doll's pushchair. How wonderful your doll is 61 years old, I bet you remember that first Christmas you had her:)

  5. Great photos and several similarities to mine....great minds etc. My teddy is just like yours (the one on the left)although mine still has eyes. You were a cute little girl and your Brush snap is wonderful.

    1. Thanks, Fiona. Yes,we both thought of Basil Brush. The teddy still has eyes hiding under the fur, I hadn't noticed they didn't show up on the photo:)

  6. I feel like I'm gatecrashing a bit - but enjoyed those photos and the thoughts behind them. Shugborough's wonderful!

    1. Gatecrash all you like, Mike it's nice to see you here. Yes Shugborough is wonderful and much improved by all the changes now the NT have taken over it all:)

  7. Super photos and lovely interpretations of all the words. Thank you for sharing some photos of Shugborough - I found a leaflet on the place recently which reminded me I hadn't yet been since the National Trust took it over.

    Love your childhood teddies - sadly I no longer have any of mine. Brownie from the Emma Bridgewater cafe looks rather scrumptious :)

    1. Shugborough has changed over the last year now the NT own it all and you don't have to pay for separate things like the farm and servants' quarters which you had to do even if you were a member. It seems a better, smoother visit now. I also have a larger teddy bear which was waiting for me in the back of the sidecar (we had a motorbike and sidecar when i was a child) when I came out of hospital after having my tonsils out:)

  8. Lovely pictures. I grew up in very hot Central Africa and wore socks and shoes like that. Must have been fashionable then or maybe better protection against nasties like snakes and scorpions. Your Nail interpretation is terrific - a double nail entry!!

    1. Thank you, I guess you would need to protect bare legs and feet against those creatures. I do remember having a pair of red sandals but I obviously didn't have them then:)

  9. I love the photos of the young Rosie especially in her smart double breasted coat! The bear and panda look well-loved and are very charming too! x

    1. It seesm strange to wear a coat like that at the seaside, for that is where the photo was taken, but I expect it was cold and it would have been the only coat I had. Today's clothes are so much more adaptable aren't they?:)

  10. Great photos; again why didn't I think of me as a child??? I have a photo that shows me to be angelic then...... Nail is to clever too; my Beloved has thousands of nails if only I'd thought... Love the arches. Never been to Shugborough but I think it might be a bit too far for a day trip. I too have my old teddy, 60+ years!

    1. Thank you. We all seem tosave our teddies don't we? I was looking through old photos and suddenly thought it would be a good idea for the me category to use childhood photos. Shugborough is a good visit if ever you are this way:)

  11. A great post full of fun things. Well done. 😊

    1. Thank you, I was lucky to find some interesting things during November:)

  12. Some very interesting choices - the fox cub is so adorable and the bear and panda are clearly much loved and treasured :)

    1. Thank you. I always loved my bears more than anything else as a child and couldn't throw them away now although what will happen to them I don't know. We love the foxes to visit the garden:)

  13. I like all your interpretations for the photo scavenger hunt. You've done well. I especially enjoyed seeing the photos of a young Rosie and reading about the time you went into London. It's interesting the things that stand out in our memories. I'm not surprised that you remember the statue of Peter Pan. It was quite a popular one to take children to see.

    1. Thank you Linda. I just have certain memories or even just scenarios in my head of things when I was very small, I remember those seats in the park were green but which park I've no idea:)

  14. A lovely collection, I like that you showed us the old bears in the last photo :) Great photos for nail and rainbow too. I haven't managed to join in this month, not enough hours in my days at the moment!

    1. Thanks Louise, I thought I ought to show the bears and give them an outing from their special box. You sound very busy, I hope your house will soon be ready, for Christmas perhaps?:)

  15. I enjoyed your take on the rainbow prompt and your beautiful blue bridge. Interesting pics.

    1. Thank you, Diana, rainbow was a challenge because I never saw one through November. The bridge is lovely as is the red one the other end of the walk:)

  16. Lovely photos Rosie, the blue bridge is great but like some of the others I wish I had included me aged about 6 grinning with no front teeth ,perhaps I would have regretted it,but it would have made you all smile. The bears are so treasured and I think they are my favourite ,the brownie was well deserved the walk.

    1. Thank you Barb, you ought to have included your photo it sounds so cute. I keep my bears safe in a box with other treasures. The brownie was delicious:)

  17. Ooooh... I especially like the swirl photo! We visited the Emma Bridgwater factory a couple of years ago and really enjoyed the café. Jx

    1. Thanks, Jan. The EB cafe is wonderful isn't it with the spotty aga and all the old photos and pottery? I'm always tempted by the shops too but don't often buy as things are a bit expensive:)

  18. I keep coming back to look at the blue bridge, I find that first photo quite mesmerising. Well done! I've really enjoyed your interpretations - especially NAIL. x

    1. Thanks, Mrs T, the bridge is wonderful in all seasons but lovely in summer when the trees are green and the boat house is covered in climbing flowers like clematis and honeysuckle:)

  19. This is a lovely post, Rosie. Some imaginative interpretations - I particularly enjoyed seeing photos of your childhood and your charming and much-loved teddy bear and panda. Marie x

    1. Thanks, Marie glad you enjoyed the post, it was nice to have the teddy and panda out of their box for a while:)
