
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Four Happy Things - Week 34 of 52

Four things that have made me smile this week............

Coffee in the 'Secret Garden' (more a little continental style decking courtyard with fig, bay and box trees in containers) at the back of the Thornton's Coffee Shop in Bakewell.  They gave us each a little smiley chocolate button with our coffee as well as one of those little biscuits. Sitting in the sunshine sipping coffee and  looking at the bright colour of the geraniums certainly made me smile.

A little further along the street at the 'Gift and Bear Shop' a room full of bears - how could you not smile at these?

A visit to the 'Old House Museum' in Bakewell.  I love museums, having spent over two thirds of my working life employed in them in either a salaried or a voluntary capacity I now enjoy just visiting them.  I'll write more on 'The Old House Museum' in a later post.

It's been a week of glorious sunsets and gorgeous moonlit nights.  I managed to get a photo of the moon on Thursday, not really a great one, and it soon disappeared behind the clouds.  Apparently it was a waning gibbous in the zodiac sign of Pisces.

Linking up with  Little Birdie  where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share. 


  1. Whenever anyone mentions Bakewell I always think of tarts - lovely! Is the pudding the same thing?
    Love those bears too. They are hard to resist, even when I have so many already.

    1. I think Bakewell pudding is referred to in early cook books before Bakewell tarts. The pudding was for desert at dinner time whearas the tart was served at tea like cake. The appearance of the pudding seems more rustic than that of a tart which is quite firm and uniform in shape and the middle more like sponge - also with variations covered in icing and etc:)

  2. What a sweet little garden, well as you said, hardly a garden but sweet anyway. I have just got rid of all my bears as they were just sitting there collecting dust - but I would have been sorely tempted in that shop. Looking forward to reading the post about the museum.

    1. We were the only people out in the courtyard and it was very peaceful out there. I have two bears one from when I was a baby the other given me at age seven for being good in hospital when I had my tonsils taken out. I have several jelly-cat rabbits and cats though:)

  3. Lovely happy things. I would have been happy looking at the smiley face chocolate button. What a lovely touch! I do love a teddy especially one with a sad face. The museum and the moon would both have made me happy too! x

    1. The little faces were cute as were the bears - some more appealing than others. I do love bears:)

  4. The museum in Bakewell has eluded me so far - so I can't wait to see what you say about it - and then visit it xxxxxxx

    1. Post after next, Diane as I already have one ready about the church to go first. The museum is worth a visit as there is a lot to see and do - they have added a lot more to see since our last visit:)

  5. The little 'Secret Garden' does look a lovely place to sit in the sun. And your moon photo looks wonderfully mystical.

    1. Thanks, Wendy - I wish I could have captured a better image of the moon behind the dark clouds as it was quite dramatic:)

  6. I'll look forward to reading more about the museum as we've never made it there (yet!). I always enjoy a visit to Bakewell.

    1. I wish we could afford to live there! Will write about the museum in my next but one post as we went inside the church first and I've already written that one:)

  7. Loving the ro0m full of bears !

    1. What is it about bears that makes us all smile?:)

  8. Some lovely things there. The smiley chocolates are fun.

    1. Thanks! Didn't expect the chocs as well as a biscuit so it was a nice surprise:)

  9. Bakewell brings back some happy times for me and I remember the bear shop well. I really like the moon picture too.
    Patricia x

    1. Glad to bring back happy memories, Patricia - glad you saw the bear shop:)

  10. I've not been Bakewell for years, happy days.

    1. It is a great place although it can get too busy for me at times - it is quieter up near the church and museum than down by the river:)
