
Friday, June 30, 2017

Five on Friday

I wasn't sure if  I'd be able to join in with this week's Five on Friday as we have been away for a few days and there has been lots of catching up to do since we got home yesterday.  As you can imagine I had lots of photos to download but I've found a few and will write a longer post about some of the visits in later posts.

Below are five random photos taken at places we have visited over the last few days. 

1.  Selly Manor Museum in Bournville - we spent a happy afternoon wandering around both village and museum.  More in a later post.

2.  Henry the Cat who seemed to follow us around as we visited both the ruins of Bordesley Abbey and the Forge Mill Needle Museum in Redditch.  There are little black and white cat toys called Henry in the shop as he is such a popular part of the visit.

 3.  Geological Bear - one of the 100 plus bears that can be found around the Birmingham area as part of the Big Sleuth Trail and painted by school children who are members of the Little Bears Detective Club whilst fund raising for the Birmingham Children's Hospital.  This bear was in the foyer of the Lapworth Museum on the Birmingham University Campus.

4.  Pitcher Plants in the Gilbert Orchid House at Winterbourne House and Gardens at the opposite side of the Birmingham University campus to the Lapworth Museum.  With the wonderful Barber Institute in between.

5.  Tired legs and feet after walking from the station to the Lapworth Museum, across the campus to the Barber Institute and then a little further to Winterbourne House and gardens and of course, walking around each place as well.  More about all the places we visited in further posts.

Joining in with Tricky and Carly from the FAST blog for this week's Five on Friday. Click on the link below to see others taking part.


  1. I love half-timbered buildings and of course I want to see more bears. Looking forward to more of your posts.

    1. More bears to come but not of the painted ones rather toy ones spotted in places:)

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful adventure. I enjoy taking images of cats on my travels ... they seem to make the visit complete! Love the bear! Get some rest! Ha! Happy Friday!

    1. Being cat lovers we always spot cats whilst away and even sometimes they greet us and allow tickled tummies. I think we did a week's walking in two days:)

  3. I'll look forward to your posts on your trip as you have visited some interesting places by the look of it. I've never been to Birmingham, all those times going past, we've never called in! 😊

    1. We didn't go into the centre of Birmingham just onto the University Campus and we got there by train from Redditch where we were staying:)

  4. We could well be going to the needle museum in September. It's choice between that and the Avoncroft museum of buildings. (long story why it's a choice !) It's years since I went there. I remember it as being a fascinating place. Henry might have convinced me to go to Redditch :)

    1. The museum is very interesting and Henry is lovely but there is definitely far more to see at Avoncroft. The volunteer at Forge Mill also told us about a vintage museum privately owned in Bromsgrove called The Norton Museum, mostly bikes of course but also many shop layouts, frontages and things pertaining to Bromsgrove. We were bound for home so didn'tstay to visit it:)

  5. It looks as if you've covered some distance on your visit to Birmingham. It'll be good to see more. Meanwhile, do have a restful weekend!

    1. We certainly walked a lot over the two days we were there. I think we will take it easy this weekend. The trip was a birthday treat for my husband who had always wanted to visit the Lapworth Museum:)

  6. I have similar shoes that I am hoping will bless my feet as I travel with my sisters across the USA this summer :) I enjoyed your five photos and always look forward to getting glimpses of your days. xx

    1. The shoes are so comfortable, look like ordinary shoes but have flexible, trainer like soles. Hope your shoes are as comfortable:)

  7. Looks like you've 'done' a good chunk of the West Midlands! I can empathise with the feet - really!!

    1. Just a small part really but places we hadn't been before. We tend to travel across country rather than use motorways and make the journey to our destination part of the trip by stopping off at things along the way:)

  8. Interesting tour of the area. The house had me wanting to see more of it. I hope you'll post more pictures when you get settled in from the trip.

    1. I will write a post soon about Selly Manor it has an intriguing story behind it:)

  9. Looking forward to seeing it all in more detail, the geology bear was a delight. Sore tired feet are never good, hope they are feeling rested.

    1. I called it the geology bear as it was painted with rocks and fossils, it may have another title given by the children who painted it:)

  10. Did you buy yourself a little 'Henry' Rosie? :) He looks like a lovely cat. The bear is great and the pitcher plant fascinating. Oh - and I do like your shoes! x

    1. No, Simone I resisted buying a Henry but I was tempted. I'd love to see more of those painted bears but I probably won't be back in the area for ages and they will be auctioned off in the autumn I think. My shoes are Clarks and are very comfortable. Going into the Clarks shop reminded me of being a child and my Mum having my feet measured each year for my school shoes and summer sandals:)

  11. I really enjoyed visiting that museum a few years ago... I know it's been refurbished more recently and was thinking only last week that I'd like to revisit!

    Hope you had a great few days away :)

    1. I hadn't seen the Lapworth Museum before but it was a wonderful museum and I really enjoyed looking around there are so great displays and exhibits. I enoyed being on the campus and visiting the other places too:)

  12. I LOVE Selly Manor! And what a cute geological bear! Can't wait to see the rest of your trip.

    1. Thanks for your comment, I'm so sorry I can't leave a comment on your posts as I'm not on google plus. I will be writing about Selly Manor later:)

  13. WOW! I haven't been to Selly Manor in years, I grew up in Birmingham and have amazing memories of visiting these sort of places as a child with my mother and Nan before she died, both amazing women that brought me up to be the man I am today after my father left.

    Thanks for joining in with Five on Friday, We hope you have a wonderful week :)

    1. Glad to have brought back some memories for you Tricky, I'll be writing a post later about Selly Manor. Your Mum and Nan sound like lovely ladies, thanks for organising Five on Friday:)

  14. Am catching up on your post and working backwards through your break - it looks as though you have had a lovely time. Winterbourne Gardens are one of my favourites as is the Lapworth museum :) I've been reading up on the Birmingham Bears - last year(??) they had one on Hooting Owls and my son and I were lazy and went to the exhibition at the end where they were all on display in one place - it was a great experience :)

    1. I loved the Lapworth Museum and the Barber Institute, also Winterbourne where we had lunch. Such a great day on the campus for Paul's birthday. I remember the owls, I guess I'll only see that one bear:)
