
Sunday, January 20, 2013

52 Weeks of Happy - Week three

Here are this week's four things that have made me happy or made me smile

Cheerful spring flowers inside - snow outside.

A rare visitor to the garden!  We have been putting out an extra tray full of seed, meal worms, suet pellets and breadcrumbs for the ground feeding birds which we placed  on the plastic table close to the hanging feeders.  We spotted this Reed Bunting on it.  He is well out of his normal territory and we didn't see him again so he was just passing by.  The photo is Paul's as he had the right lens on his camera at the time.  We could so easily have missed seeing it.

We took a long walk in the deep, soft  snow - you can see how deep it was from this photo, good job it was too cold to rest awhile.

A cheerful mug of hot chocolate on our return glowing from the exercise, wet wellies in the hallway, damp gloves and hats steaming on the radiators, perfect!

Link to the blog where  '52 weeks of Happy' started. Each week you find just four things that have made you happy to share.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Dawn. We had one each as a Christmas present - full of sachets of hot chocolate and marshmallows:)

  2. I think the idea of posting about the simple things that build a happy day is SO nice. I'm wondering if I can get myself organised to join in. Jx

    1. Do join in! You don't have to do it every time but it does make you look for nice things in a sometimes dull or mundane week:)

  3. I'm liking the look of that hot chocolate! x

    1. It was yummy after being out in the cold:)

  4. Four happy things! The little visitor must have been a lovely surprise. Spring flowers really do lift the spirits don't they? x

    1. I wonder where the little visitor moved on to?:)

  5. Replies
    1. So glad to have made you smile, Dutchess:)

  6. Love your colorful cup and how did you ever close enough to take a photo of a buried bench in snow?

    1. Took it from a distance and cropped it in - the snow was deep but it had drifted in the wind against the bench:)

  7. Do you know, I could indulge in a cup of that hot chocolate right now, except I haven't any in the house. It would certainly make me happy Rosie. Lovely photos.
    Patricia x

    1. We don't normally have hot chocolate in the house either but the sachets had come in the mugs as a present at Christmas:)

  8. Ah, yes! - Hot Cadbury's drinking chocolate and....

    Wellies in the corner
    And jackets on the pegs,
    A gorgeous smell of cooking,
    A basket, full of eggs.
    Cosy slippers close at hand
    All ready on the mat…..
    Don’t take that fireside chair please,
    It’s reserved for the cat!

    1. Bernard, that's lovely! The two cats in our house certainly always have the best and warmest seats in the house:)

  9. Great pic of the Reed bunting! Wow,you've had a lot of snow. The hot choc sounds a good idea! Enjoy your week.

    1. There was a lot of snow over the field and park - it covered our ankles as we walked but it had drifted quite a lot too:)

  10. What a wonderful visitor to have in the garden. I've never seen a real reed bunting before, though I have heard them, they just didn't appear!

    1. He was out of his 'comfort zone' wasn't he? Hope he was ok when he moved on:)

  11. You're making me wish we had snow! Maybe tomorrow according to the weather man. We'll see.

    1. I hope you get your wish, Jessica, just enough to make things look wintery but not enough to become a problem:)

  12. You were lucky to get a reed bunting in the garden! The daffodils are my favourite photo, that burst of bright yellow really lifts your spirits doesn't it?

    1. I keep wondering where he came from and of course where he moved on to. I love the daffodils too:)

  13. Lovely happies - and perfect weather for hot chocolate!

    1. Thanks, Jay - the hot chocolate was most welcome after our snowy walk:)

  14. I here its been chaos on the roads near you. The Hill is'nt the most easiest places to navigate in the snow. Lovely to see your happy photos.

    1. It has indeed! No bin collections, don't think there were buses for a while and the gritters came up here yesteday. My neighbour, who's lived here for over twenty years, can't think she's ever seen the gritters in all that time, so it must be bad!:)

  15. A great blog to find - just what I need at the moment - lots of positive thinking - thank you!
