
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

To Wentworth Woodhouse

On Sunday we travelled through Leek, Buxton and Glossop on our way to the outskirts of north Sheffield and over the M1 to the lovely village of Wentworth to meet up with the equally lovely Diane who was waiting for us in the car park at the garden centre which is in part of the Wentworth estate.

It must have been one of the hottest days of the year so far!  We had a picnic under the trees before we set out on our long walk around the estate and village.  We walked, we talked, we laughed and shared stories and memories and Diane, a super guide, told us all about the history of the 'big house' and the village.  She pointed out all the sights including some of the follies to be seen across the parkland.

Below are some images of the day

I loved the village

With its lovely little cottages and beautiful churches

This is the 'old' church, now redundant and cared for by the Church Conservation Trust  - it was so cool inside with the most beautiful windows.....

...... ancient tomb stones and memorials to members of the Wentworth/ Fitzwilliam families including a display  with many old photos of the large house, estate and the village.  The tombs of the family are inside and outside in the church yard are many grave stones dedicated to the estate workers.

We passed straight from one church yard to another to visit the 'new church' which again was so beautiful inside.

This is the Victorian gothic church whose spire you can see up on the hill as you approach the village

After tea and scones on the terrace at the garden centre's new cafe we wandered around the ornamental gardens. 

It was so pleasant and cool under the trees

What a wonderful place to have so close to your home, Diane.  Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to be our guide we had the most wonderful time!


  1. It does look like a lovely little village and how great to have Diane as your tour guide! x

  2. Thank you for sharing your tour - I loved it.

  3. I really enjoyed your walk Rosie, it looks like you and Diane had a lovely day together.

  4. I really enjoyed this too. Wentworth is somewhere I'd like to explore after seeing on Diane's blog! It was far too hot for being outside really but we can't waste the good weather when we get it!

  5. It looks beautiful, I feel cooler and more rested from just looking at your photos.

  6. I felt so awful as you looked totally done in and fried to a crisp once I'd frog marched you round the place!! The sit downs and tea were great though!!! At least it was better than rain!!! Thank you so much for the Hornsea - hubby rolled his eyes when he saw it ! Loving the mags too! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. Somewhere else I've never heard of - I live a very small life - looks lovely - glad you enjoyed your day.

  8. Thanks, Rosie (and Diane) for an excellent tour. Fine photos too.

  9. Diane, I'm fine don't worry. My right arm was a little sore but it is ok now (I saw later that the sun cream I'd used was two years out of date!!) - I must admit I was tired on Monday so we both had a very lazy day. Thank you once again for a super day and for the lavender things and mags!xxxxxxx

  10. Thanks everyone for your kind comments - glad you enjoyed the photos:)

  11. How lovely you've met up so many times!
    Glad you had a super day..but how come it's so hot overthere?! :P

  12. Another fantastic journey with You Rosie !
    Thank You!
    Hugs from here!

  13. What a lovely outing! The photos are so pretty - my favourite is the one of the trees - gorgeous. Becks xxx

  14. I know I'm very late leaving a comment on this one but ENVY! I've wanted to go there ever since reading Black Diamonds by Catherine Bailey. Wonderful book.

  15. Alex, thanks for popping by. I read that book a couple of years ago and loved it and also enjoyed the Dan Cruickshank programme on the hall itself on TV last year. Do visit if you get a chance - it's a wonderful place:)
