
Monday, June 03, 2013

52 Weeks of Happy - Week Twenty Two

Week twenty two already and I'm a day late - I feel a bit like the white rabbit!  Anyway, better late than never here are four things that have made me happy and made me smile this week..........

1.  Old Photos - always make me smile, sometimes they make me wistful but that's good too .  The photos above are from my Mum's side.  In the middle photo seated is my lovely Mum whilst standing behind is her younger sister my Aunt Elsie. To the right is her older sister my Aunt Gladys.  On the left is my grandfather Alexander with Mum's brother William Edward who  was named after my great grandfather, Alexander's father,  who was killed at Shirebrook Colliery in March 1907 just a week after Aunt Gladys was born.  Unfortunately the younger William Edward died in 1910 from meningitis so there was only ever the three sisters. 

2.  Purple Shed - I love this shed which is in one of the small show gardens at Trentham Gardens.  I'd like this at the top of our garden.  I love the colour and they way it has two entrances.  It is usually full of old tools and chicken feeders and harks of a different era to the sleek, modern themed gardens nearby.
3.  Flowers - again, sorry! I seem to feature them on nearly all of my 'happy' posts but there are so many lovely ones around at the moment and they never fail to lift the spirits.  So after the lilac and wisteria in my last post here are - rhododendrons at Wightwick Manor, violas in a hanging basket outside our kitchen window.  Lesser Stitchwort and Pink Campion in the Hem Heath bluebell wood.

4.  Tranquillity - it was so calm on the lake, hardly a ripple in the water, the lighting was spectacular and the wildlife at ease.  Just such a beautiful moment.

Link to  Little Birdie  where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share. 


  1. you are invited to follow my blog

  2. Love the photos Rosie, especially the purple shed.
    Patricia x

    1. Thanks, Paricia. Isn't it a great shed?:)

  3. Love the photos and the one of your mum would not look out of place now, she has such a pretty face.

    1. She was lovely, Amanda all through her life - I wish I'd taken after her but I have all my father's features:)

  4. What lovely family memories those are. I love that shed too, it's my favourite thing in that part of the gardens. It's hard not to be happy with all the flowers appearing and I love the last one, tranquillity - a tranquil moment by a lake is very appealing to me at the moment.

    1. I always have to go and look at the shed and the chickens I think it reminds me of staying with my grandma and granddad (in photos) as they kept chickens in their back garden:)

  5. A very purple post with the shed and the flowers! How tragic reading about your Mum's brother William. He really did have an angelic look about him with his halo of blonde hair. Lovely shadows on the lake. x

    1. Yes, it was a bit 'purply' wasn't it? My mother never knew her brother as he died before she was born:)

  6. There's nothing wrong with showing flowers that make you happy, it's just something they do! Love the tranquillity shots. x

    1. Thanks, yes flowers seem to be one of the consistent happy themes so far they do make you smile don't they?:)

  7. I agree with you the paint colours on that shed are wonderful! We need to paint our shed and I may go with that colour!

    1. Good idea - I think it is a super colour scheme although our shed at home is dark green:)

  8. Looking at old photos makes you sad sometimes, I just wish I had some! There are few reminders of my family on either parents' side, none of my maternal grandmother or paternal grandfather, both of whom died before I came on the scene. In fact, I only had one grandparent, my Welsh Nanna, but last year, thanks to finding a long lost third or fourth cousin, I got a photo of my paternal great grandfather who came over from Norway... a real dapper gent, I could see immediately where my late father got his style!

    1. I guess I am lucky to have so many family photos but I only have them of my mother's side of the family - I wish I had some of my father's side too. How wonderful to find a distant relative and also finding the photograph of you great grandfather, I think photos can tell you so much:)

  9. These are some very lovely things to think about this week. I wish had some old photos of great grandparents and even older generations in my family. I only have the names and some information about their lives; how they looked is the missing piece. I wonder if future generations will look through so many old photos as everything now tends to be on computers (which will go out of date) and not in scrapbooks. Love the tranquility photos, too.

    1. I wonder that too as future ways of saving digital photos may not be compatible with the way we save them now so they could all be lost on CDs or memory sticks that can't be accessed. That would be such a shame:)

  10. I could spend hours sitting by the side of a lake, just watching the wildlife. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks, it was such a tranquil moment and the duck seemed as if he wanted to share the moment and not dash off when we approached:)

  11. What wonderful photographs of your family Rosie - utterly beautiful. That shed is pretty fantastic too. xxxx

    1. I thought you would appreciated the shed, Diane. I am very lucky to have those photos:)

  12. I love to look through the old family photos, so beautifully dressed and posed. Love the shed too!

    1. That shed does make you smile, there is just something about it. I'm always fascinated by the photo settings and the clothes:)

  13. What lovely old photos and lots of things to make you happy.

    1. Thanks, Amanda, I'm quite fond of the old photos:)
