
Friday, March 18, 2016

Five on Friday

It's Friday so I'm joining in with  Amy at Love Made my Home for this week's Five on Friday.  Click on the link at the bottom of this post to find others who are joining in too.

It has been one of those weeks this week.  Not awful but more irritating or concerning.  Irritations have come from the laying of a bitumen cover over the pavement on our road and knowing when we could leave the house and when we couldn't.  Also from what we thought was a leaking washing machine but turned out to be pipes leading from it.  After one or two false diagnoses which included tests which kept flooding the kitchen floor it seems to be finally sorted out.  Concerns have been that both of our elderly puss cats have been poorly this week.  I was up most of the night with one of them but after visits to the vets for medication all seems to be well again, thank goodness. 

On Monday we had a lovely walk around the grounds of the Wolseley Centre which is the headquarters of the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust.  After the warmer temperature we'd had on Sunday it was back to being quite chilly again, definitely glove and scarf weather.  We spent some time photographing the smaller birds on the feeders.

Below are five of the birds I saw and photographed. 
 1. Reed Bunting

 2. Blue Tit
 3. Siskin
 4. Chaffinch

 5.  Thrush

We also saw wrens but they were too quick to capture on camera.

Have a great weekend everyone. 


  1. lovely photos of the birds, looks like they're very well fed at your house!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend

    1. The birds aren't from our garden, although the birds are well fed here, we took these photos at a nature reserve not far away. Hope you have a great weekend too:)

  2. I feel for you with your puss cats. Hopefully they will stay well. Love your bird photos. That thrush is amazing. Have a good weekend. B X

    1. Thanks, the cats do well for 20 years old but I don't know how much longer they will be with us. I was pleased with the photo of the thrush, it did pose for me. Have a great weekend:)

  3. Sorry it's been such an irritating week life does go like that doesn't it. Hoping next week is much better

    1. Thanks, yes it is just one of things isn't it? Hope you have a lovely weekend:)

  4. Lovely! I do like a birdie pic. I hope next week is better for you, and for the old pusscats. Been there. x

    1. I wonder if cats know they are getting older? I worry they think it is something we are doing to make them feel different and unable to do the things they used to. Ah well we are ageing with them and we are all slowing down:)

  5. Great photos, that siskin looks like it's got really long legs! They never stay still long enough for me to photograph them. I'm glad your irritations sorted themselves out in the end although it must have been so annoying at the time. Have fun :-)

    1. I didn't notice the twig near the feeder, it does make it look as if the bird on the left has long legs doesn't it?:)

  6. Lovely bird photos. I rarely seem to capture anything when I try. It's almost like they can tell when I'm about to press the shutter and they fly away on purpose! I have lots of photos of ends of tails.

    1. I take loads like that too until I eventually get all the bird in and then even more until I get one that isn't fuzzy. Robins are the best birdy subjects as they do tend to pose and don't seem so bothered by humans:)

  7. Gorgeous bird photos, I love to watch birds on feeders and how lovely to see a beautiful song thrush - something we used to see all the time but now very rarely. xx

    1. We certainly don't see many Song thrushes now so it was good to see two together at Wolesley even though I only captured one:)

  8. Great photos, it looks as if the thrush is posing, amazing. Hope you have a better week and your beloved cats are on the mend.

    1. The cats seem better now but both getting old and cantankerous at times. The thrush did seem to pose until I got him or her in the frame:)

  9. Oh I hope the cats are ok! Lovely pictures Rosie, we don't see so many now that we have the dog, for some reason they give us a wide berth ha! I hope next week is better one for you, have a great weekend xx

    1. I'm not surprised the cats don't visit. We have a dog either side of us and when my sister visited with her guide dog our cats decamped upstairs out of the way:)

  10. Lovely selection of birds and photos - feeding stations at nature reserves can be the best places to get close up shots :) Sorry to hear of the problems you've had this week and hope your cats are better soon.

