
Friday, March 17, 2017

Five on Friday

We've had such a lovely few days at the beginning of this week, some gardening has been done, walks have been taken and washing has dried outside.  We'll soon have to give the grass areas in the garden their first cut.

Here are five signs of Spring that have filled me with joy this week

1.  Daffodils - everywhere, in gardens, on verges, in woodlands, on city roundabouts. Everywhere you look are wonderful,  bright, cheerful yellow daffodil heads bobbing in the breeze.  Bunches in the supermarkets ready to take home to add cheer to a windowsill, table or dresser.

 2.  Frogspawn in the pond - one of the sure signs for me that Spring is really here at last.

3.  Birds pairing up, the wood pigeons and collard doves wake us each morning, magpies fly overhead with bits of twig in their beaks, the birds at the feeders take food away for their mates, the hedgerows are busy, the air full of bird noises.

 4.  Sheep and lambs in the fields - we spotted the first little Jacob lamb at Trentham on Wednesday and the lambing shelter was set up ready to receive some more.

5.  Birds nesting in gardens, woodlands, meadowland and on the waterside.

Joining in for the last time with Amy at Love Made my Home for this week's Five on Friday.  Thank you Amy for all you have done for us with Five on Friday we've had some wonderful times with you and everyone who has joined in and made some lovely blogging friends too

Next week we'll be moving from here

to our new hosts at the FAST blog below

so click on the link to discover more


  1. Lovely signs of spring you've found. I've noticed round here that the birds are chasing each other around. I even spotted a couple of blue tits stealing 'fluff' from the liner of last year's hanging basket, so they must be a bit further on than most!

    1. The wood pigeons are doing a lot of 'chasing' and flopping about on the garage and conservatory roof. We watched two bluetits chasing and buzzing around yesterday:)

  2. Yes indeed it's been a fantastic week, such blue skies and warmth to encourage all the plants and wildlife. Great happy photos Rosie. x

    1. Thanks, glad you enjoyed the photos. It has been a lovely spring like week hasn't it?:)

  3. Lovely week here too in between the fog patches. Your garden is looking gorgeous. Love the smell of newly mown grass; a sure sign of better weather. Have a lovely weekend

    1. Thanks. We are waiting for the grass to dry out as it is still damp and soggy in many places even after three or four dry days.

  4. Great to see so many signs of Spring. I've always wondered how they manage to sell so many Daffodils in the supermarkets when everybody seems to be oversupplied with them in their own gardens.

    1. It does seem strange to want to see the daffodils inside when there are so many out and about but there is something so cheering about a jug of bright yellow indoors too:)

  5. A lovely Spring post with some great photos :) Great to see you have frogspawn and I love your jug of daffodils next to what looks like an interesting dish of shells :)

    It has been a good week weather-wise with the feeling that Spring has arrived.

    Have a lovely weekend :)

    1. Thanks, no where near as many frogs this year as in previous ones. I do think Spring is here at last although it was cold yesterday so the puffa coat came out again! I love my little shells which have been collected over numerous beach walks over the last few years, I always come home with one or two in my pocket:)

  6. What a wonderful Spring Five on Friday. So great to see such signs of renewal. I'm looking forward to it here. I love the daffodils.

    1. Daffodils always seem to make us smile don't they?:)

  7. Wonderful Spring Five! We have to wait and wait.... Happy weekend Rosie!

    1. Thanks, Riitta, I hope Spring comes to your part of the world soon:)

  8. A lovely joyful spring five! Love your photos of the lambs & wood pigeons!

    1. Thanks, Christine, I must go back and look to see if there are any more lambs:)

  9. A wonderful cheerful post Rosie! Haven't bulbs done well this year? I have not yet bought any daffodils for the house this year so will have to do so for the weekend. I hope the weekend is good enough for us to get in the garden. Don't forget Monty Don at 8.00pm! x

    1. It's good to have Monty back isn't it? I love his dogs too and always look out for them. After the lovely sunshine it's been cold again the last couple of days but Spring is definitely taking over from winter now:)

  10. Glorious photos Rosie! The sun didn't reach the Northumberland hills this week so your post has brightened my day. Thank you :)

    1. Thanks, glad the photos brightened your day, I hope the sun reaches you soon:)

  11. Wonderful signs of spring, Rosie! The daffodils are lovely, but perhaps your bird photos impressed me most. Great photos of beautiful birds.
    Have a happy weekend! xx

    1. Thanks, Sara, glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  12. Wonderful signs of spring. I've noticed the birds in my area have been busy calling to each other ... looking for their significant other and marking out their territory. Spring is here!Happy Friday!

