
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

In the Garden

We've been busy in the garden over the last few days.  So much has changed in the last week.  The daffodils, muscarii and tulips have gone now and the blooms have moved on to the next stage of Spring flowering.
The Wild Garlic at the top of the garden is in flower.  I really must try to use some of it this year to make soup or pesto.  I say this every year and somehow never do.  It just looks so pretty.  The woods where we have been walking are full of it this year and it is such a delight to walk with carpets of white and also still carpets of blue from the bluebells under the trees.

Last year we bought a small blueberry plant and I wasn't sure if it would survive the winter but it has and it is flowering.  I was so pleased to see the flowers.

Also in flower now are the Geums above and below, we also have a yellow Geum called Lemon Drops but try as I might I couldn't get a clear photo of their shy, drooping little heads.  The pink Geum is Rivale and I've lost the tag for and completely forgotten what the red/orange one above is called.

There are Aquilegias in all sorts of colours

I love the ones above and below with their pretty white 'underskirts' showing.

This plant is also known as Granny's bonnet or Columbine

Above Clematis Montana

Buds on the Chives

Perennial Cornflower



Creeping Blue Ceanothus
The ferns are unfurling their leaves.   I've no idea what kind of fern this is so if anyone can identify it I'd be grateful.  Same with the red Geum above.

In the greenhouse we have seedlings for white foxgloves, Californian poppies and nasturtiums.  All waiting to find a home somewhere in the garden. 

I think work in the garden will be abandoned for a day or two as we have rain coming our way but I hope we can get back our there soon as there is still such a lot to do.


  1. Hiya, I'm having to visualise my garden in its completed state as at the mo half of it is dug up. I love looking at your pics so inspirational. My son bought me a blueberry bush last year we planted it out following instructions but the poor thing didn't make it I think I'm the kiss of death.

    1. What a shame the blueberry didn't get through the winter. I did wonder about the one we bought but we just left it in its pot and it seems ok:)

  2. So beautiful, I'm always in awe of English gardens.

    1. Thanks, Janet, gardens do look good at this time of year:)

  3. It's all so beautiful. Over here we are all hoping for rain as the fire season is looking as though it will be terrible. Our grass is already 'golden'.

    1. I hope you get some rain soon as it does sem a bad year for fires:)

  4. Your garden must be looking so colourful - a lovely variety of flowers and photos. Would love to grow wild garlic in a shady patch of our garden. Your geums are far in advance of our's which tend to flower in the summer. Rain forecast here too - in fact its pouring down at the moment! :(

    1. Oh, yes it has been very wet here too but today we managed a walk around the lake in dry weather, more rain is forecast for the weekend though. The geums seem to have flowered overnight:)

  5. You have lots of lovely flowers out now. I have quite a bit of wild garlic flowering here and I hope to do something with it this year, but I may not get around to it, either! My aquilegias are just coming out. But it's not gardening weather here either with plenty of heavy rain.

    1. If I don't make pesto perhaps we may manage some soup. The flowers seem to have come out in the last week and have completely changed the colour of the garden:)

  6. What lovely flowers you have in your garden! I am so jealous of your wild garlic. I really think you should do something with it. I always think it smells wonderful and I always intend to go looking for some in the local country side - but I never do!

    1. I really will try to make something with a few of the leaves this year. It does smell wonderful and there does seem to be a lot of it about this year:)

  7. You have lots happening in the garden! I also say I'll make wild garlic pesto every year and never do!

    1. Yes, it is a busy time of year. Have just looked at the price of both cashews and pine nuts in H&B and they are so expensive it may have to be the soup:)

  8. You're fortunate to have wild garlic in your garden. It's pretty too when it produces flowers. Your peonies are already out whereas ours are still in bud. Some are nearly ready to pop open. We really have too many, but they put on a good show. I was looking for a geum that I bought at an open garden sale thinking it might not have survived. It's underneath the leaves of a peony and overshadowed by it. I must remember to move it so that it will thrive.

    1. I can't remember how we acquired the wild garlic but it has spread over he last few years. The red peonies seem to flower well but I hav had a pink one for about three years now and it has never flowered, I wonder why that is?:)

    2. I would love to have more gardening knowledge. I'm pleased with any success that brings colour into the garden. Our peonies produce red flowers too. I hope your pink one eventually produces flowers.

  9. Beautiful photos Rosie. Your aquilegias are gorgeous. We have wild garlic but it's flowers are very different to yours and the leaves are more like chives. B x

    1. The aquilegias seem to change colour each year, we started out with just pink ones but there seems to be lots of different colours and varieties now but they are al self seeded:)

  10. There is masses to do and I've fallen badly behind. But the forecast is looking slightly better, for a couple of days at least, so here's hoping! Your garden is looking good Rosie.

    1. Thanks, Jessica, it still has lots of unruly places but I'd don't mind that too much. The forecast is for a rainy weekend here so must try and get out in the garden today and tomorrow:)

  11. Things don't last long in a spring garden, but there's always something coming along to replace them. Your photos are beautiful. The wild cornflower, and the peony look identical to what's currently blooming in my own garden on the other side of the world.

    1. It is that time of year when things change so quickly. Isn't it wonderful to think that hundreds of miles away we still have the same flowersat the same time?:)

  12. Your garden is blooming lovely Rosie! I have lots of Californian poppies in flower but so many of my perennials have disappeared this year! I have the same fern as you that has fully unfurled but I don't know what it is called either! x

    1. Thank you Simone. It's a shame you have lost many plants, I hope you can replace them easily. Have a lovely weekend:)

  13. So many wonderful plants and flowers coming along in your garden!! It really looks so very beautiful! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Amy there is still so much to do, I'll be glad when it is a little warmer so we can sit out and enjoy it:)

  14. Garden looking lovely, I love how things change every day. I might have a small garden but I still manage to find things I forgot I had planted !
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda. Things do change rapidly at this time of year. We found some bluebells we didn't know had seeded when we pruned back a bush and a geum I'd forgotten we'd planted last year:)

  15. Spring has certainly sprung in your garden. What a profusion of blooms. I love your aquilegia and that gorgeous peony. Marie x

    1. Thank you Marie, I always love the flowers in the garden at this time of year:)

  16. Your garden is just gorgeous. I've recently become to appreciate geums, there are so many different colours and varieties. I must get some more as they look so cheerful. :-)
