
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Ten Years Ago

Ten years ago on this day I wrote my first blog post.  I'd been reading one or two blogs on line for a while and wondering - Should I?  Dare I? Can I?  Like the 'little engine that could' I came to the conclusion 'I think I can'  'I know I can' so after a few weeks of pondering and plucking up courage I started this blog.

Corners of My Mind came from the song The Way We Were  and the line 'Memories light the corners of my mind, misty, watercolour memories of the way we were'.  I though at first that this blog would follow those lines and be about things remembered, things learnt along the way of life but as it turned out it has been more about what was happening right then and right now.

So on 14th March 2005 I pressed the publish button for the first time.  Ten days and seven posts later I was excited to receive my first comment.  I think it was from someone who was in the same on-line Creative Writing group as me and I was thrilled to see it.  I've put a link to my first ever post at the end of this one and also a link to my first ever post that received a comment.

In those days I didn't use photos, I didn't have a digital camera then and pre-Picasa I had no idea how to add a photo or photos to my post.  I've learnt so much over the last ten years about what interests readers and what is less likely to.  I've learnt that often brevity and spontaneity inspires more responses than a longer, researched and thought out piece of writing.  Over the last few years it has become more about the photographs sometimes than the words - all made possible by the use of instantaneous, digital photography and the influences and immediacy of other social media.

So today ten years on I want to say an absolutely huge thank you to everyone who visits here.  Those who have visited in the past and those who still visit now.  Thank you to followers old and new, still present and long gone and for all and every one of your wonderful and lovely comments and e-mails.  It means so much to me - the ten years are as much down to you and your loyal encouragement as to my limited abilities in keeping this blog an interesting place to visit.  

Once again - Thank You!

My First Ever Post

My First Post to receive a comment


  1. Congratulations on 10 years blogging Rosie - that is a very long time in the blogging World! I just looked at the links to two of your posts. I like the 'todays gripe'! Do you still have your Morecambe tulips? Just think, if you never started to blog we would have never met and I am so glad to have met and befriended you through these pages. I really enjoy coming here and finding out where you have visited and about the history of different places and your knowledge about birds. Here's to the next decade of blogging! x

    1. Thank you, Simone for your lovely comment and your support and friendship over the years. Unfortunately, after a few years, the Morecambe Tulips are no more:)

  2. Many many congratulations Rosie! You are a true inspiration! I'm going to take a look at your two links. Isn't it lovely to look back. Take care and here's to many more years! Chel x

    1. Thank you Chel, how kind you are, thanks for your lovely comment:)

  3. Congratulations Rosie! That is a great achievement! Your blog is pretty much one month older than mine as I celebrate my 10th in a month. I had the same thoughts and also learning about blogging over the years. Well done for persevering and providing an inspiring place to visit, full of heart. X x

    1. Hello Kezzie and thank you. I will visit your blog to celebrate your 10 years with you - it doesn't seem like ten years have passed does it?:)

  4. Congratulations on 10 years! What a great achievement, here's to the next 10! I started following you around the time of your 5 year anniversary - I can't believe that was 5 years ago!

    1. Gosh, is it five years already Louise - time does fly doesn't it? thanks for your support and continued visits:)

  5. Congratulations! Ten years doing anything is a huge success - and blogging is probably tougher than a lot of things. Well done.

    1. Thanks, AJ. So much changes in ten years and blogging now is so different from what I first started but it doesn't seem as if ten yers have passed by:)

  6. Congratulations. This makes me realise that I need to be more patient in trying to build up a readership. The best bit for me is writing/creating posts. I love doing that. But I can get a bit disheartened when you don't think that people are reading it. When people write that they love getting comments on their blog, I now completely get that. Thanks for your support, I have a long way to go. It's been a year. Katharine x

    1. Thanks Katherine. I know what you mean about getting disheartened if you think people aren't reading your blog posts. I'm sure they are and probably return time and again but it does take ages for them to start to leave comments. I often see on my stats say for example 100 visits to a post and 10 comments - what did the other 90 think of it I wonder? Thanks for your support here - you have a lovely blog - keep going:)

  7. Many congratulations Rosie, it's a great achievement. It's so time consuming and I know how much of a commitment to keep going sometimes. It is a pleasure to visit your blog and long may you continue.

    1. Thanks, Jessica how kind you are - your blog is so inspiring and I love visiting you too:)

  8. 10 Years in the blogosphere is a big birthday. Congratulations! Jx

  9. Congratulations Rosie - ten years is quite an achievement. I've always enjoyed visiting your blog for the interesting posts about the places you visit, as well as your reading list. I've seen books that I've been wanting to read for a while, as well as some that I've never heard of, but are of interest to me.

    Marie x

    1. Thanks, Marie and thanks for your visits and comments over the years:)