    1. I heard a most unusual bird call through the open window yesterday but we could spot anything unusual, eventually there were two of them answering each other but I've no idea what birds they were:)

  13. No wonder we all love spring - the exciting rebirth of it all, and you captured it in photos.

    1. Thanks, Patsy, yes Spring is finally here:)

  14. It is so good to see Spring return and your photos capture all the bursting energy of nature at this time of year.

    1. Thanks, it's such a lovely time of year isn't it?:)

  15. I love all the signs of spring in your area, Rosie! We have been in England in March and always were greeted by the cheery daffodils, which don't surface in my garden in Wisconsin until May. I do love them. I read in your bio that you live in Stoke on Trent. I had hoped to visit the EB factory there this fall and had thought that it was in Bampton, but found out that it is in Stoke on Trent. Unfortunately that would be far out of our way. Too bad! I'll have to keep watching for her sales. What a beautiful country you have. We love it there!

    1. Yes, the main factory is here in the heart of the potteries in an old Victorian pottery building by the canal. It is a lovely visit and we often pop in for a morning coffee in the cafe there. It's about a 40 minute walk from where we live. Hope you can find something you like in the sales:)

  16. Daffodils are my favourite part of spring time. Beautiful photo's xx

    1. The daffodils do cheer you up at this time of year don't they?:)

  17. I haven't seen the first flower here! :-( But hopefully soon. Wonderful post. Loved that it's lambing time...I can't wait to see some new ones in the fields closeby to us as well.

    1. I haven't seen many lambs yet just two or three, hope you see both lambs and daffodils soon:)

  18. What a difference a bit of sun makes, love all your photos, so nice to see.
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda, so glad you enjoyed the photos, the sun certainly brings as much cheer as the daffodils, doesn't it?:)

  19. I enjoyed all of your signs of spring and the cheery sunshine on your daffodils! Beautiful.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the photos, sunshine on daffodils is one of the best sights at this time of year:)

  20. Lovely, joyful spring photos, Rosie. The sunshine has cheered me up SO much and everything seems so much more hopeful in the spring. (And I am pleased to see that I am not the only one who keeps a little dish of shells to hand.) Hope you are enjoying the weekend - we are doing some windswept gardening! x

    1. Thanks, Mrs T. We needed that cheerfulness for a short while as the weather is back to normal again today with a vengeance. I love my little dish of shells collected over the years, hope you enjoyed the gardening:)

  21. It may sound strange but I have such fond memories of frog spawn, my nan had a pond in her garden that was usually full of it :)

    1. Isn't it lovely how we all remember things at our grandparent's houses, mine kept chickens and had hollyhocks growing up a fence, I remember waking up to the cockerel crowing. Frogspawn is the first real sign of spring for me:)

  22. Your photos are filled with twittering and leaping energy of spring! Life seems to spring from every corner. Those daffodils are gorgeous.

    1. Thanks,Lorrie it did seem a sunny, joyful week. Back to wind and rain again now though:)

  23. You've captured the essence of spring in your photos, that's for sure. Funnily enough I've never seen frog spawn - what a strange looking thing it is!

    1. Thank you Carly, frog spawn is strange to se isn't it? When we were children at school we used to call sago pudding frog spawn:)

  24. What a great spring collection!

  25. The very best of spring, Rosie, and a host of golden daffodils.

    1. Thanks, Amalia, Spring has disappeared for a while but I'm sure it will be back soon:)

  26. Your signs of Spring give a leap of joy to my heart. Love the host of golden daffodils!


    1. Thank you Brenda, the daffodils are so cheering e't they?:)
