
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Here, There and Everywhere

No matter where you look at the moment, there they are

 Shimmering brightly in the sunshine, dancing in the breeze

You can find them on roadsides

In small gardens .....

and large ones, too!

Outside shops


on village greens

In churchyards far and wide

and in cheerful jugs and vases

around the house and home.

Hurrah for Daffodils!


  1. I love daffodils and it looks like you do too Rosie. I have one daffodil in my garden this year! I think I will have to dig up the bulbs and divide them! x

  2. Oh they're lovely aren't they. My favourites at this time of the year and your photos really do them justice. What a lovely idea.

  3. Yes, a BIG cheer for daffodils! Suzy x

  4. Daffodils are my favorite spring flower. I had two blissful weeks and now, they have all dried up and are gone. I wish I knew how to make them last longer but it was must be our desert climate that cuts their lives short.

  5. What a lovely post! I've been amazed by the length of the daffodil season this year. It has seemed like a real spring. Jx

  6. The daffodils have been glorious this year and they are still looking bright in my garden, Round the ring road, however, they are all dying down looking rather faded and forlorn.

  7. I'm really worried about the ones in my garden with the threat of SNOW!!! Youve now got me singing one of my favourite songs too -

  8. So many people grow their own daffs that it's a mystery to me who buys them from the shops. I love the flowers and I love your pictures of them.

  9. Absolutely lovely !!!
    Pictures are fantastic !
    Hugs Dear Rosie !

  10. And the only place we can find them is in the supermarket. But I buy three bunches at a time while the buds are still closed, then set them in a sunny spot on the patio. In a couple of days we have bright gorgeous daffodils.

  11. Such ceerful flowers, isn't it?!
    Wishing you and Paul a happy Easter!

  12. Oh yes, they are so bright and cheerful - what's not to love!


  13. They seem to be the one plant that everyone seems to love - the garden seems a sadder place when they have gone over.

  14. we agree, though the recent rain and hail has bashed them a bit (we are currently in Cornwall for easter). We love daffs.. such happy positive flowers! Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  15. Happy Easter to you too Rosie!

    Your churchyard photo would make the most perfect Easter card.

  16. Lovely narrative, and what a great idea to go daffodil spotting! Beautiful photos too! Happy Easter Rosie. x
