
Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Morning In Dove Dale

The weather looked fair so we decided to walk at Dove Dale.  It was colder than it has been for ages so extra layers and woolly hats were donned before we set off along the riverside.

We crossed the bridge to the Thorpe Cloud side of the river and made our way along the rough bank side - not quite as sure footed as gazelles.

The river was quite high and moving very rapidly, lapping at the sides of the path near our booted feet.

The water swirling and eddying in white frothy ripples as it travelled down stream.

Buzzards and light aircraft flew overhead

People chattered with delight and trepidation was they crossed the stepping stones, pausing halfway over to have their photos taken at this well known spot.

We followed the path towards Milldale.

Climbing the steps which are full of fossils

There were dippers in the cold water of the river

and crows in the bare winter trees

Time to turn back along the path already trodden

and cross those stepping stones - halfway across

Safely on the other side

 It was getting towards one o'clock

Lunch was calling!  Time for a sandwich and a warm drink overlooking the fields

  before driving down into to the village of Ilam 

 I always love this view of the church and the grey of the stone against the backdrop behind it

 A couple of purchases were made from the sale at the NT shop before we headed home.


  1. Lovely photos! What a gorgeous walk.

    1. It's not often it is so quiet as it was that day:)

  2. What a lovely walk out and about, thank you for sharing this. The scenery looks stunning and the stepping stones make me want to get out to the rivers very soon before they freeze. Have a wonderful week x

    1. It is a very beautiful place and those stepping stones are very popular and quite iconic in peak district photographs. Quite nerve wracking to cross though - when I was younger I just used to rush across them - not now:)

  3. A lovely walk and surroundings. I would have been a bit nervous walking across the stepping stones! The church is picture postcard pretty! x

    1. That church is one of my favourites and its setting is gorgeous. I was very nervous on the stepping stones - especially where they were further apart - needed a hand to hold onto then:)

  4. Lovely walk and photos, I am a bit far away to do it in person but loved that scenery, so different to mine.

    1. Thank you Penny - yes, I guess that the scenery is very different but equally stunning in places:)

  5. That water looks cold, I'm glad you didn't lose your footing!

    1. Me too - I was quite nervous in the places where the stones seemed further apart - had to have a helping hand across some of the widths:)

  6. You needed steady feet walking along some of the riverside paths and on those stepping stones, I think, but a lovely place to walk, see the bird life and then visit the pretty village.

    1. The opposite side of the bridge is quite rocky in places underfoot until you reach the main path and the water was quite high and swirling. I didn't want to fall in:)

  7. What a beautiful place to go for a walk and what lovely photos too! The stepping stones look as though they are a good place to cross, nice and safe and level. It certainly looks as though it was very cold though!! xx

    1. It was quite chilly but not freezing cold. The stepping stones have been topped over the last few years as they had got quite worn and slippy - some people don't like the new ones but they do feel a lot safer when you cross on them:)

  8. What a pretty walk Rosie. Thanks for taking me along.

    Marie x

    1. You're welcome, Marie - glad you enjoyed the walk:)

  9. I remember several occasions deftly tip toeing across those stepping stones when the children were younger and yes it was a relief to get to the other side - it had to be done though. Lovely post with great photos, bringing back some special memories for me. P x

    1. Glad to have brought back some happy memories for you Patricia - I too have happy memories of many visits going back to my childhood when we used to visit and picnic - the stepping stones were always a popular draw for playing and photographs:)

  10. It's years since I was there - I had forgotten how beautiful it is.

  11. How lovely, especially the photo of the church. I enjoyed my virtual walk very much, thank you.

  12. Thanks, Lyn - glad you enjoyed it:)
