
Sunday, June 07, 2015

30 Days Wild

I've been spending time this week taking part in the Wildlife Trusts'  project of finding time for nature in random acts of wildness, just a little wildness every day for 30 days.  Doesn't have to be a huge thing - perhaps just sitting reading in the garden or spotting something seasonal and interesting on your way to work or school, making something for wildlife in your garden.  There are lots of ideas on the website  here

So far this week I have 

Remembered my childhood and blowing Dandelion clocks on the school field to release the seeds which we used to call fairies.

Fed the birds in the garden and spotted an unusual visitor for a city garden.

Taken a woodland walk and identified some trees by their leaves.

Identified a wild flower that was taking over in our front garden and wondered how it got there, not birds in this case but on the fur of an animal - badger, fox or cat?  All visit our garden.

Spotted a wall up an alley way on my way to meet friends for lunch which was covered in three types of ferns and identified them all when I got home.

Walked by the nearby lake and taken photos of young coots on the bank.  Looked up coots when I got home to see if there was a name for a young coot.  I couldn't find one.

Sat outside in the sunshine with a picnic lunch listening to the birds singing.

Here is a link to the blog I started for this project. 

Now what am I going to do next week?  I've no idea but I'm sure I'll find something.


  1. It sounds as though you have had a great wild week!!! I hope that the rest of your month will be just as wild and as much fun! xx

    1. Thanks, Amy - I hope I don't run out of steam on the ideas:)

  2. What a lovely idea! I might make an effort to watch out for wildlife myself this month.

    1. It's a lovely month to get out and about to seek out wildlife:)

  3. You've done well. How lucky to see that bird and what a nice idea to have a picnic. The plant and flower identification is a great idea. I've also been doing this but I really hope I can keep it up for a month, it is hard with only the evenings in the suburbs. X

    1. It is quite hard to do isn't it? Somedays I've been wondering what to do:)

  4. I'd say you've had a good week for the 30 Days Wild Challenge, well done Rosie.

    1. Thanks, Ian - not sure how next week will go:)

  5. Sounds a great way to spend a week Rosie. :-)

  6. This sounds like a great project Rosie. I must go and investigate! x

    1. Oh, do Simone - you could try some of the ideas:)

  7. I am heartened that the verges here in Suffolk have not yet been hacked back by the council - maybe the message is getting through. They are such a haven for wild flowers etc. Glad you enjoyed your wild week.

    1. The verges are so pretty at this time of year and as you say a haven for wildlife:)

  8. These look like fun nature ventures. Love the photos too :) I think once you start doing these sorts of outdoor things, it will become second nature (no pun intended!). Enjoy your search for nature!

    1. I do find myself out and about every day - even if just in the garden - looking for things to do:)

  9. What a great way to get in touch with nature! We all need to stop and "convene with the green" more often!

    1. I love the phrase 'convene with green' Bronwyn:)

  10. What a great way to get in touch with nature! We all need to stop and "convene with the green" more often!

  11. A fantastic wild week! I hope you've enjoyed 'going wild' as much as I have!

    1. After a few concernes about what I had let myself in for I began to enjoy it - just hope I can keep going for 30 days:)

  12. This sounds a really fun thing to do but I din't know about it until a couple of days ago. I'm out in the country every day and always keep a look out for interesting things and I always enjoy it too.

    1. I'm sure you would have easily found something each day, Rowan:)

  13. You've had a good first week as you participate in this project, Rosie. You've added some more ideas to the ones I've read about from others who are involved. Instead of sitting at the computer I'll try some of the suggestions!

    1. It is the right time of year to get out and about and try some of the ideas, Linda:)
