
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Signs of Spring

You know it's Spring when..........

There are daffodils bobbing in the breeze along the grass verges

When the lawnmower comes out of the shed and the grass gets its first cut

 When the wild garlic makes an appearance under the trees at the top of the garden

and the tomato seedlings in the greenhouse and conservatory are beginning to look sturdy

When the rhubarb appears in one of the raised beds

and the first few sticks come into the house to make a crumble

You also know it is Spring when the cats start to take notice of the pond

which is full of frogs and frogspawn.  Not to mention the robins gathering nesting material and disappearing too fast for me to photograph into a conifer quite close to the steps near the back door.


  1. It felt lovely yesterday, maybe not so much today but the signs are there.

    1. We've had some lovely warm times in betwwen the blustery ones - not so nice today though:)

  2. I see you have a red spotty table cloth too - now you've got me thinking....

    1. Ah, yes - the red one is on the kitchen table and the green one is on the conservatory table which is the one we use the most as we can sit and drink coffee and look out over the garden:)

  3. Spring has definitely arrived! :)
    I came home just yesterday from Portugal, where it is already Summer :/

    1. Hope you had a lovely time in Portugal, Michela with lots of sunshine and warmer weather:)

  4. There's lots of spring activity here, too, although sadly no frogs. I love the photo of the two in the pond. Your tomato plants are much further than mine, although the first seeds of other plants are just starting to come through now. I must check on our wild garlic as we planted a new patch last year.

    1. We counted 15 frogs the other day and you can hear them croaking across the garden. I love the wild garlic under the trees near our shed - you can smell it as you go up there:)

  5. Crikey Rosie, my tomatoes have only just germinated, you must be a month ahead of me!

    1. They did go in early, Jessica as we had plant pot, seeds and compost in a package from the BHS sales just after New Year - some of the seeds were planted just to see what would happen and four of the five we put in germinated:)

  6. Gorgeous spring pics - I do love this time of year - your tomato plants are doing well - mine are only just germinating.

    1. We did plant them quite early, Elaine. It is a super time of year isn't it?;)

  7. Yes it does feel like spring is here, lots of daffodils here. I hope the winter doesn't return now! Xxx

    1. It is going to get colder again at the end of this week - I hope not too cold as all that frog spawn will suffer! Lots of daffodils out here now all over on roadsides, roundabouts and verges:)

  8. Your rhubarb and the tomato plants are doing well. It's lovely to see everything coming on around the garden. Let's hope some more sunshine is on the way to help things along.

    1. I love the first rhubarb - I made an eves pudding with those sticks plus a couple more and we had rhubarb yoghurt on it - delicious:)

  9. Lovely rhubarb! I fancy a rhubarb crumble and custard right now!

    1. For some reason I made a sponge topping for the stewed rhubarb so I will make a crumble next time:)

  10. Just around the corner I'd say Rosie and I can't wait. The sun seems to be making more of an appearance and the days are longer plus an extra hour's daylight in a couple of weeks. Your photos sum it all up, they're lovely.
    Patricia x

    1. Thanks, Patricia - hope it doesn't get too cold again over the next few days! It certainly feels like Spring is on it's way:)

  11. Frogspawn is my definitve sign and I've not spotted any yet. I shall look harder! xx

    1. I think our frogs have got a little over enthusiastic in the warmer weather we had earlier in the week. I hope it doesn't get too cold again over the weekend or the frog spawn may not survive:)
