
Friday, January 13, 2017

Five on Friday

It's Friday again and as usual I'm joining in with Five on Friday kindly organised for us by the lovely Amy at Love Made My Home.

Below are five things I've been doing over the last week

1. Reading short stories -  having read the PD James stories over Christmas I then started on the Penelope Lively short stories.  I have to say I enjoyed both books and all the stories, some more compelling than others but all very readable as they would be from two wonderful authors and  I'm a great fan of both of them. I also enjoyed reading Consequences by Penelope Lively over the New Year.  Another author I like is Ann Cleeves and I read one of her Shetland series of books Cold Earth recently too.

2.  Receiving - in the post. We had  a lovely and amusing letter and card from a friend, the RSPB pack for the yearly Big Garden Watch at the end of the month, I do this every year but it is the first time I'd requested a pack.  The book I sent for for someone else as they don't have a computer; they'd seen the book in a closed bookshop window but when they returned it had gone.  I offered to send for it and it arrived within two days of ordering.  It will be passed on as soon as we see the person who wanted it, in the meantime I have permission to read it if I want to and have been reading a little at a time alongside other books.  It's quite fascinating.

3.  Hoping - that the bulbs we'd forgotten about, having put them in a cool, dark place last year and which had begun to sprout will eventually flower.  I can't remember if they were pink or blue Hyacinths.

4. Watching - each morning for the Thrush which visits the garden, we see him/her most mornings quite early.  Also watching for the predicted snow which was falling as sleet all yesterday but this morning we woke up to a winter wonderland of soft, powdery snow which, in this gusting wind, is already being blown off the branches of the trees.

5. Walking - in muddy wellies, under winter trees and lowering skies.

To find other joining in with Five on Friday click on the link below.


  1. A lovely five Rosie. Your walk does look really muddy and here the wind is blowing wildly so I expect it's even fiercer with you. Best to stay in with another book I think. Have a good weekend. x

    1. I have been a stay at home for a couple of days. The walk was very muddy good job we had wellies in the car:)

  2. Five lovely things! You have more snow than us this morning, I hope that it clears for you. It looks as though it is having another go here! The PD James books looks really interesting, I keep seeing it popping up, but cannot justify adding it to my pile. Hope it is a good read!

    1. Thank you Amy, we did seem to have more snow here than further south or east. The P D James book is a good read. I bought the book as a present for some friends and liked the look of it so bought a copy for me to read on my kindle:)

  3. It's interesting to see what you're reading.I don't tend to read short stories but will always try them if they're recommended! I'll be ready to do the Garden Bird watch, too (on line - not with the pack). It's lovely to see the garden Thrush, they are such wonderful little birds.

    1. I've always done the bird watch on line but this year on one of my regular emails from the RSPB they asked if I would register and receive a pack so I did. I may have a go at the biscuits and will definitely try the coffee. I always look forward to doing the survey although we always get more interesting bird a week before or after:)

  4. A wonderful five, you have certainly had more snow than us over on the East Coast we had a little shower but it didn't stay for longer than 5 minutes. We are on a red alert in this area due to the tidal surge predicted. We are hoping to once again join in the Garden Bird watch.

    1. Thank godness the tidal surge wasn't as bad as predicted. I always enjoy taking part in the birdwatch:)

  5. The books look interesting Rosie - have only read a few by PD James and Penelope Lively. Have to admit I downloaded Cold Earth at Christmas to my Kindle - couldn't resist temptation any longer and have just started it! Fine sprinkling of snow here this morning too although all melted now! Look forward to hearing what you see on the RSPB Garden Birdwatch - will be doing it here too although I've never thought of sending off for a pack - it looks interesting!

    Hope the hyacinths flower - I've just brought some in from the porch and the flowers opened once in the warm :)

    Have a good weekend.

    1. I enjoyed Cold Earth very much, trouble is once I start reading I can't leave the books alone, I want to keep reading and yet don't want them to finish either. P D James's Dalgleish books are wonderful and so well written and he does appear in a couple of the stories:)

    2. Do enjoy seeing the books you read - am just visiting to get more ideas from your yearly book lists :) Will check out the Dalgleish books (thank you) - I think "Children of Men" was the last book by PD James that I read. I am sure I have read some Penelope Lively but can't remember which at the moment - quite a few years ago. Am half way through Cold Earth - as you say hard to put down but there again you don't want to finish! Will then start the Vera Stanhope series. Had the Shetland tv series on dvd for my birthday so will start watching that once Cold Earth finished. Thanks again for your lovely book and author ideas :)

    3. Hope you enjoy the TV series. Douglas Henshall dosen't fit the description of Jimmy Perez in the books but somehow that is aceptable as he is such a good actor, some of the characters are different too:)

  6. Good five, the bird count should be interesting. Cold weather is always good reading weather.

    1. Always like to curl up with a good book when the weather is bad outside:)

  7. Hello my name is Dazee and I just discovered your blog through the Five Friday link up at love made my home. Hoping your Hyacinths bloom and fill the room with their beautiful scent. What a lovely garden, hope to see lush and green soon! Have a wonderful day!

