
Monday, December 02, 2013

52 Weeks of Happy - Week 48

It's time for '52 weeks of happy' again.  Week forty eight already!  Here are four things that have made me smile this week

1.  Willow Christmas decorations - a new trail around the lake at Trentham gardens.  We had fun spotting them and they made me smile.  Such a simple and clever idea, there are three others which I haven't included in my collage as it was getting too busy - a reindeer and the words 'Love' and 'Noel'.

2.  Day out in Nottingham - we had a lovely walk around part of the city centre (see my previous post for photos) before joining friends for lunch.  As we were walking round I took the photo above - I love the Art Nouveau windows of this shop front now Zara - I think it used to be Boots the Chemist.

3.  Sunday morning stroll - we walked at Consall Country Park down by the canal, steam railway and river and I took the photo above of the reflection of the sun and trees in the river - it looks as if I took it in black and white.

4.  A visitor to the Garden - sorry cats again!  Most of my happies seem to be either cat or bird related at the moment but this one was worthy of a photo.  It is a large cat - when we first saw it dashing through the garden we thought it was a little dog - and only comes to to the top of the garden where the raised beds are and sits under the gooseberry bushes.  It has such bright blue eyes.

Linking up with  Little Birdie  where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share.


  1. I love the way the simplest things can make us smile. The willow sculptures are so effective! You have done so well getting to week 48 .... and lots of happiness waiting round the corner too.

    1. I don't quite know how I've got to week 48 either but it hasn't seemed too hard because, as you say, it is the little things that make us smile:)

  2. That photo from Consall is beautiful Rosie. Trentham do put a lot of effort into making the garden walks full of interest.

    1. Thanks, Jessica - when I took that photo I thought the sun's glare would spoil it. Trentham do work hard to attract and keep their visitors:)

  3. Nice selection of Happies.What a magnificent cat!

  4. Lovely happies, I like the shop window, it is just perfect art nouveau isn't it. xx

    1. Next time I must go inside the doorway and take more photos - it was built in 1909 for Jesse Boot founder of Boots the Chemist as their 'flagship' store:)

  5. I love your 'black and white' photo and those willow sculptures are great too. I have to agree with John, the cat does look rather magnificent!

    1. Thanks, Louise - I was surprised the river photo turned out so well and also that it lost the colour. It is a 'very fine cat indeed' to quote Dr Johnson:)

  6. Love all your happies. You have a good eye for spotting the unusual and attractive. The shop window is beautiful. Your neighbourhood cats must be attracted to you and your garden. Your latest visitor made me smile too.

    1. Thanks, Linda - some things just grab your attention. We get quite a few neighbourhood cats visit the garden - that one is quite timid, others come closer and of course, Casper comes inside - thank goodness he is the only one that does:)

  7. Love all those willow sculptures - festive without being over the top. The little cat is certainly a beauty.

    1. I think the sculptures are lovely and festive in a non-glitzy way and just right for their setting:)

  8. Lovely happies especially the sculptures and rounded window and a beautiful cat! My day out on Saturday was made extra special by the resident burmese cat! She had gorgeous thick plush fur and was as lithe as a monkey! x

    1. Oh, your visit sounded lovely from your post and a burmese cat would just add to the atmosphere for you:)

  9. What a lovely week of happies- the willows are great, as are the windows. I love the 'black and white' photo is gorgeous:)

    1. Thanks, Amanda - it has been a good week for 'happies' and finding things to make me smile:)

  10. I love the simple, natural willow decorations. So much better than anything gaudy. I love the photo of the water and reflections, too. Nature is producing some beautiful silhouettes in the winter light at the moment.

    1. Thanks, Wendy - nature is certainly rewarding us at the moment - not so much today I can hear the wind howling round the house as I type - so different to yesterday:)

  11. Love your photos Rosie, well done on finding anything interesting that doesn't contain a christmas light!

    1. It is getting harder now it's December and I did photograph some Christmas lights yesterday but I do love the willow sculptures seasonal and non-glitzy:)

  12. What a great cat photo - I love those piercing blue eyes! Jx

    1. Aren't they beautiful eyes? I took the photo from quite a distance so am pleased I captured the intensity of those:)

  13. I love cat photos and I think he thinks he is hiding.

    1. Lol Ruth - I think it thought the rosemary was safe enough and tall enough to hide behind:)