    Am looking for new authors so will be checking out some of those on your recently read list on the right!:)

    1. Yes, you can see birds that you would get in your own garden like the reed buntings. Cats seem better now thank goodness. There are full lists of my reading at the top of the blog too, hope you find something you will enjoy reading:)

  11. I've enjoyed your bird photos as you see more varieties than I do. A great one of the thrush. We've had the same situation in the last month re. the council putting down new paving (before that it was new street lighting) so I know the difficulties of access etc. The worry is damaged water pipes in the process. It's good to get away from it when possible, but sorry to hear that you're having an anxious time with your kitties. Glad things are a little better.

    1. Luckily they have just re-skimmed the pavement surfaces but we were waiting two days for them to come and didn't dare go out incase we couldn't get back in as it takes 24 hours to dry. It was all done this morning so should be foot or tyre worthy tomorrow:)

  12. Glad your kitties are better, that's so scary when they're not well and of course can't tell you what the problem is. Hope the water pipes have been properly sorted.
    You take such good bird photos!

    1. Water pipes are sorted - fingers crossed! It is hard when the cats are ill as not only can they not tell you what they feel but you can't reassure them that all will be well. I know that one of them feels unwell when she gets into the basket to be taken to the vet without a chase around the house and a hide and seek game under the bed first:)

  13. Great bird photos Rosie. I do love the little fluffy blue tit! I am sorry you have had a trying week but glad the kitties have improved. Here's to a lovely weekend! x

    1. Thanks, Simone, the blue tit is cute isn't it? Happy weekend to you too:)

  14. Sorry to hear that it has been a difficult week for you. I do hope that all is back to normal now and that the kitties are returned to good health, it can be very worrying when they are sick can't it. Your bird pictures are very lovely, it is a shame the wrens were too quick, but I guess they have to be being so small! Thank you for taking part in Five On Friday, hope you have a good weekend and a good Easter! xx

    1. Thanks, Amy. We have wrens in our garden too but I can never catch them with the camera. Hope you have a lovely weekend :)

  15. Nice selection of photos. It's been so mild this winter that very few birds are visiting the feeders here.

    1. It has been a mild winter but we still seem to have plenty of birds in the garden, I think it is because we still have hedges for them to shelter in:)

  16. Sorry to hear your puss cats have been poorly. They are resilient little creatures and I do hope everything gets better soon. Take care xx

    1. Thanks, Chel they seem ok now but at 20 years old they aren't going to get much better, we are just keeping them happy and ticking over:)

  17. Hope your cats are still on the mend and feeling better.
    Wonderful set of photos..
    Amanda xx

    1. Thanks, Amanda, glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  18. Love your bird photos - different from the ones in the US. Some are similar - probably cousins. That's how I see the Five on Friday ladies in the UK - all cousins of mine. And you're all welcome to visit if you're ever near
    Springfield, Missouri.

    1. Thank you Patsy what a lovely thought us all being Five on Friday cousins, I'm sure Amy will love that idea of the wonderful group she has created:)

  19. Your bird photos are great. The blue tit has such pretty colouring and would be a bright spot in late winter. Spring is so capricious when it comes to the temperature - cold one day, warm the next. Happy weekend!

    1. I am always surprised by the bright colour of the blue tits when you can see them up close, such a bright blue and a pretty yellow and so tiny too:)

  20. Lovely photos of your birds. I particularly love the gorgeous thrush. I have reed buntings over the back of where I am and hope they find my feeders one day. I'm sorry about all the difficulties and I'm glad your cats are much better.

    1. Things are better now thnaks. I hope the reed buntings visit your feeders, that would be wonderful. The thrush was rather gorgeous and posed for me for quite a while:)

  21. How do you do it? As soon as I point my camera at a bird it is sure to fly away :-(

    1. Most of them do but sometimes they forget you are there and then you can take photos - also from a distance:)

  22. I love watching and photographing the birds in the garden. Hope next week is better Rosie.

    1. Thanks, Jessica. You see some wonderful birds in your garden:)
