
Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Return Visit

You may remember that in April this year we visited the Walled Kitchen Garden at Sugnall and were so impressed by it that we said we would make a return visit in the summer.  Well, last Sunday after we'd had a walk around the boardwalk at the nearby Jackson's Coppice and Marsh Nature reserve looking for damselflies and dragonflies we called into the garden for another look.  It was looking wonderful!

All the edges of paths were lined by lavender - the scent was magical as we walked around in the heat of the sun.

The fruit and vegetables were all looking good. 

The apples and pears were coming along nicely, above an apple variety called Red Falstaff and below a pear variety called Emile d' Heyst.  There were many different varieties of both eating and cooking apples and along the outer walls, quince, figs, plums and greengage to name just a few.

In part of the garden a marquee had been erected ready for a wedding event this coming weekend.  It looked so pretty inside.

A corner of the garden had been planted with wildflowers

 They almost shimmered in the bright sunlight.  It was so hard to capture just how beautiful they looked.

As you can imagine my camera went into overdrive as everywhere I looked there was so much beauty and so much of interest.

I'll let the photos speak for themselves!

I've missed doing a 'happies' post this week and probably won't join in next week either, I'm afraid I've been struggling with some sort of lurgy and not feeling well at all so I've been avoiding using the computer too much and just sitting in the garden reading or snoozing when I've had the chance.  Hope you all have a happy weekend.


  1. It's looking wonderful - I really must pop along for a visit. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well - these lurgies do tend to linger - but hopefully you'll soon be feeling better x Jane

    1. Do pop along to take a look if you can it is looking quite spectacular at the moment:)

  2. Such pretty gardens Rosie and you have some lovely shots of those beautiful flowers. Hope you feel better soon.
    Patricia x

    1. There were some gorgeous flowers - I didn't know where to aim my camera at first:)

  3. A lovely garden. I hope you feel better very soon.

  4. I remember your post about this garden earlier in the year. What a transformation to see it at this time of the year! The wild garden area is gorgeous. I would love to have my lavender looking like that, too. I don't think we cut it back enough and it's rather floppy. However, the bees don't mind! I hope you feel better very soon.

    1. I'd love to have lavender like that too - I'd love a house with a path to the front door with lavender either side of it. The transformation from that coldish April day to now is amazing:)

  5. All I can say is WOW!! I do hope you get to feel better soon. x

    1. Thanks, Suzy - I think I'm getting there:)

  6. I can almost smell the lavender. Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Thanks, Amanda - the bees loved the lavender it was full of them:)

  7. The flowers are beautiful and I would love a long, lavender path like that! I'm sorry to hear you're not well - hope you're better soon.

    1. One of my dreams is to have a long lavender path to the front door it wouldn't be here though it would have to be a country cottage:)

  8. Lovely inspiring photographs! I wish my garden looked like that! I am sorry that you have got the 'lurgy' Rosie and hope that you will soon be on the mend. Taking it easy sounds like a good plan. x

    1. Thanks, Simone am taking it easy and trying to zap with tablets. I wish my garden could look like a quarter of the walled garden - especially the wildflowers and the lavender:)

  9. Definitely a place I would love to visit. The photos are gorgeous!
    Have a great week, Tammy x

    1. Thanks, Tammy - it is a lovely place to visit:)

  10. Just catching up after my week 'off'.. so sorry to hear that you've been unwell, and hope you are feeling much better now.
    Sugnall looks truly gorgeous. A place sure to inspire!

    1. t is a lovely place, I just wish some of those plants would grow in our garden. Still feeling a bit 'out of it' I'm afraid just taking it easy and waiting for test results:)

  11. What a great place to visit - I love a walled garden, there is one we visit in Norfolk and every time we do I fall in love with it all over again. Get better soon my lovely.

    1. There is something very special about walled gardens! Thanks, I'll do my best:)

  12. I love walking amongst lavender. This looks an amazing place full of plants that I love along with walled gardens. I'm going to be a late joiner for the 52 weeks of happy this week. Trouble is I have much more than four! Love your blog and now following. Chel x

    1. Hello Chel and welcome as a follower, I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I've missed a couple of '52 weeks'. I must try to get back into it again:)
