
Tuesday, November 08, 2016

A Chilly Lakeside Walk

Gosh it was cold this morning!  We've had mild weather for so long that it is going to take a while to acclimatise to the cooler weather.  My winter coat had been washed and dried in readiness and was definitely needed this morning along with gloves, boots and hat too.

We took our usual lakeside walk at Trentham Gardens

 The lake was dark and still and in small patches was frozen over.

 We spotted a wagtail out on the lake walking on the ice.

 There were many swans on the lake and it is always a pleasure to see them

 This chaffinch sang to us as we wandered by

 As well as many white swans there is a pair of black ones too.   I waited ages for them to get close enough to take a photo and just at the last minute one of them plunged its head under water. Typical!

 It was lovely walking by the lake and under the gradually baring autumnal trees. Tramping through the shed leaves and kicking them up as we waded through. There were many people out and about walking dogs, walking in small groups.  Sporting colourful bobble hats and padded, quilted coats of many colours.
The fungi under the trees and in the dark and damp recesses of dead and decaying branches was more abundant than I have seen it for many years. 

 It took a while to spot the heron, keeping still and silent by the water's edge.   He or she was quite content for us to take photos as long as we didn't  venture too close.

 Close by the heron at the base of a tree yet more fungi

 and hidden under the fallen, decaying leaves a Fly Agaric once you see its bright colour you wonder how it was so hard to spot.

 It has been a wonderful autumn this year and even in the colder weather it still delights.

We woke up to a frost this morning, the roofs of sheds and tops of fences along the street where white and the cat from next door but two walked gingerly along the fence towards his home.   We also woke up to a pink sky 'Red sky in the morning, Shepherds' warning' is how the saying from my childhood goes and sure enough local news has just given out a warning of snow for later today and overnight.  How things have changed in just one week!


  1. No snow please, too cold, lovely photos though.

    1. The snow didn't come this far west thank goodness but it did fall on Buxton where we visited last Wednesday:)

  2. It looks glorious Rosie, what a lovely walk. I haven't seen any fly agaric this year yet, I'll have to keep my eyes open. We had our first frost here today. Here! You definitely need that winter coat. :-)

    1. The coat, once I start to wear it will be worn now until March, it is very warm and padded and I find it difficult to manage without it:)

  3. It certainly has been a sudden change. We are a bit too far south for snow, but still chilly. Lovely shot of the heron and all the colourful fungi. Keep toastie :) B xx

    1. Trying to keep warm but thankfully no snow as yet:)

  4. Lovely photos from your walk! It has been a chilly day, the frost still covered everything here at 10:30 this morning!

    1. A bit warmer today the cat ventured out, which he wouldn't yesterday, I hope the snow stays away:)

  5. Once again you took us on a beautiful stroll. Chilly here to we woke to a really hard ground frost.

    1. Brr.... it is very chilly again today but not as bad as yesterday:)

  6. A wonderful walk and photos Rosie - I always thinks it is nice to revisit areas regularly and see how they change through the seasons. Love all the fungi photos - Fly Agaric is one of my favourites :) No snow here but have had frosts and, as you say, it has gone much colder. Have topped up the bird feeders!

    1. We walk around the lake or variations on it about twice a week,mostly for the exercise but it is lovely to see the changes. This time we walked up and down the more sheltered side of the lake under the trees. We've topped up the bird feeders - the aquirrels are loving it!!:)

  7. Gosh, it does sound wintry in your neck of the woods. Amazing to see ice on the lake already.

    1. The predicted snow didn't arrive this far west but it did hit Buxton where we were waliing this time last week in warm sunshine. Only a small patch of ice but it was the first I'd seen this season:)

  8. It has been freezing here too because of the wind. I can't believe that only a few weeks ago we were having a heatwave! The fungi is fascinating and I do love to see fly agaric, even though it's so deadly.

    1. The change has been so quick and quite dramatic hasn't it? It seems more seasonal now though:)

  9. Gorgeous photos. I think I liked the lake best when I went to Trentham. It was very busy in other areas.

    1. It is always quieter around the lakeside and down by the cafe at the bottom of the lake, there are regular walkers like us and we see the same people each time we go. I think the coach tour visitors and others stay around the gardens and shops:)

  10. Lovely walk Rosie. Hope you are managing to stay warm - I heard about the snow in the forecast - saw some pictures of a snowy Yorkshire village, but I see from your comment that you missed it further west. Great wildlife photos. Marie x

    1. Thanks Marie. The snow got as far as Buxton and along towards Flash on the Staffordshire Moorlands but didn't get as far as us, although I love to see the snow I don't like it if we have to travel any distance:)

  11. I think this has been the most colourful autumn ever! Your photos are great Rosie especially the black swans, fungi and the heron close up! I have never managed to get that close to a heron. I hope you manage to get in many more walks before the onset of winter and snow!!! x

    1. It has been lovely today too after two or three days of rain. Thanks for your kind words:)
