
Friday, July 17, 2015

Five on Friday

Once again I'm joining in with  Amy at Love Made my Home for Five on Friday.  Click on the link at the bottom of this post to find others who are joining in too.

Five things in the garden this week

 1.   Fox - he's visited us before and no doubt he's been in our garden loads of times it's not very often we see him in daylight though.  Picture taken through our back bedroom window.

 2.  Newt - this is the first newt I've seen for ages in fact there were two of them under a plant that was being moved in the garden - one of them was warm enough to scuttle off but the other had to wait awhile to feel warm enough to move so I was able to catch a quick photo before it too scuttled off to find shelter.  This one is a male smooth newt because it has an orange stomach.

3.  Blackbird - we have lots of blackbirds in the garden and some of the more established ones sometimes have a grey patch on one of their wings but we'd never seen one with quite so much white on it.  It looks like it has a white collar.  It has visited the feeders a few times since I took this photo through the landing window.

4. Wood Pigeon - we have loads of them in and around the garden but this one amused me as he was sitting on the table outside the kitchen window waiting for the bird feed to go out first thing in the morning.  I took the photo through the window as I was washing the breakfast pots.

5.  Grey Squirrel - we have loads of these visit the garden too and they are emptying the bird feeders so quickly, they also bury small stones from the gravel path in the garden which seems a strange thing to do as they certainly aren't caching them away to eat later.  They are going to be very disappointed squirrels if they do come back thinking they've buried food.  Photo taken from the conservatory window.

If it wasn't for the photo of the newt I could also call this post five things I've photographed through windows this week.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. Five great things Rosie! I love newts and all kinds of lizards and reptiles. I like feathered and furry friends too but your fox looks much more healthier than the urban ones that visit my neighbourhood. Your sweet peas are looking very pretty. Have a lovely weekend. x

    1. Thanks, Simone - the fox does look healthy and well fed doesn't it? Hope you have a lovely weekend too:)

  2. Our own urban foxes are driving me mad with their night time concertos :-) My little boys were feeding squirrels with an elderly couple in the park yesterday (peanuts). Happy Friday! x

    1. Oh, dear the foxes can be very noisy calling to each other. In our local park you can hand feed the squirrels - the children love it don't they? Have a great weekend:)

  3. It's my kind of garden, Rosie - that newt is amazing! Great pic of the squirrel, too. x

    1. The squirrels are very cute but they do take so much bird seed. We used to have loads of newsts in the pond both smooth and parmate but we hardly see them now so it was great to see them the other day:)

  4. Your garden is a veritable zoo! How fantastic! Such a good shot of the squirrel. Karen x

    1. Thanks, we do seem to have lots of animals visit even though we are on the edge of the city. We see signs of hedgehog and badger too and my neighbours have seen a badger in their garden I'd love to see one here although they do like to dig up the lawns:)

  5. You have a positive wildlife park don't you! I love your squirrel. There was one watching me fill my car up with petrol yesterday morning. They are so cute.

    1. The squirrels are cute just wish they didn't take so much of the bird food. We do see evidence of hedgehog and badger too:)

  6. Lovely photos! especially the fox, it must wonderful to have so many creatures in your garden, it must be very wildlife friendly.

    1. There were three in the garden about 10p.m. last nights, the one above plus a smaller male and a vixen. I wonder if it is one family?:)

  7. That first photo looks like it should be made into an oil painting. I got a glimpse of a fox near my pond but did not get a picture. But, you hit the jackpot with that one.

    1. I was lucky to get a photo of the fox, it was around in daylight and I was getting my camera ready for a day out so had it handy:)

  8. I agree with the lady above, it does look like an oil painting, in fact I've snatched it off your site and Mac is considering it for a painting.

    1. Oh, how wonderful I hope Mac can capture it for posterity in an oil painting - he is a fine fox isn't he?:)

  9. Beautiful fox! What wonderful critters you have who come to visit!

    1. We are lucky that they visit and that we can sometimes catch glimpses of them:)

  10. Five amazing things. You certainly are blessed with been able to catch them on camera, by the time I have the camera switched on they have run/flown off. Have a great weekend.

    1. I usually keep my camera handy especially for the birds as we get so many different ones at the feeders:)

  11. Interesting collection of critters visiting your garden this week.

    1. Some weeks we don't see anything but the birds:)

  12. Wow, you have so much wildlife! A fox and a newt! That really is amazing isn't it. Thank you so much as always for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend! xx

    1. Thanks, it was great to see the newt and the fox is very handsome. Hope you too have a great weekend:)

  13. Five great things! I saw a fox this week two, but didn't managed a photo. They are regular visitors in the garden here too, sometimes they wake me in the night!

    1. The can be noisy can't they? We had three in the garden last night, the one in the photo, a younger male and a vixen:)

  14. I love seeing the picture of the fox. How exciting but a little scary, too. The squirrel is squirrel is so adorable. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Yes, I used to worry about them hurting our cats but they just pass them by in the daytime and the cats are kept in at night time:)

  15. Oh wow that fox! We have a very brazen one on a The Glade but I don't think he visits us individually. Lovely pictures Rosie x

    1. Thanks, Lisa - most of the foxes that visit are swift and secretive but that one seems to hang around and in the daylight too:)

  16. Wow, Rosie, what an interesting class of guests you get at your home!

    1. I think the animals like our garden because it has lots of cover and hiding places, most of the local cats like it too:)

  17. Lovely photos especially the one of the fox. Having newts in your garden is pretty special too.

    1. We thought the newts had all gone but there they were, we usually find them under the water butt where it is cool and dark:)

  18. It was lovely to see all the wildlife in your garden, I have never seen a blackbird with white markings the pigeons are always the first to come to my feeders too. Have a great weekend. :)

    1. The pigeons eat everything up if the squirrels don't get there first. We have one or two blackbirds with grey markings on their wing but I've never seen one with so much white on it:)
