
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

30 Days Wild - Week Two - Summary

I'm a bit late with this summary of week two of my attempts at '30 Days Wild'  for the Wildlife Trusts' month long project to promote getting out in nature and attempting small random acts of wildness each day.

I have written more on each of these in my special '30 Days Wild' blog - link in my sidebar but here are some of the highlights of that.

Day 8
Discovering the tree hide at Moseley Old Hall a National Trust property in the West Midlands.

Day 9
Finding urban green spaces - a walk on Festival Park, site of the 1986 National Garden Festival, now a commercial, leisure and retail complex by the Trent and Mersey Canal.

Day 10
A walk in Clumber Park and framing nature

Day 11
Spotting a young robin in the garden on the day the robin was announced as the nation's favourite bird.

Day 12
Clearing weed from the pond whilst looking for frogs and newts, pulling out all the goosegrass and finding out its many other names.

Day 13
Finding a flooded path and several creatures enjoying the wet garden

Day 14
Watching the bees on the flowers around the garden after the rain


  1. Nice random acts of wildness so far for the challenge Rosie.

    1. Thanks, Ian - I sometimes feel I'm struggling a bit for ideas:)

  2. sounds great... Nature is a marvel.
    Love Helen, Darcy, Bingley and Fred x

    1. Isn't it just? Lovely to see you here again, Helen, Darcy, Bingley and Fred:)

  3. I haven't exactly managed 30 days but I did spend time at the weekend looking at other people's gardens - and noticing that they have weeds too! And today I stole away from work for an hour or two to visit a local nature reserve, where I spotted lots of different bird species. It makes you feel good, doesn't it?

    1. You have captured the spirit of what it is all about, just taking a little time out to appreciate nature - it does make you feel good:)

  4. I bet you are out and about most days Rosie and not just for the '30 days wild'! I have really been enjoying your 30 days wild blog and have been encouraged to look more closely at nature too. x

    1. Funnily enought I spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at home - just a trip to the supermarket on Saturday morning but was able to find things in the garden. Glad you have enjoyed the 30 Day Wild blog posts so far:)

  5. Lots of great ways to enjoy some nature time in the wild! xx

    1. It's sometimes a bit of a struggle to find things but I keep trying:)

  6. You're doing really well- I love what you've achieved. Today, I was rather a case of "Er- let''s see what I think of as I'm walking home!"

    1. I was like that today, then hit upon an idea - I look forward to seeing what your walking home moment was:)

  7. I really like your little collage of photo,s, the bee on the lupin is lovely. I've got dozens and dozens of bees in my garden st the moment all attracted by compensated horizontalis and geranium pretends.

    1. It is certainly a good time for bees at the moment - lovely to see them. the lupins are in a pot just outside my kitchen window so I can watch the bees whilst washing up:)

  8. I hate predictive text!! I actually typed geranium pratense!!

  9. You've done well again with your getting in touch with nature activities. It's always good to find new urban green spaces. I tend to go to the same ones such as the walled garden by the library and those in the city centre. I was happy to see a group of school children sitting on the new grassy area outside the cathedral. They were sketching the cathedral, but I'm sure they appreciated sitting on the grass instead of the stone pavement that was there before.

    1. I'm struggling a bit to find things to do everyday but I've got through so far. Lovely for the children to have a grassy area to sit on:)

  10. That tree hide looks amazing. Thanks for sharing your 30 days of wild - great photos Rosie.

    I'm fascinated by bees and love watching them collecting nectar from the flowers. Our new garden is somewhat lacking in flowers and as we've had such a cold, wet spring, I didn't manage to sow any annual seeds. We are in the middle of a severe rain storm, so I'm thinking of sprinkling some seeds about once the weather improves and hoping that there is still time for some flowers before the end of the season.

    Enjoy these first days of summer.

    Marie x
