
Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Miscellany

A few photos I took recently in the kitchen garden at Trentham.  I wish my garden was like this one but the soil here is so rich unlike our hard and heavy clay.  All the gardens look very colourful at this time of year with all the different seasonal flowers but I thought there was some lovely colour in the vegetables too.  

Small apple trees used as an edging to one of the beds

Colourful marigolds

Swiss Chard?

Ruby Chard



Purple runner beans, or are they French beans, or is that the same thing?

Yellow courgettes

Sunflowers and Blue Borage

Yellow Pumpkin


There is such a rich abundance of tempting, colourful produce to be found.
It's a golden time of year in the garden.


  1. Vegetables can be surprisingly colourful can't they? I love the sunflowers and gourds at this time of year though I don't grow either.

    1. I love the colours of fruit and veg at this time of year and the different types of them on offer - so different to the the usual potatoes, tomatoes and lettuce we grow in our garden:)

  2. I'm always attracted to the colour in the veg garden. Runner beans used to be grown for their flowers long before anyone thought of eating them.

    1. The colours are wonderful at this time of year - the orangey/red flowers on the runner beans are lovely possibly nicer than the beans themselves:)

  3. It all looks wonderful. I love visiting gardens at this tie of year. It's all so rich. "Mellow fruitfulness" as Keats said.

    1. Yes, indeed such opulent richness to take us into the leaner months at the end of the year:)

  4. I must grow some Swiss chard it's such good value with all the pretty colours plus you can eat it too. Lovely photos. x

    1. I would like to grow both of the chards but I'm sure the slugs would get most of them - worth a try though, perhaps next year:)

  5. Beautiful. The kind of garden I dream of growing, obviously on a lot smaller scale. I have 2 tomato plants and a few herbs. But very little sun to ripen the tomatoes.

    1. There hasn't been enough sun this year for the tomatoes although they do seem to be ripening now, our plums are struggling to turn from acid green though:)

  6. If our garden EVER gets finished I will have a small raised bed to grow som vegetables so thank you for the inspiration!
    I love the mixing of flowers with vegetables. xxx

    1. Good luck with the garden renovation - I too love to see flowers and vegetables and fruit all together in one happy garden of delights:)

  7. I know the feeling we have heavy clay soil, no chance of our garden growing stuff like this : ( xx

    1. We have a couple of raised beds full of top soil which we use for potatoes and a few other veg but there isn't enough room to grow very much:)

  8. Lots of lovely plants in the garden. The Swiss chard looks very vibrant and appealing. You can't be sad staring into the face of a sunflower can you? x

    1. You do have some lovely phrases to share, Simone - I love the idea of staring into the face of a sunflower - so many images there:)

  9. A colourful collection :) I like the idea of Monday Miscellany posts. I'm visiting Trentham again for more Wildplay on Sunday and am hoping I might be able to sneak for half an hour at some point to explore :)

    1. Oh, I hope you have a great wildplay session at Trentham - if you get chance to walk down the woodland side of the lake (past the widlflowers) you will come to the carved stag beetles:)

  10. Lovely to see these colourful pictures when the day is damp and grey - I love to see a good vegetable garden that is tended with care.

    1. the colours are lovely aren't they? The gardens are all well tended especially the kitchen garden and cut flower garden. I expect the produce is used by some of the cafes and restaurants on the site:)

  11. I used to grow all my own salad, but have just had no time in these past few years. The chard always looks delicious.

    1. It is nice to grow your own salad isn't it? Sometimes the vegetables look better than they taste but I love most vegetables:)

  12. Beautiful colour! I love the sunflowers!!! We garden on a mix of clay and rocks! No fun is it!! xx

    1. No, it isn't we still have loads of builder's rubble near the surface in places as no top soil was used by the people who planned out the garden:)