    1. Hello Dazee thanks for stopping by. I hope the hyacinths do flower as they are so cheering at this time of year:)

  8. I love the excitement of forgotten bulbs. I have some pots of crocus that are showing shoots but for the life of me I can't remember what I planted!

    1. Oh, so do I, we have some others found at the same time. Not sure if they are tete a tete or perhaps those small iris. They have been planted up so we will see:)

  9. Five lovely things. I have a hunch that your hyacinths will be pink! Your book recommendations look great. I received Alan Bennett's 'Untold Stories' for Christmas and am enjoying reading it. I share his sense of humour! Your winter wonderland looks very picturesque. Have a lovely cosy weekend Rosie. x

    1. I wonder if they will be pink, I will let you know, I love Alan Bennett I have listened to him reading extracts from some of the diaries on radio, I can always hear his voice when I read his words. We enjoyed the film Lady in the Van last year and the actor who played him was wonderful:)

  10. What a lovely week! I haven't read any of the books but I do like Ann Cleeves. Got way too many books in my pile to read and stopped by the library this morning and picked up a couple more! Lovely goodies received in the post - always good to get something other than bills.

    Happy Five on Friday

    1. I'm always getting more books from the library and I still have a couple of purchases plus three on my kindle still unread:)

  11. Five lovely things this week :)

  12. We live up a hill just 45 miles west of you, but no snow. Life ain't fair at times. Agree about James and Lively.

    1. I know you love Penelope Lively as you introduced me to her books and I'm grateful for that. I'm glad you like P D James too. Sorry you had no snow, your garden would have looked lovely covered in white whilst you are sitting in safe and warm looking out of your picture window:)

  13. I have not read those books, the world is full of great books! Wishing you happy walking and reading!

    1. So many books and not enough time to read them. Have a lovely weekend:)

  14. Thanks for sharing your good week...I'm glad you're enjoying some pretty snow like we are enjoying across the pond from you :)

    1. Thanks, Gracie, the snow didn't stay around very long but it was pretty whilst it lasted. I daresay there will be more before the winter is over:)

  15. A good five. I'm looking forward to the Garden Bird Count as I've become more aware of the birds in our neighbourhood through the RSPB information. Lovely to see the thrush. I was pleased to see a robin first thing the other morning! Have a good weekend Rosie!

    1. I love to see and hear robins at this time of year, at the moment we have lots of blackbirds, goldfinches and magpies. Didn't see the thrush today:( I hope it is ok. Have a lovely weekend:)

  16. Good to see you outdoors enjoying the countryside. Makes me realize we really need to get out walking more and see more of nature. Thanks for the five!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the five. We haven't walked for a coule of days because of the slippy snow so am looking forward to getting out and about again:)

  17. Hope you enjoyed your snow. None here I'm afraid. Your thrush is lovely. We seem to have lots of magpies and blackbirds. Plus our friendly Robin. Stay warm. B x

    1. The children off school because of the snow built lots of lovely snowmen down the street, each with a carrot for a nose. We have lots of blackbirds and magpies too, plus goldfinches and a robin:)

  18. This week, I'm reading a book about a couple who have a T.V. show here in America called Fixer Upper - they remodel and decorate homes. Your bulbs are making me want to order some to start. It is pretty cold here in Wisconsin this weekend, but next week weather predicts a "January Thaw" - so, I hope to get out and for some walks as well. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks for dropping by. The book sounds intriguing. It won't be long before we can get back out in the garden again. I hope your thaw enables you to get out and about. Have a great weekend:)

  19. Your week sounds like a good one - with a bit of snow, lots of reading, and those bulbs that are sprouting so well. They make spring seem just a wee bit closer.

    1. I love snow when you can stay indoors and don't have to go out on the roads. I keep checking the bulbs for signs of colour:)

  20. You're the second post showing the P.D. James book. I must give that author another chance. I have eight books stashed in the garage - just in case. Only read one book, so time to try some more. I'm so far behind, I'm still reading Lawrence Sanders.

    1. Perhaps you will feel like trying another book when you have finished the one you are reading. I really enjoyed all her Inspector Dalglish novels at the time but hadn't read anything else of hers until this one:)

  21. Oh, I read Mistletoe Murder over Christmas and really enjoyed it, but I haven't come across the other title. I'm always looking for book recommendations, as I'm an avid reader. This is another good list Rosie - I love your photo of that thrush in your garden. Marie x

    1. The P D James book was just right for Christmas reading wasn't it? I think you may enjoy Penelope Lively, try the one I've just read called Consequences if you haven't read her before:)
