
Monday, April 01, 2013

52 Weeks of Happy - Week Thirteen

Here are just four of the things that have made me smile this week.......

1.  A new fairy at Trentham Gardens.  We spotted it when we had a walk there on Thursday it was hanging off the wires near the bridge from the main entrance. Apparently there is another new one on a bench somewhere along the lakeside walk.  Hopefully we'll find that one next time we visit as it was far too cold to walk around the lake on Thursday morning so we just pootled around the gardens and watched the geese and grebes on the lake.

2. Rhino Art - Blossom the rhino is visiting Trentham - I saw this rhino last September at the Dorothy Clive Gardens and included it in a post then, it was nice to see it again.  The art work is so bright and cheerful.

3. Spring Lambs - apart from daffodils nothing seems more spring like than lambs in the fields, what a cold introduction they have had to the world this year.  I love the expression of interest and alertness in the face of the one in my photograph.

4. Song Thrush - a little pile of empty and broken snail shells on the bricks close to the bird bath alerted us to the fact that the thrush was back.  Then a few days ago we saw it, in fact we think there are a pair as one seems slightly larger than the other - just need to see them together to be sure!

Link to  Little Birdie  where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share.


  1. I spotted a Thrush in my garden this week - Ive not noticed him before. I now have green grass in the garden too! xxxx

    1. Most of the snow has gone off the back garden and we can see green again but there is still a huge pile on the front where we cleared the drive to get the car out - it may disappear by the end of the month:)

  2. I like the way that the mother sheep is multi tasking - keeping an eye on her lamb while eating as much grass as she can! Jane x

    1. She is isn't she? Well spotted! I expect she was grateful to see the grass again after the snow has melted:)

  3. Four lovely happy things. It must be fun spotting new fairies! x

    1. As soon aas it is warmer we'll see if we can find the other new one:)

  4. Lovely photos Rosie and I love the lamb, how adorable. Hope you enjoyed your Easter.

    1. Thanks, Patricia - lambs have such sweet faces don't they?:)

  5. I love the song thrush; one of my favourite little birds. I hope there is a pair.

    1. So do I Wendy! Two or three years ago we had a nesting pair who produced one youngster on their second try - the first nest toppled out of the bush and the eggs broke - I wondered if a squirrel had disturbed it:)

  6. What a great rhino! I have just realised I am late with my happy post - must be the bank holidays.

    1. Apparently there were several of the rhinos a few years ago around Chester! This one has been travelling around various gardens ever since then:)

  7. Four great things. I had the pleasure today of spotting a robin who posed for photos and even sang us a song. I felt privileged.

    1. Isn't it lovely when they sing for you too? Both robins and thrush have wonderful song as do the blackbirds once they get started:)

  8. A song thrush is such a welcome sight. A reprieve for hostas and a wonderful song!

    1. Yes, I hope they stay around for the summer (if we get one) as there will be plenty of juicy snails for them then:)

  9. Great photos. Love the new fairy - and the rhino! Good pic of the song thrush.

    1. The photo of the thrush was taken through the window to the top of the garden so I was quite pleased with how it turned out:)

  10. Great photos, I've yet to see a new born lamb other than in pictures, I must start getting out more but things keep getting in the way! x

    1. Things do take over don't they? I saw some little brown and white lambs yesterday but we were passing by in the car and couldn't stop to take photos:)

  11. I wonder how people can be so cruel to eat such cute lambs :(
    Have a good week, hopefully a sunny and warm one (just read your next post)

    1. I know, I couldn't eat them even if I were a meat eater. Happy Easter week to you, Michela:)
