
Friday, April 08, 2016

Five on Friday

It's Friday so I'm joining in with  Amy at Love Made my Home for this week's Five on Friday.  Click on the link at the bottom of this post to find others who are joining in too.

Five small things that have made me smile this week

 1.  Busy thrushes - we've seen both of them for the last few days picking up moss and vegetation for their nest which seems to be in the laurel bush near our side gate.

 2.  Night skies and sunsets.  This one was on Wednesday evening when the golden light across the garden was stunning too.

 3.  Tulips - a bunch from the supermarket white with delicate purple stripes look so pretty when there is rain outside.

 4.  Photos taken with my little Canon camera at Bridgemere Gardens between showers on Thursday morning.  I was pleased with the misty magnolia above and the arch, topiary and reflections below.  

and last but not least.......

5. Watching a good film - a friend recently loaned us a copy of Michael Palin's film American Friends.  I rember seeing it when it first came out about twenty five years ago but short of remembering it was set mostly in Oxford about Fellows of the college not being allowed to marry, I'd forgotten the gist of the story and who apart from Michael Palin was in the cast.  Needless to say I really enjoyed seeing the film again as it is so well made, with beautiful settings and based on a true story about Michael Palin's great grandfather.

All for now.  Have a lovely weekend everyone.


  1. It's great to see thrushes nesting in the garden. They used to be common but these days I quite often go out for a walk without seeing any at all. Nice garden photos too.

    1. Thanks, John - yes, it is always a thrill to see the song thrushes in the garden we've had them for a few years now:)

  2. I just love nature at this time of year. I used to have a magnolia but it did not survive the move to the new house. I wanted to bring it as it was my first wedding anniversary present as it flowers on our wedding day. I really should buy another one, I love them x

    1. That sounds like a very good reason to buy another magnolia, they are lovely aren't they?:)

  3. Fab pics. I'm gonna watch that film. Have a good weekend

  4. That's interesting, I don't remember hearing about the film before, it looks like a little gem. Nice to see the thrushes all busy nesting and the other photos are lovely. :-)

    1. I'd forgotten all about the film until our friend loaned it to us and I enjoyed seeing it again. It is great to have thrushes in the garden:)

  5. Thank you for the film recommendation. I love Michael Palin. Love the thrush picture. Our garden seems full of birdsong at the moment. Have a great weekend. B x

    1. The garden blackbirds are in full throttle at the moment, lovely to hear them:)

  6. love the speckled front on the Thrush, looks really similar to our quails colouring :)

    1. Yes, the colours and markings of the thrush are similar to your lovely little quails:)

  7. The views from the Bridgemere Gardens are fantastic.

    1. Thanks, Riitta glad you enjoyed them. I sometimes think my little camera takes better pictures than the bigger one:)

  8. How lovely to have thrushes visiting your garden, they seem to have declined rapidly in recent years so it is always a joy to see them. I haven't heard of that film before but it sounds really interesting, will look out for it. xx

    1. It is quite an old film now but worth seeking out if you like period drama. It is great to see the thrushes every morning:)

  9. I've not seen that film. Looks interesting.

    1. Yes, I enjoyed seeing it again, nice and gentle with beautiful settings:)

  10. The photos of Bridgemere gardens are a real delight, stunning.

    1. Thanks, I was pleased with the results as I'd forgotten to take my normal camera but I always have the little one in my bag:)

  11. What a pretty garden photo. Have never heard of the Michael Palin film, sounds interesting.

    1. the gardens were looking lovely. I think you might enjoy the film, Janet:)

  12. Lovely things to make you smile. I've seen lots of blackbirds flitting about with nesting material - and one wren - but no thrushes. Those tulips are a gorgeous colour.

    1. The tulips are very pretty. We have blackbirds flitting about and singing in the mornings and evenings too - they tend to chase the thrushes away as they seem to think they have priority over the ground feeders:)

  13. Such a great selection for five on Fridayx

  14. The thrush is lovely and it's great news that they are nesting where you are. I love all the other photos, too, especially the arch and reflections. I vaguely remember the title of the film but I don't think I've seen it.

    1. Yes, it is good to have them in the garden as they keep the slugs and snails down too. I was quite pleased with the arch photo:)

  15. Five smiley things! I like the shiny pear under the tulips - that makes me smile too! Have a lovely weekend Rosie. x

    1. I love the shape of the pear. It used to have a little leaf on one side of the stalk but it broke off. I think I prefer it without:)

  16. Definitely five very good things from your week!! The tulips are very pretty and it is always good to see the fat furry magnolia buds isn't it. Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, hope you have a great weekend! xx

    1. Oh, yes I love the furry magnolia buds. Magnolia trees always remind me of a historic house I used to work in, set in a park and we had a magnolia tree in front of the house which was beautiful in Spring:)

  17. Great set of photos (love the Misty magnolia in particular) and good news about the thrush :) Thanks for the tip by the way re: White Ladies Priory - will remember that :) Have a lovely weekend.

    1. We didn't go to Whiteladies this time as we were on our way to Cosford and we had one more place to visit but the person who clicked us in said the walk down from the gardens was full of wildlife at this time of year:)

  18. Lovely photos that make me smile, too. The one with the topiary is beautiful. I've never heard of that movie but I think I'd enjoy it. I'll see if it's available here at our library. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks, Ellen. It is a quiet, gentle film and quite old now I suppose but still very enjoyable:)

  19. Your photos are all lovely and my favourite would be the 'misty magnolia'. The movie is new to me, but I will look for it at our library or on Netflix.

    1. Thanks, I was pleased with the magnolia photos. Hope you find the movie:)

  20. I love everything about Spring, but I think seeing the magnolia blossom is one of favourites. We don't have a magnolia plant in our garden, but it's on my list of plants to buy this year. #fiveonfriday

    1. I'd love to have a magnolia in the garden but I'm not sure if it would thrive in our very heavy clay Potteries soil:)
