
Monday, April 18, 2016

Monday Miscellany

Time for Monday miscellany again otherwise known, this week,  as scenes from a lakeside walk.  Probably more photos than words in this post......

Great Crested Grebe

Pussy Willow

Greylag Goose

Rowing boats and daffodils.  The weather must be improving as the rowing boats are out again as are the deckchairs.

 A pair of Mandarin ducks near the Lakeside Cafe.

 Mr Mandarin ventured out of the water. What a handsome fellow he is!

 Macaque monkey up a tree over the fence in the Monkey Forest!  We haven't been in there for a few years I think we may visit again this year.

Miss Elizabeth on her trip down the lake to collect the first passengers of the day.

View across the Italian Gardens.

Above and below views in the newly refurbished garden centre

All photos taken at the Trentham Estate, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.  See you again soon. 
 Have a lovely week.


  1. Beautiful birds. When I first saw the monkey in the tree I thought he might be an escapee.

    1. Ha, yes he was, sort off as the monkeys usually stay in the centre of the park and he was right on the edge away from the others and the visitors:)

  2. A lovely lakeside walk. I love the Mandarin duck - he looks like he's made of patchwork pieces! Those bottle gardens take me back. I used to have one many many moons ago! x

    1. I've forgotten what the bottle gardens were called somthing like terrarium? I knew someone who had one in the centre of her dining table:)

  3. .....forgot to say that I especially like the first photo. The water looks almost black and the ripples form such interesting shapes. I feel inspired to paint just looking at the photo! x

    1. Oh, I hope you painted something, Simone:)

  4. I love the grebe with the ripples and reflection and the goose by the calm water. The mandarin ducks are so striking, especially the male, of course, but the female looks exotic, too.

    1. The mandarins are both very attractive aren't they? I was lucky to catch the grebe usually they dive as soon as I've got the camera ready:)

  5. You had me worried for a moment with the macaque in the tree! Good old Trentham, it never fails to deliver. Lovely photos :-)

    1. He,He - I never fail to be thrilled with things around the lake and always find something to take photos of:)

  6. Lovely photos. I've never been in the garden centre at Trentham (that's not owning my own garden, I guess!) but it looks like an interesting place!

    1. It is lovely in there very light and airy but oh so expensive - still it's free to look:)

  7. What a nice place to visit on a weekend afternoon.

    1. It is lovely but too crowded at the weekend for us, we went on Monday morning when it was a lot quieter:)

  8. I was surprised to see the monkey! It looks like a nice place to spend an afternoon.

    1. Yes, the monkey forest is next door but separate from the lakeside and gardens but at this time of ywar you can see the macaques in the trees over the fence:)

  9. It looks a great place to visit (love the photo of the daffodils, boats and lake). Its been on my list of places to go to for some time so it was good to see your photos. The bottle gardens took me back too - we had one when we first got married :)

    Have a good week.

    1. The bottle gardens were fascinating, I'd not seen them there before. It is a lovely place to visit on a warm, sunny day especially in the summer:)

  10. Funny how one little monkey gives the game away! We did the Trentham monkey world last year. You MUST go again soon.

    1. I think we have made our minds up that we must visit again soon to see what if any changes have been made:)

  11. What a surprise to see the monkey, seems all wrong with the other photos, great to see though. Lovely place and enjoyed your photos.
    Amanda xx

    1. Yes, it is strange to see monkeys. It's as if there are two worlds running simultaneously on either side of the big steel fence:)
