
Monday, November 30, 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt - November

November came around so quickly and now it has gone in what seems like the blink of an eye, I haven't been out and about with my camera very much in November so I've struggled a bit to meet all the categories but I have found one or two different ones. Once again I've enjoyed joining in with this month's Photo Scavenger Hunt kindly organised by greenthumb at Made with Love  just click on the link  to find other participants.

A Stranger

We met a stranger walking in the woods.  He had three black Labrador dogs and I threw a ball for one of them as it kept coming to me and dropping the ball at my feet, the dog's name was Winston.  I do have a stranger to thank for handing in my mobile phone when I lost it in the street near the library.  I now have it back, a bit scuffed - I think someone may have trodden on it or kicked it but it still works, I think that the leaves piled on the pavement must have protected it.  There are still some thoughtful and kind people around, thank goodness.

Looking Down

Squirrel on a bird feeder

Pop Culture

VW van used by enthusiasts of Northern Soul which is still very popular around here - photo taken in the car park at Trentham Gardens, Staffordshire.

The Weather

Snow - it stayed for about thirty six hours and then disappeared - scene in our back garden around 10p.m. one Friday a couple of weeks ago.


 A huge fir cone - well not really but a rather finely carved one at Trentham Gardens, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.


 A sign for the Oak Wood walk on the Trentham Estate, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.


A small collection of old bottles and containers.  The blue bottle is inscribed 'Mother's Help or Gripe Water.'

Out and About

 Out and about on a walk in the wood on a hill overlooking the lake at Trentham Estate, part of the city of Stoke-on-Trent spread out behind.


 My sun hat on the bookcase.  I put it there for safety a few weeks ago when we cleared the car to have it serviced, it has been there ever since and likely to stay until next summer.


An entrance hole in the front of the bird house on the garage wall.  Didn't see the earwig on the side when the photo was taken;  no doubt it will crawl into the hole.


One duck on a fishing platform at the side of the lake at Trentham Gardens, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire

Whatever you want 

 A lovely little hessian bag full of rich red roses, a gift from friends.

We are off on our travels tomorrow, unfortunately to attend a funeral, so I will catch up with you all when I get back.


  1. Hi Rosie! I like the scavenger hunt very much! I have been thinking is make this game in class. I like the tasks and the squirrel photo is hard to achieve! Congrats!!

    Sandra xXx

    1. Thanks, Sandra - glad you enjoyed the photos. something on a smaller scale to spot would be a good idea for your class:)

  2. Things are definitely looking down for the birds now that pesky squirrel has found their breakfast.

    1. Ha, Ha - very true - we tried putting separate kibbled nuts down in a floor tray for the squirrels but they still prefer their agility tests and showing off their playground abilities:)

  3. So many great pictures, love the snow picturesx

    1. Thank you Michelle, I'm glad we didn't have to travel in the snow:)

  4. I would have had trouble fulfilling those topics too! Well done. I love the squirrel.

    1. The topics were difficult this time and I struggled to find them all:)

  5. I like the hat in the bookcase! I have all sorts of things randomly placed around the home! Sorry to hear about having to go to a funeral - I hope that you have something nice to do,see,hear, upon your return. x

    1. Thanks, Simone - the funeral was a 'happy' funeral in the sense that the lady concerned was 93 and had lived a wonderful and interesting life - it was a celebration of that:)

  6. It's so much fun to see how the prompts are interpreted! I never even though of a VW Bus! Very cool. And the upside-down squirrel is a hoot...even if it is a thief!

