
Monday, August 14, 2017

Garden Produce

There are lots of good things growing in the garden at the moment.   Some of them are ripe for picking others are ready for cutting.

 In the basket are tomatoes from the green house, courgettes and potatoes from the raised beds and plums from the tree at the top of the garden.  From the herb bed there are sprigs of sage, parsley and basil.

The herbs make a lovely, fragrant display in a jam jar on the kitchen windowsill until we need to use them.

There is much more lavender to harvest and dry.  I don't like to take too many flowers off as the bees love buzzing around its fragrant flower stalks.

Add a red pepper, an onion and an aubergine to the courgettes and tomatoes and you can make a simple ratatouille.  A clove of garlic with some tomato puree, olive oil and black pepper complete the dish.

There are beans, more plums and more courgettes to come in the next week or two. It's so satisfying to bring into the kitchen fruit and vegetables you have grown in your garden even if just from a pot outside the back door or a even just pots of herbs in the kitchen window.


  1. Nothing beats eating from your own garden! We're still getting tomatoes and peppers, but that's about it.

    1. I love the smell of tomatoes fresh from the green house:)

  2. Doesn't it all look marvellous, especially in your pretty bowl. Enjoy. ����������

    1. The ratatouille was very tasty and we had plum crumble too:)

  3. A wonderful selection from your garden Rosie - you just can't beat homegrown produce and the smell of herbs on the kitchen windowsill :)

    1. The herbs still look as fresh as when I picked them. We don't grow much but it is great when you can fetch a meal - or most of a meal - from the garden:)

  4. It all looks so good. I love your basket too.

    1. Thanks, I've had the trug for ages it was a christmas present one year:)

  5. You have done well with your garden produce Rosie. I am sure the ratatouille will be especially good with a hunk of Paul's home made bread! X

    1. It was lovely, Simone weate it with cous cous this time but often Paul makes afrench stick to go with it:)

  6. Gorgeous photos, Rosie! Your harvest looks so tempting, well done. I leave my lavender for the birds and the bees too, even though I can't see it from the house I like to think they are enjoying it. What do you do with the stalks you harvest?x

    1. Thanks, Mrs T, I can't see our lavender from the house either but when I went up to look yesterday it was full of honey bees. When I remember to cut a few stalks before they go over I dry them and then shake off the little dry flower buds and sew them into little bags. Haven't done that for a while:)

  7. Replies
    1. We did enjoy it Amy, it was very tasty:)

  8. what a harvesting my friend!
    it reminded me the harvest of my (late) mother who used to grow all these veggies except red chillies and potatoes .

    1. Thank you, how lovely to remember your mother growing and harvesting her veggies:)

  9. What a bountiful harvest. There is nothing better than homegrown produce. Enjoy the tastes of the season. Marie x

    1. I love the taste of the first tomatoes and courgettes and it's so satisfying to have grown them yourself:)

  10. What a lovely basket of home grown goodies! I hope to get back into my veg growing next year and you have inspired me! X

    1. Thanks, Lyn, we don't grow a lot of things but enjoy those we do:)
