
Friday, February 03, 2017

Five on Friday

It's time for Five on Friday so here are five simple, cheering things that have made me smile this week.

 1.  Snowdrops - the first snowdrops of early February are always so beautiful
aren't they?

2.  Baking Banana Tea Bread to use up ripening bananas.  The recipe is from the BeRo book and one I always use.  We cut slices of the cake to take with us with a flask of coffee when we go out for walks.

3.  Daffodils and a Hare - two recent purchases - the first daffodils of the season, just £1 from the supermarket bring lots of cheer.  I love Hares and I couldn't resist this felted one from a local museum.  Hares as well as daffodils make me think of the coming Spring.

4.  Hyacinths - from the same supermarket as the daffodils above.  The ones we planted late after we had found them lurking in a pot in the greenhouse didn't flower, the leaves grew taller and taller but there were no flowers lurking between them.  Hence the purchase of some more, three in a pot for £1.26, not bad at all.  You can see the flowers developing on these so it won't be long until we have some colour and scent too.

5.  In the post - The 2017 National Trust Handbook plus the latest magazine popped through the letter box earlier this week.  It is cheering on these dark and gloomy days to think about Spring and Summer and where we might visit. We tend to work our long journeys around a National Trust property as they are good places to take a break, stretch your legs and take refreshment whilst discovering one or two new places along the way as well as returning to old favourites.  We may be headed towards the Isle of Wight later this year so there are plenty of places to explore en route.

Click on the link below to find others who are participating in Five on Friday this week. Thanks to Amy at Love Made my Home for looking after us.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Lovely signs of spring and the beginning of hope. My snowdrops this year are so late compared to other years that I am nervous something has happened to the bulbs, hope not though

    1. I do hope your bulbs will be ok, it has been such a damp season and I always worry about bulbs rotting in the too wet soil:)

  2. What a beautiful selection of items to bring cheer to a Winter's Day. I spotted my first Snowdrops of the year yesterday and I love buying daffodils at this time of year :) The banana loaf looks delicious - sadly can't make any cakes at the moment as son is on a diet :(

    I wouldn't have been able to resist the hare - he/she looks beautiful. Been planning a few trips to NT properties here too - hoping we can go to more this year as there are still several about an hour /hour and a quarter away that I have never been too. I notice NT has taken over both Elgar's house and Shugborough Hall :) We are off to the Isle Wight for a week early Summer and I can't wait as we haven't been for a few years and I miss it so much.

    Hope you are feeling better this week and have a lovely weekend.

    1. We are visiting the Isle of Wight because Paul's cousin lives there. He works for the NT and P also wants to visit the Dinosaur Museum in Sandown. He's never been to the Isle of Wight, I've been a couple of times as a child and again as a teenager. I'm looking forward to seeing what changes have been made at Shugborough, before you had to pay for parking and also to go in the Museum and farm as they were all Staffordshire County Council, only the Mansion was free to NT members. Have a lovely weekend:)

    2. You will love it there Rosie - so much to see and do. I don't think it has changed since I went when I was little :) The Sandown Dinosaur museum is very good. There is also the Dinosaur Farm museum near Brighstone, West Wight, they also run fossil hunts (went on one when my son was little at Compton Bay and it was brilliant :) ).

      Will be interesting to see Shugborough - only been once when I went on a trip to help supervise children when my daughter was at primary school (ages ago!!!).

  3. A lovely cheerful five Rosie. Spring is just around the corner! I went to the Isle of Wight quite a few times as a child. Have you heard of the eight wonders of the I.O.W? Ryde where you walk, Needles you cannot thread, Cowes you cannot milk, Freshwater you cannot drink, Newtown which is old etc! :) My Mum and Dad had their honeymoon in Bonchurch and the Ventnor botanical garden may be of interest to you. Have a great weekend. x

    1. Thanks, Simone! I hadn't heard of the eight wonders of the IOW so thank you for that. I remember visiting as a child and coming back with a glass test tube type thing that was filled with coloured sands, it sat on the mantlepiece at home for many years, I also remember a horse in a wheel at Carisbroke Castle:)

    2. I also had a test tube of coloured sand that I collected at the needles. I think they stopped doing it due to the danger of the cliffs collapsing. Make sure you get some delicious I.O.W shortbread cut out into the shape of the island. :)

  4. Such an uplifting post with thought of the new coming season. I loved the daffodils, I was going to buy some and then remembered I hadn't got a vase,, they are all packed.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post. Oh do buy some cheering daffodils, you could always stand them in a plastic bottle with the top cut off whilst your vases are packed away:)

  5. I always enjoy Springtime!
    Love the hare you purchased. Cute.

    1. The hare is cute isn't it? Thanks for visiting:)

  6. I have a hare very similar to yours, but he's currently sitting in front of some pussy willow springs that I pruned in the garden. Spring's on its way!