    1. Ha Ha - the squirrel is a thief - true, but I like him anyway - he pinches stones from the path and buries them in the lawn too:)

  7. Your snowfall definitely indicates that wintry weather is here. Squirrels seem to be able to bend every which way in order to get at bird feeders. Great Idea about the birdhouse hole ~ and the view is wonderful. Lovely to receive a posy of roses :)

    1. The squirrels are very agile and very crafty - I was desperate to find the hole topic and then remembered the bird house - that was my last 'find':)

  8. Lovely collection of photos. The squirrel was my favourite but I also liked the VW van, your lovely roses and the giant fir cone. x

    1. Thanks, Julie - the cone is mamzing isn't it? I was lucky to spot the van in the car park and my lovely friends brought me the roses:)

  9. A very nice collection. I like the story about the strangers and I love the fir cone carving!

    1. Thanks, Louise - I wonder what they will do with the cone?:)

  10. Nice photos. I used to live in Crewe, but I never did go to Trentham Gardens. And I never saw Stoke looking as good as it does from that hill! I love your picture of the squirrel Looking Down, and the old bottles.

    1. Ah, there are many changes at Trentham Gardens. I am always surprised given the heavy industry that used to be here how green a city Stoke is:)

  11. Thanks for joining in on this months scavenger hunt, sorry I haven't been around but I have not been well lately. I really like weather, one, big and hole. Greenthumb

    1. Thanks you for visiting and continuing to organise the hunt. Sorry to hear that you haven't been well, hope you feel better soon:)

  12. I always enjoy your scavenger hunt photos, I ' ll join in one day if I get organised in time! Lucky you got your phone back and fancy having so much snow! Hope all goes well at the funeral. :-)

    1. Thanks, Karen - oh do join in if you can it is fun. Funeral was for a 93 year old who had lived a full and happy life so it wasn't sad, more a celebration of her life:)

  13. Hi Rosie, I enjoyed seeing all your photos but looking down and weather are my favorites. How I long to hear snow falling and seeing that beautiful blanket of white covering the ground. It's not going to happen here in southern California!! I hope you have a good day and safe travels. Pat xx

    1. Snow always seem right for the time of year doesn't it? Glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  14. This is a fun collection of photos Rosie. We've also had a dusting of snow and it has turned very cold now. Keep warm... Marie x

    1. Thanks, Marie - I expect we will both have far more snow before winter's end:)

  15. Great finds, especially that pinecone, I love that. The snow is beautiful, but I am glad that I haven't yet seen any. I hope that all goes as well as it can with your travels and the funeral. xx

    1. I'm so glad that the snow disappeared before we had to travel very far. the funeral was up in Yorkshire so we travelled into Derbyshire and up to Yorkshire through the country lanes and over hills which we couldn't have done in snow or ice:)

  16. It's a good set of pics, Rosie. November was so very grey and dull, you've done well. x

    1. Thanks, Mrs T it was a bit of a struggle to get them all as the weather wasn't right for getting out and about so I took lots of them close to home:)

  17. It is the mysterious case of the disappearing November here as well, Rosie. I hope December is more deliberate :-) Lovely photos.

    1. Usually November drags its heels but not this year and December is racing along too with so much to do that I've ignored in November:)

  18. A lovely selection Rosie - I didn't realise you had had that much snow - hopefully it will be the last for a while.

    1. Thanks, Elaine - we had quite a bit of snow but it only lasted a couple of days and soon disappeared:)

  19. Great Scavenger Hunt photos. The Squirrel is so cute, I wish we had them here in Tasmania. Beautiful old bottles, I don't see them around much these days.

    1. Thanks, Tony - I guess you have very different wildlife to us in Tasmania. The bottles are interesting aren't they?:)

  20. What fun to see your lovely photos, Rosie! You live in such an interesting area. Your upside down squirrel had me laughing. I found the contents of your bookshelf in the "Hat" photo more fun than the hat ~ only because I have long been fascinated with Richard III. The VW van brought back memories of my traveling in Europe in one such van decades ago. Have a great weekend!

  21. Hi Rosie A wonderful selection of photo for this word meme. I had to smile at that squirrel and I loved the van shot as well as the Mallard (being a bird watcher!) The Roses are gorgeous. Both photo you took when you were out for awalk in the woods are terrific and loved the bottkes. I ermember Gripe water when my children were small. Apparently my link was not working until yeterday so hope you will pop in and see my take on the words and read my continuing story about The Formidible Four. Have a wonderful Christmas, I am just off to spend it in Malawi with my family.
