
Friday, April 07, 2017

Five on Friday

Friday has come around so quickly this week.  I've been busy pottering about clearing and decluttering.  One bag went out for Age UK yesterday and two boxes of old mugs, glasses, cutlery and dishes are ready to take to the Cats Protection shop soon.

We took an afternoon out of looking after an elderly, twenty one year old cat who needs lots of attention and visited Shugborough Hall (see my previous post).

It has been wonderful to actually get washing completely dry outside and the grass has been cut too.

I also grabbed my camera and went out into the garden where I found lots of new blooms and buds to admire.

Below are five things I spotted.

 1.  Blossom on the Victoria plum tree at the top of the garden

2. Buds on the Peony in the front garden, sadly the peony in the back garden didn't survive the winter and extra damp soil from last summer's floods.

3. Flowers on the Amelanchier (Snowy Mespilus)Tree.  It will soon be a mass of white.  The birds love the berries in autumn.

 4.  Little pale Violet flowers all over, in nooks and crannies, on paths, under hedges, in the pebbles around the greenhouse where we stand the pot plants and in the pots themselves with whatever else is in them.

5.  Flowers on the Bridal Wreath (Spirea Arguta) we have one in the front garden and one in the back garden.

Just a quick post this week.  Click on the link below to find other bloggers joining in.  Thank you to Tricky and Carly at FAST blog for hosting.


  1. I'm very envious of your peony. Never have succeeded growing one. Yours looks very healthy. Aren't all the blossom trees gorgeous at the moment. B x

    1. The red peonies remind me of my childhood home as we always had one in the corner of the front lawn. They always seemed to grow well here too in our heavy clay soil until this last year when the water table has risen and it seems to have killed of the peony ( an other plants too) on the back garden thank goodness the one on the front looks so healthy:)

  2. Wonderful blossoms in the garden! It does seem to be the time of year to get rid of stuff, doesn't it? I am slowly working on it.

    Happy Five on Friday

    1. I'm good at filling the boxes but getting them into the car and out to a charity shop seems to be more problematic, but I'm determind that they will go before Easter:)

  3. Lovely post and photos Rosie - such pretty garden blooms. No sign of buds on our peony yet but Bridal Wreath is flowering and violets scattered everywhere here too. It has been such a lovely week weather-wise and blossom looks beautiful wherever you look :)

    Good Luck with decluttering - I have to tackle our bedroom at some stage :(

    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

    1. We have collected so much over the years and I hold onto things that have been given, left or bought for me. Most of the crockery I have cleared came from Mum and Dad's house and some of that was my grandmas. I feel dreadful but it has to go. I'm loving the sunshine and the blossom though:)

  4. Peonies already, fantastic! I must get decluttering, no sooner do I get rid of a few things than a few of other people's boxes work their way back for storage! 😊

    1. I think those peonies will flower soon! It is quite early I always associate peonies with lilac in May:)

  5. We have tiny buds on our peonies as well. I don't see any ants though so I'm a bit worried about them. Love all the photos of the flowers. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Peonies are one of my favourite flowers but we can't seem to grow any but the red ones:)

  6. So pretty! A 21 year old cat, how amazing. Blogger was down all day here so I haven't managed blogging yet.

    1. 21 sometime this month, born April 1996, not sure what day but he's lived 21 years anyway bless him. Yes, blogger was a pain on Friday. I'd just posted this post and then couldn't link it or leave any comments anywhere, seems back to normal now:)

  7. Lovely shots! That Bridal Wreath was especially pretty!

    1. Itis a lovely shrub isn't it? I always look forward to it flowering, it seems to flower earlier each year:)

  8. I never tire of flower photos. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Patsy, glad you enjoyed them:)

  9. Your Amelanchier tree is a new one on me, its going to be very pretty in a week or so. I have a mass of violets in my front lawn this year, I've no idea where they came from, not had any before...not complaining mind!

    1. Two days later and the Amelanchier is full of white blossom, our violets just appeared one year and then they have spread and spread, it seems like a good year for them:)

  10. Your garden details look wonderful. I've got to go and have a look at ours now I'm back off holidays. Anything could be flowering out there!

    1. It's amazing what you can find, something new everyday at this time of year:)

  11. There seems to have been a violet explosion this year, don't think I've ever seen so many.

    1. There are quite a lot of them aren't there? I love to see them nestling in the strangest of places:)

  12. Your peony is looking great - and way ahead of ours. The spirea is such a beautiful shrub. This is such a wonderful time of year in the garden!

    1. I love this time of year in the garden, so many lovely flowers and blssoms to enjoy and all seems fresh and new too:)

  13. A 21 year old kitty -- amazing! Our Jingles will be 13 this month. Lovely to see Spring blossoming as we are just about wrapping things up over here in the desert preparing for the hot summer months.

    1. I'm sure your summer will be far hoter than our. Jingles! What a lovely name for your cat, I never thought Max would get to twenty one:)

  14. Lovely photos Rosie. The bridal wreath is stunning! x

    1. Thanks, Simone the Bridal Wreath is one of my favourite plants in the garden:)

  15. Lovely photos I have some Spirea Arguta, such a lovely blossom...
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda, it is lovely isn't it?:)

  16. ooo that brings back memories, we used to have victoria plums in our garden when I was a kid, spent many many hours climbing those trees to get the prizes at the top :)

    Thanks for joining in with us for Five on Friday and please excuse my lateness in getting round to comment this week!

    1. The ripest fruits are always just out of reach aren't they?:)
