
Friday, April 05, 2013

This time last year and seeking colour

Now the snow has gone I've been looking around the garden to see which plants have and which plants haven't survived the long winter.  We've most certainly lost a hebe and a hydrangea but it was pleasing to see the first signs of the peony.   I took a photo of the little dark red shoots under the supporting frame left in place from last year.  I was looking back at the photos I'd taken this time last year and I spotted one of the peony taken on 5th April 2012.  Such a difference in growth from one year to the next. In the one taken last year it looks almost ready to flower.

There wasn't  much colour in our garden but at the local garden centre there was plenty to chose from

 A vast array of spring flowers

All in delightful colours

 In unusual, quirky containers

 They stayed at the garden centre though, as it is  too cold yet to plant anything in the garden or leave out in pots and I couldn't bear to lose any more plants.

But they were such a wonderful cheering sight!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.


  1. I love the before and after pictures of the peony - just goes to show how things have changed. I keep wandering out into the garden and searching for new things but it is so painfully slow - the blossom looks like it is desperate to come out but is hanging on for just a little hint of warmth. One day (sigh) ...Jane x

    1. We've managed to get out in the garden this afternoon and do some clearing up - there are signs of life in there - just:)

  2. The colorful flowers brighten my you say though a bit early here also. Can't wait to plant and put out my flowers and garden bits!

    1. They are cheerful aren't they? Still to early to plant anything out but we have managed some clearing up today:)

  3. I did the same as you today - checked the garden for survivors / losers! We've lost a couple of plants. Lovely colourful photos from the garden Centre - let's hope its not too long before our gardens look like that! Have a good weekend, Abby x

    1. I'd love to have that much colour in the garden! Hope you too have a good weekend:)

  4. I must get out to a garden centre and seek some colour! It is meant to warm up this weekend so fingers crossed we can get out in the garden! x

    1. It has warmed up, Simone - here anyway, hope it has with you too. We've got some work done in the garden this afternoon:)

  5. A lovely colourful post! It's funny, I wrote my latest post last night and scheduled it to post this afternoon and it's full of comparisons just like your first photo. I think we're all thinking "This time last year..." at the moment! I've compared photos taken this year and last on the same dates and the differences are huge!

    1. Great minds! We were having a discussion about when we went to Aston Marina last year and I said it was about this time so I looked back and found the photos which were taken on 5th April - I'd also taken some in the garden too which was when I found the photo of the peony and saw the difference to this year's photo:)

  6. My peonies are at the same stage as yours. The comparison with last year is quite amazing!

    1. Isn't it? I took other photos around the garden on the same day of flowers and buds and blossom on the plum tree - such a difference this year:)

  7. My peony is the same as yours - only just beginning to show some growth. Lots of Spring colour - we've had a glorious day today unlike yesterday whenwe had grey skies and even some light sprinkling of snow.

    1. We've had a lovely day today and managed some work in the garden - there is still snow on the front lawn where we piled it up on clearing the drive for the car - it's going to take ages to melt away:)

  8. I received a pink lily from my neighbor for my birthday and I planted it outside yesterday. Today it rained for me.

    1. Lovely! It is always good to get new plants watered in:)

  9. Our garden today is in dire need of a good tidy up. It's looking as if its past its sell by date! Like you I was at a garden centre this week and the colours were vibrant and oh so uplifting. Enjoy your weekend.
    Patricia x

    1. We managed some clearing today most of the garden is either green or brown still. I loved seeing all those spring flowers:)

  10. Gorgeous pictures of Spring colour! It's the beginning of autumn here & the clocks go back tonight so I'm looking forward to some cooler weather. It's unusually warm this weekend though with no rain in sight so I'll be out watering later. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanks lyn, you will be hoping for cooler auntumnal days now. Hope you have a lovely weekend:)

  11. Oh, what a wonderfully cheering sight ~ how I long for spring flowers! So far, we only have tiny shoots of the bulbs that I planted last autumn, peeking through the earth. It may be some weeks yet before I see much in the way of spring colour. As for the garden, there are still patches of snow and it is far too wet to venture out there to see what needs attention.

    Have a lovely weekend Rosie.

    Marie x

    1. Sounds like you have had a longer winter than usual just like us! We have lovely sun today and have managed a bit of garden clearing - we still have a bit of piled up snow on the front garden but nothing now on the back:)

  12. The displays in the garden centre are beautifully creative, but like you I've enjoyed and not bought plants that cannot be planted out at the moment. My husband has moved some of his precious tomato seedlings into the spare bedroom for now as he's run our of space in the rest of the house! Our peonies are just shooting through like yours and I'm still waiting for the daffodils to bloom - I thought it would happen yesterday, but not quite there yet! Hope you're having a good weekend!

    1. Good idea to put the tomato seedlings in the spare room to keep them warm for a bit longer. The daffodils are taking their time this year, I noticed a few minature ones had opened up whilst I was in the garden yesterday:)
