
Sunday, May 26, 2013

52 Weeks of Happy - Week Twenty One

If it's Sunday it must be 52 Weeks of Happy time.  I've struggled a bit this week as so many negative things have happened including a quite unexpected tax bill from four years ago because they didn't use the right tax code (why on earth didn't they find this in the same financial year?  It would have saved us lots of distress this year) a broken camera lens worth £200ish which fell out of the back of the car on Wednesday evening, an expensive visit to the vets with one of our cats on Friday and a leaking washing machine yesterday! Anyway we've said goodbye to the holiday money we had put aside.  Oh, well!  At least the cat is getting better which is cause for happiness.

1.  A Well Cat - Chloe had to be taken to the vets on Friday morning, she had two injections, four extra syringes to administer orally at home and some capsules.  We dread capsules as she will not swallow them but we've been putting them in with her cat food and so far so good.  For the ripe old age of seventeen she is, according to the vet, in good condition and her kidneys, which are usually the first things to cause problems in a cat of her age, are healthy.

2.  A Day Out - On Wednesday we visited friends in Nottingham (see my last post) we had lunch at Relish in Beeston and then went to see a wonderful exhibition at the Djanogly Art Gallery on the campus at Nottingham University.  It was a fabulous exhibition called 'The First Cut' and was full of the most remarkable things all created from paper.  I was particularly taken with the enchanted forest by Manabu Hangai and the dresses and shoes made by Susan Cutts.  I also liked 'The Map of my Entire Life' by Rob Ryan who was the only one of the artists I knew of  as we'd seen one of his exhibitions at the Shire Hall Gallery in Stafford a couple of years ago.  The First Cut has already been seen at the Manchester Art Gallery and is apparently moving to Southampton later this year.  Apologies for the poor quality of the photo above but the sunlight was so bright outside and photography wasn't allowed inside.

3.  Aquilegias - opening up in the garden.  I always moan about them as they have spread so much over the last year or two and have completely taken over some of the flower beds, they pop up everywhere and are so hard to get out of our heavy clay soil which they seem to grow quite easily in.  When they are in flower though they are just so pretty.  I love the colour of the one above and we also have dark pink, pale pink and white ones.  I've no idea where they all came from because when we first came here 16 years ago there were just a few dark pink ones.

4. Heron and Geese -  I was rather pleased with the photos above and below which I took on the Lakeside Walk around Trentham.  We waited ages for the heron to take off so we could photograph it in flight but for some reason it was happy to linger - not something they normally do when humans are around! On the other hand the two greylag geese below were quite happy to pose for photos.


Link to  Little Birdie  where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share. 


  1. Glad to hear Chloe is in good health. And glad you were able to find some happy this week. Xxx

    1. Thanks, Lyn. Chloe is bounding around like a cat of half her age so she must feel much better:)

  2. Your happy moments are lovely and I'm pleased to hear that the cat is recovering - it's great that she is so healthy at her age!

    I'm sorry to hear about all the not so happy moments you've had though - that is one bad week with all those things happening at once. I hope next week is better.

    1. Thanks, Louise - I was hoping that next week might be better but now I've gone and hurt my leg so not much walking at the moment:)

  3. Isn't it always the way, expensive things happening together.
    So glad Chloe is on the mend, and those geese... beautiful!!

    1. I thought you would like the geese, Jessica. Everything does seem to happen at once - we had to replace the kettle too:)

  4. Lovely photos & I'm glad to see that Chloe is still going strong at 17.

    1. So am I, lyn as I can't imagine life without her although I expect that it will happen one day:)

  5. Sorry to hear that there have been some difficult moments, but glad Chloe is a lot better. Hope the good weather has cheered you up this weekend!

    1. It was a lovely weekend and after all that rain we have sun again today. Chloe is much better now:)

  6. I agree, it has been a stange week. After reading an astrological report last month I wrote 'expect the unexpected' for this week in my diary and the week has been full of 'unexpected' events. I do hope that Chloe will be ok. She has reached a fine age and she is beautiful! Your bird photos are stunning! I would be exceptionally pleased with them. x

    1. Thanks, Simone - we certainly did have some unexpected things happening last week:)

  7. Glad to read that your dear old cat is getting better. My cat gives me endless worries and unexpected bills too! Jx

    1. It is usually her brother who has problems and has to be taken to see the vet but they don't go that often to say they are that age:)

  8. Glad you kitty is better, ours had a vet visit too and my newish (less than a year old) washer has been making strange noises. So you have my sympathy, I won't even mention the taxes, that would just be bad luck.

    1. Thanks, Janet - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that therre will be no more surprise bills.

  9. I am glad Chloe is getting better.Both our previous cats lived to 17 plus.We now have an 18 month old and this time I have taken out pet insurance.Bills always seem to pile in at once.Hope you don't get any more.

    1. I think if we ever had a young cat again we'd take out insurance but I think after these two are gone we most probably wouldn't have any more:)

  10. Boo to the Tax bill - thats a pain! Hope that's the end of your run of bad luck Rosie. Love the photos - I love Rob Ryans work. xxx

    1. I hope so too though having said that I've now gone and hurt my leg so I'm not walking too much:)

  11. Oh dear Rosie, what an absolute pooh to the tax bill. I swear there are bad vibes around at the moment but I do hope that's the end of the bad luck for you. Kiss and stroke for Chloe x

    1. Thanks, Suzy - I'm hoping there will be no more big bills for a while:)

  12. Glad the cat is getting better and enjoyed your lovely photos! I love aquilegias and have planted them in the garden here - I hope I won't live to regret that! It's the cornflowers I have trouble with and they were here before we came - lovely as long as I keep them down - they grow in the corners of the steps and I rather like them there.

    1. The aqillegias do seem to have taken over but it has taken quite a few years for them to do it - we have huge clumps of perenial cornflowers too:)

  13. Sorry to hear of your woes but glad that the cat is better. We have a cat that won't take medication and detects it in his food which is a right pain. Like the heron and geese shots.

    1. Thanks, June. For some reason Chloe didn't detect the medication in her food so it must have had a reasonable flavour. I'm glad as I don't think we could have given her the capsules in any other way:)

  14. Poor you with all your bad news. That tax thing happened to me once - awful. Really glad your cat is fine - she's lovely. Great pics of the heron and geese.

    1. I could cope with the tax if they let you know in the same year so you could deal with it straight away but it comes as a blow four years later:)

  15. It's not always easy to find happy things, is it? Glad you found some and thank you for your kind words on my blog. x

    1. You are welcome Dawn, hope things are a little easier to bear now:)

  16. How typical that you have a run of expenses; life so often does that. Still, I'm pleased Chloe is better, now. The aquilegias are a lovely colour. And I love the heron and the geese. They must be very used to people.

    1. It always happens doesn't it? The heron was quite wary of us being not too far away but put up with us. The geese wander around amongst all the visitors so don't mind at all except when they have young with them:)

  17. What a terrible run of bad luck- good to hear that Chloe is better though- beautiful photos- the bird ones are great :)

    1. She's quite well again now and sitting on my lap as I write this:)

  18. Pleased to hear your cat is on the mend. You've taken a good photo of the geese.Mx

    1. She is completely well now! Geese are so photogenic aren't they?:)
