
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

52 Weeks of Happy - Week Eight

Strange little 'happy' things this week as I've spent most of it struggling to shake off a cough and cold which has made me feel quite low.  I don't think I went out of the house from Wednesday until Monday, so it was lovely to get out of the house today and walk around the lake at Trentham Gardens.  Later I ventured into the garden at home to do a little clearing up and to see what has been happening there over the last few weeks.  It was wonderful in the sunshine!

1.  In the gardens at Trentham the first signs of the swathes of daffodils that appear each year are visible in the sunlight under the trees.  It really did feel as if Spring was on the way.

2.  A little blue primula growing in our garden - such a vivid colour.

3.  Both cats out and enjoying themselves in the garden after a long winter of curling up as close as they could to the radiators or us.

4. The first shoots of rhubarb, it won't be long now until the first rhubarb crumble of the year.

Link to the blog where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share.


  1. Lovely, sunny pictures, Rosie. Hope you shake off the cold. We've had a horrid bug here - both on antibiotics! Getting better now. Abby x

  2. My rhubarb is still covered with snow since Christmas. I am so anxious for spring.

    1. That is a long time to be covered in snow, Ruth no wonder you long for spring:)

  3. Lovely to see the sunshine in your photos. It was sunny here today for about two hours but I fell asleep and missed it! I hope that you feel better soon Rosie. It is horrid being run down with a cold. How lovely to see the rhubarb shoots. I do like a rhubarb crumble! x

    1. It was good to see the sun, hope you are ok Simone - I love crumble with custard:)

  4. The rhubarb looks wonderfully vibrant - so good to have food growing in the garden after the winter.

    1. It is good to see it come back without fail every Spring:)

  5. I am late to loving Rhubarb, but I do now really love it. Its been too cold to even contemplate being outdoors - you did right to stay in! xxxxx

    1. Ah, I think it is a taste that appeals more as adults than aas children. Having said that as kids we used to sit on the back steps of the house with a stick of rhubarb and a cup of sugar to dab the fruit in and eat it:)

  6. Today was the perfect day to be feeling better and I'm glad you got to enjoy the sunshine. Hope you are fully recovered soon.

    1. Thanks, Louise, it was lovely to get out and walk in the sunshine:)

  7. Lovely photos. Glad you're feeling better & the cats have had a chance to stretch their legs.

    1. Thanks, Lyn - the cats did enjoy themselves and stayed out for ages:)

  8. Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Can't believe that we have already reached week 8 of the year! Jx

    1. It has gone quickly hasn't it? 1st March today!:)

  9. That primula is an incredible colour! Glad you're feeling better.

    1. Thanks, Jessica - the blue stood out amongst all the dead brown leaves and twigs left by the winter:)

  10. I know exactly how you are feeling as I'm currently trying to recover from a nasty dose of flu. It's been a long hard winter. Always good to focus on the happy things though.

    1. Thanks, Marianne and welcome. I hope you are feeling better soon:)

  11. Love the sun makes all the difference in the world doesn't it. I'm too suffering at the moment and will be glad to shake it off. Hope you'll feel better soon. Lovely photos.
    Patricia x

    1. Quite a few people seems to be struggling with coughs and colds, I know if I'm going to get anything it will be November or February. Hope you too feel better soon:)

  12. we may only have had two days of sunshine but wasn't it great?

    1. It certainly was, Valerie and much needed too:)

  13. Hope you're feeling a lot better now Rosie, just looking at the signs of Spring :)