    1. Hare and pussy willow sounds really spring like:)

  7. Great choice of 5 lovely things, I envy your trips to NT properties. Have fun!

  8. Signs of spring! I love banana bread. I think I like daffodils because of the color -- happy color! Your post makes me want Spring to arrive! Happy Friday!

    1. Daffodils are so cheering aren't they? The banana bread was very tasty:)

  9. Your snowdrops ARE very sweet! Such a delicate flower to brave the cold temps in spring. I have a small bunch in my garden too, but will have to wait a few more months to see them. Your little hare is so cute, and looks right at home below the daffodils. My mother's family came from the Isle of Wight! One day I should visit and look up some old gravestones to soak up some family history. Enjoy your day :)

    1. Itsa long time since I went over to the Isle of Wight although we did see The Needles from Milton on Sea a few years ago:)

  10. We had snowdrops last year but none this year.I blame the squirrels!!Love yours and the hare.

    1. I've seen squirrels digging up crocus and tulip bulbs so perhaps they do take snowdrops as well:)

  11. Our daffodils bloomed early and then just stopped. Love your little hare.

    1. That was early for daffodils, although they are in the shops now. The hare is cute isn't it?:)

  12. Hello Rosie, Your five made me smile, too. The snowdrops are beautiful. Daffodils always make me smile and I hope to get to some daffodil fields when they are in full bloom here in Washington State. On our travels to Great Britain we have always enjoyed National Trust Properties along the way, too. Have a good weekend! ~The Happy Wonderer

    1. NT properties are always good value and so much to see with some of them. Daffodil fields sounds wonderful:)

  13. First snowdrops and daffodils are so cheerful and a reminder that Spring is on its way. The hare have a great expression on his face and looks very content with the daffodils. My NT magazine has come too and I'm looking forward to sitting down to enjoy it this weekend.

    1. I love the early Spring flowers, so many different ones and all bring cheer and hopes of Spring to come:)

  14. I love all your five on Friday, Snowdrops , Daff's and cake anyday to make me smile...
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda. The daffodils are really cheering aren't they?:)

  15. Your flowers photos are so cheering. I regret passing up the lovely bouquet at the store this morning. The cake does sound lovely too.

    1. The cake was very tasty especially with a mug of coffe after a long walk:)

  16. You'll definitely have to go to Osborne House, it's one of my favourites. I'm sure you'll have a great time in the IOW. In the meantime you can enjoy all your pretty bulbs. 😊

    1. I haven't been to Osbourne House or Julia Margaret Cameron's house so I'd like to do that. I have been to Carisbrook Castle and Alum Bay when I was a child. We also want to visit the Dinosaur Museum:)

  17. A lovely five Rosie. I always enjoy getting my new National trust book. I wonder where you will go this year. B x

    1. I wonder? We will find one or two properties on the way down to the ferry over to the island I expect and of course, one for coming back too:)

  18. Well, that was kind of cosy and smiley; I enjoyed it, thank you. Hope you make it to the Island; I grew up in Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight is such a special place - we used to go there so much for day trips and holidays. Ticket to Ryde!

    1. I've been to the IOW a couple of times as a child and a teenager (such a long time ago!) I'm looking forward to returning again soon:)

  19. Wonderful signs of spring - happy weekend!

  20. A great collection of five things! Snowdrops are such a welcome sight in winter - they help us realize that winter will come to an end and spring will be here soon.

    1. Little white glimmers of hope aren't they? Spring will be here soon:)

  21. Your five things have made me smile, too. That picture on the front of the NT handbook is wonderful, so full of joy. I hope you have sunshine today. x

    1. Yes, that is a joyful photo isn't it? We have had sun on both days this weekend:)

  22. Sorry that I've been slow to reply to your comment... How's Max? Jx

    1. Thanks, Jan. Max is sitting on my knee as I type. I've left an update on your last post:)

  23. Love each and every one of the five. And great reminders that spring is on the way.

    1. Thanks, Patsy glad you enjoyed my five:)

  24. What a lovely group of five things! Your hare is very cute isn't he!

    1. Thanks, Amy glad you enjoyed my five things. Yes, the Hare is cute I couldn't leave it in the shop:)

  25. Spring flowers - what a cheering sight! The only ones that I've seen this year are snowdrops on my calendar! Thanks for sharing your first flowers of spring. Marie x

    1. Glad you enjoyed them, Marie, hope you get some real ones soon:)
