
Monday, December 28, 2015

Boxing Day Walk - A Day Late

We were going to go out for a walk on Boxing Day morning but it rained and it rained and then it rained some more plus the wind was very gusty so we decided to spend another day at home.  We'd spent most of Christmas Eve and all of Christmas day at home so were ready to get out even just for an hour but it wasn't to be.  So yesterday we set out to a local country park to blow some cobwebs away.

It was quite grey and misty but at least the wind had dropped and the heavy rain had, for the moment, rained itself out.

It was our usual walk at Consall Nature Park along the paths which pass the two fishing pools.

Down towards the river, railway and canal.

We walked along the towpath and past the little station which serves the Churnet Valley Steam Railway.  We didn't see any trains but apparently they were running at the weekend.

We crossed the railway and the canal and wandered back amongst the skeletal winter trees

It was good to be out in the fresh air and we saw lots of different mosses and fungi as we walked.

 I'll be back soon with my December Scavenger Hunt photos.


  1. What a lovely walk you had. I think everyone was keen to get out as the beach here was packed and the little coffee shop was open. Today must be a record-no rain...and very little yesterday, we are lucky.
    Love all your photos.

    1. Today was a lot sunnier than Sunday and we've been into the Peak District which was busy like your beach - everyone out and about whilst they can:)

  2. I had planned to walk on Christmas Day and Boxing Day but the weather wasn't exactly inspiring! I did get out for a late walk on Boxing Day but like you, I didn't get out for a proper walk until yesterday!

    It's always lovely to walk at Consall, I like the collage of moss and fungi!

    1. It has been a strange December and not wintry at all but the weather has still been bad enough to stop any decent walks. We've been into Derbyshire today and had a wander around a few places but it was very crowded:)

  3. I am glad you managed to get out. It was so wet here on Christmas Day and Boxing Day that even the dog refused to go outside. We did finally manage a muddy walk yesterday. The wellies got stuck more than once in the mud that used to be foot paths in the woods. The photos of your walk are beautiful, very much reflecting the current weather. x

    1. I prefer the weather to be dryer and colder than it is, it would seem more fitting to the season. I can imagine that your wellies got stuck in all the mud - we put wellies on to take that walk and it was muddy inplaces:)

  4. I wish I could have come for a walk with you! I am going a little stir crazy being indoors for days on end. Today is the first glimpse of sunshine that I have seen in a long time. We are usually under a joy sapping grey cloud from dawn to dusk! I hope we get many opportunities to get out and about in 2016 if only the dreaded rain would stop! Interesting fungi photos - especially the 3rd photo down on the left! x

    1. How lovely that would have been, Simone. I think the unusual warmth and the greyness does sap your energy, I would much prefer to walk in colder, crisper weather. I think the funfus you mentioned is called pixie hat or something like that:)

  5. We say that we're getting cabin fever if we're stuck indoors too long, glad you were able to get out.

    1. Cabin fever indeed. As much as I enjoy being at home it was great to get out for a walk:)

  6. What a wonderful walk! I was hoping one tomorrow, but it will be the day after now. Never mind, something to look forward to. Glad that you enjoyed yours!! xx

    1. Hope you got your walk Amy - we've just been into Derbyshire again around Bakewell and Rowsley - the sun was out and so was everyone else - it was very busy but lovely to be out in the sunshine:)

  7. Great to get out in the fresh air again even if it's a bit grey and drizzly. :-)

    1. Yes, it is good not to have that wind and heavy rain. Today has been beautiful and we have been out and about again:)

  8. Your photos are amazing. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas holiday.

    1. Thanks, we did hae a lovely time, hope you did too:)

  9. I felt the same way after a few days being indoors. Getting out into the woods really clears your head. Lovely shots of the scraggly trees and the canal.

    1. Thanks, Wendy it is good to get out in the fresh air isn't it?:)
