
Saturday, November 08, 2014

The last few days

Because of the constant rain over the last day or two I've  found myself thinking back to the beginning of the week when the weather was bright, clear and dry.  I haven't taken many photos this week but those I did take seem to reflect those golden autumnal days of light and shade of shadows and reflections.  Below are some of the photos I took as we were out and about.

On Monday we visited the busy market town of Nantwich.  We parked behind the church but didn't linger as there was a funeral going on inside.  I thought the tower looked wonderful against the bright blue sky.

We had morning coffee in the bookshop which is on the main street in one of the old black and white timber framed buildings that Nantwich and this part of Cheshire is famous for.

 A walk along Welsh Row across the River from the main part of the town is an absolute delight if you are interested in historic architecture.  I've taken you along there in a previous post.

 Unfortunately this time no books were purchased in the drinking of this coffee.  The shop had changed so much since our last visit when it was more a book shop and less a cafe.  Now it is very much the other way around.

One of my favourite buildings in Nantwich is Sweet Briar Hall which was, as you can see from the description, lived in for a few years by Joseph Priestley, contemporary of all those famous names of the 18th century, names like Josiah Wedgwood, Matthew Boulton, James Watt and Erasmus Darwin, who were some of the illustrious members of the Lunar Society.

 On Tuesday morning we went for a walk around the lake at Trentham and it was just so beautiful

 The light on the trees and on the water was absolutely amazing, I'm afraid my photos don't do it justice.

 It was so hard to capture the transient beauty of those few hours

 The light on the water played tricks with the eyes

 and the camera lens

 Something to remember the sensation of and keep in memory now these dull, rainy days have come upon us.

 In the meantime the paint roller and brushes are out and the kitchen is being painted.  We realised that it hadn't been done since we replaced all the kitchen units ten years ago.  It was looking dull and forlorn.

At least it is something positive to do whilst the rain pours down outside.
Enjoy your weekend.


  1. Painting can't be easy in the awful light we have had today, so different from earlier in the week. It's funny though, I've had just the same thoughts and am getting ready to attack my study. It needs clearing out first though :(
    The photos of the sun on the trees are lovely, as is the heron. Is he standing on a boat?

    1. Yes, the heron is standing on a training rowing boat used by the rowing club that use the lake. Painting is nearly finished now thank goodness, just a bit of gloss which I hate as it smells so:)

  2. I am missing the lovely weather already and we are only just into November. Oh dear - it's going to be a long winter. Your pictures are beautiful showing that you managed to catch the last of the sunshine. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

    1. After those three days of continual rain the sun is out again today and it is lovely to see it. Enjoy your weekend too, Elaine:)

  3. You do get to visit some lovely places Rosie. You have captured the sprites on the water beautifully with your camera. Let's hope we have some more dry, bright days before the onset of winter. x

    1. We are lucky to live only a few miles from some lovely places and countryside. It is dry and bright today after those 3 days of rain:)

  4. The blue skies set off the church tower beautifully. The light was so wonderful at the beginning of the week. At least you have the photos of your days out and about and can keep them in your mind's eye. I hope your indoor activities this weekend are going well.

    1. Painting is nearly complete now, Linda and the sun is back today which makes everything seem cheerful again:)

  5. Gorgeous photos. Not like today's rain.

    1. Thanks - the sun is back again today here - hope it is shining on you too:)

  6. Don't let the meteorologists get you down - I doubt it will be as bad as they say. As my father often observed "There's more days ruined by bad weather forecasts than bad weather"

    1. Your father's words are so true - we often don't venture far because of dire weather forecasts only to find that the weather predicted wasn't half as bad and that we could have been more adventurous:)

  7. Loved the little fairy. Can't imagine visiting a bookstore and not buying a book, I'm engineered to spend money there.

    1. There is a whole trail of fairies around the lake and gardens. I wasn't really geared up to buying books the day we visited and we just popped in for a coffee but it was a shame to see that the most part of the shop had been taken up with tables and chairs and the books confined to the outer walls only. It seems that the cafe side of the business is more profitable than books:)

  8. What lovely photos. I remember reading about that book shop in Nantwich on you blog before and thinking I'd like to visit. I've never been to Nantwich and it sounds like it's worth exploring. What a shame about the book shop though.

    1. It is a lovely old building especially upstairs where the cafe is but since we last visited they had opened out what was the bookshop downstairs and all the middle shelves and displays had gone and there were only books around the walls the middle was full of tables for the cafe. I expect as I said to Janet (above) the cafe is more profitable than the books. A bit different to one of our favourite bookshops at Brierlow Bar:)

  9. Such majestic trees at the end of this post Rosie and the light on them is beautiful.

    Marie x

    1. I love those Beech trees they are lovely in all seasons but especially in Spring and Autumn:)

  10. Gorgeous bright photos. I've never been to Nantwich (now on my list!) I love the fairy xx

    1. The fairy is lovely and there are lots more of them to find around the lake and in the gardens. Nantwich is well worth a visit for the architecture on both sides of the river. There is a lovely little Museum too but it was closed on Monday when we visited also the cofee shop we usually go in which has a 1920s shop within it:)
