
Friday, April 27, 2012

Fields of Golden Yellow

Yesterday we drove over to the museum at RAF Cosford.  We usually visit once or twice a year and as the weather was so wet and knowing that most of it is undercover, therefore warm and dry, we decided to make our first visit of the year.  On our way we passed by some of the most amazing fields of vibrant yellow oilseed rape.

I know some people dislike the yellow fields and others, who have respiratory problems, really dread this time of year, but in this dull and gloomy weather the golden yellow of the crop is so cheering.

Under the dark, lowering skies it looked quite spectacular.  So vibrant, so alive!

Just as soon as we found somewhere safe enough to stop I jumped out of the car with my trusty camera and took some photos.  Luckily we were in between the rain storms.  Just looking at the photos makes me smile.  How do you feel about it?


  1. The fields of yellow are beautiful, but I'm one of those who has problems breathing around rape see, so I like the fields to be in the distance.

  2. I love to see the bright yellow fields of rape, but my favourite thing to see in Spring are swathes of cow parsley lining the grass veges in front of the hedgerows.

  3. I've never heard of oilseed rape before but I am not much of a gardener either. Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love it too Rosie and I am not affected by it in a negative way - only in a positive way - We call them sunshine fields! xxxx

  5. That was me above - I see my daughter has been on my laptop whilst I have been at work!!!!! xxxx

  6. A lovely burst of yellow to remind us that it is spring even though it doesn't feel like it at the moment!x

  7. Absolutely amazing !
    I love it ! Nature is so beautiful...
    Hugs from here Dear !

  8. They're beatiful photos Rosie. The contrast between the dark blue sky and the yellow is excellent. Patricia

  9. I love the acid yellow against a menacing dark sky or a bright blue sky ... some mightn't like it, it is rush a harsh colour in many ways, but it makes the whole landscape glow!
    What I also love are fields of flax which is a delightful pale, slightly fuzzy blue.
    Gorgeous photos!
    Margaret P

  10. Gorgeous photos hon! My young son had a peek at them and was delighted as yellow is his favourite colour (where we live on the planet we dont grow fields of rapeseed like this, waah!). Just gorgeous. Becks xxx

  11. I must admit that I love to see fields of rape too especially on a dull day when it gives a splash of bright colour. Even better are fields of flax though they are a much rarer sight round this area.

  12. Hi Rosie,
    We've got fields of rape here on the P.P. Any thing that gives us a splash of cheerfulness in these grim wet days of April is very welcome in my book!!!

  13. Although it looks pretty garish in bright sunlight your pictures make it look more dramatic - on dull days like this it does give you a bit of a lift.

  14. We have fields of rape and fields of flax often in close proximity - pale blue and vibrant acid yellow - how colourful our countryside often looks here in South Devon!
    Margaret P

  15. Thanks everyone for your kind comments! Rowan and Margaret - I think the blue flax fields are stunning as I love blue flowers my other favourites are white so I agree with Tracey about the road sides and cow parsley especially if they are accompanied by horse chestnuts in flower too:)

  16. Nature is offering such beautiful palettes at this timw of the year, isn't it?!
    I was just admiring wild Poppies today :)

  17. One of the lovliest sights in spring I have ever seen was near Appledore (in Kent, not the Devon Appledore), by the Royal Military Canal. It was spring, it was a wonderfully warm sunny spring day, a cloudless blue sky and the hawthorn blossom was in full array - it was like snow had suddenly happened in May! Sheep were sheltering under the low growing trees, the canal reflected the blue of the sky, frogs were croaking in a little stream close by, the grass was so cropped (by said sheep) it looked like someone had gone over it with a mower, indeed that we looked to be walking in someone's rather large garden. It was the most magical experience, one we've never been able to replicate so it is all the more precious for that wonderful memory or a really lovely day (topped off with delicious fish and chips in a nearby pub.)
    Margaret P

  18. I have no problems with the glorious pops of yellow, your photos sing.

  19. That yellow just glows, it's beautiful. We have fields down the road usually bursting with colour but due to the weather we have not got down there yet. I have a pic of hubbyman ploughing his way through some of this (legally of course) and he came out covered in yellow ;) I've found this post via blog hopping, didn't show up again.....grrrr! Suzy x

  20. Margaret - that really sounds like a wonderful, memorable experience and who can resist delicious fish and chips?

    Suzy - that happens to me with your posts too! Often I find I've missed one as it hasn't popped up in my box - I've taken to checking your blog every few days to see if you have posted:)

  21. It's beautiful! So alive and vibrant. I particularly like the last photo where the trees have a purple cast to them.... gorgeous!

    Was so glad to have you visit my blog recently... so nice to hear from you Rosie! Thank you :-)


  22. Lovely photos Rosie. I must admit that I don't like oilseed rape though, as I'm allergic to it!

    Warmest congratulations on your Sunshine award ~ richly deserved.

    Marie x
